Ok, I've been waiting to use that title and this weekend my ship came in! {intended incongruence}

I was dressed in a mid-thigh skirt and new shoes [and other things to appease common decency] and was walking down the shopping street when lo and behold, I spot a CD coming the other way. This particular girl was walking with, I assumed due to close contact, her gf/wife and was wearing the blending special - jeans. Anyway, I saw her well before she saw me [take that, blenders! ] but when they both finally noticed me they both looked quite stunned, the gf grabbing the CDs arm and pulling up short. Now, if it had been just the "sister" I would have said hello but seeing as it was a couple I just flashed a smile and kept going.

This was the first CD I've seen in the wild and was quite thrilled as it sometimes seem I live in a bit of a backwater when it comes to this sort of thing (Vancouver girls are frustratingly wishy washy). Have you seen other girls out and about? Would you have said something?