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Thread: I have a New Nephew!

  1. #1
    Member kelliboots's Avatar
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    I have a New Nephew!

    HI all,
    Recently my sister called me kind of out of the blue. Usually she is relatively quit but toady she thought she was dropping a bomb on me. As the oldest brother I assume she thought it would be rough for me to learn my lovely niece had decided to come out as a Boy. I am actually a MTF transgender myself and I was totally supportive..I think my sister cried a little... We just want my Nephew to feel safe and loved. As a teen he will see an endocrinologist and such but I was very glad she let me know. I was wondering from the group if you all could recommend other ideas, books, etc... that I might be able to communicate to my nephew. I am very proud of his decision as I know I fight daily with outing myself... Thank you all.

  2. #2
    New Member beth_myer's Avatar
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    Have you read any Riki Anne Wilchins? I know Riki's book 'Read My Lips' has been used as a textbook in LGBTQ studies.

  3. #3
    New Member
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    Feb 2016
    I am not much help, but I want to say that its really great that you are able to support her change from niece to nephew. As for myself I felt so lonely all my life not being able to connect with others like myself. Its really great that the internet is able to bring us all here together and share information, share the good and the bad, and try to all help each other as a love for our kind. That being said, I would suggest that you suggest to your new nephew to join up with a website like this one where 'he' will receive the support he needs. As well as I am not sure of how frequently you ever visit, but if your able to, try to take him under your wing as for you already have from posting here that your in search for helpful information and ideas to support him.

    Additionally, I am not sure what the statistics are for suicide and transgender individuals like ourselves, but when i was 18 I almost killed myself. It was a combination of things that lead to me almost ending my life, but a good portion of it was because I was forced away from being gay by my own parents. I was forced to pretend that I was completely hetero and lie to someone straight out that I was straight. When I was 9 I was caught naked with another boy my age that we both loved each other and we got caught. I got the belt so bad from my father and my parents told me that they were going to get rid of me and I should never have been born and all that. This was followed by them telling me its wrong and I will not be gay or else, so I was forced into the closet when I wanted to be open from the get go. Now 22 years later I finally came out to some people in my life that are the most trusted and understanding.

    Its really awesome that the mother, your sister, is supportive of this. I wish for your nephew the best, but its a very cruel world out there for our kind. However I feel that females who switch to males are more accepted in public and by others than males who turn permanently to or temporarily as we want to to females as a daily choice. I fall into the choice category where one day i am male with my male name and other days I so want to be and dress and live as Melissa a name i picked for myself a long time ago. Wishing only the best for him, but he will need support and its so great he has your sister and yourself to support his choice to be who he wants to be as a male as for with no one to turn to for help and support it can lead to suicide as it did with myself

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