For those of you who know me, I went silent a few months ago. I felt the need to put Jordan away and focus all of my energy on the woman I love. This is a sweet girl that I met just shy of 3 years ago. That girl had a smile and an energy that pulled at my heart. She was the first person that I had ever met that I just felt comfortable with. I opened up to her immediately about dressing and so many things. She accepted me and I accepted her. In these three years she gave me strength and confidence I never knew I had. She helped me learn better style, better posture and the greatest gift the ability to go out in public and be myself. Even outside of dressing she provided unconditional love and support that I never expected to find in my life. She has made me a significantly better person.

Last week, at the age of 34, I lost my love to her 6 year battle with cancer. I have a hole in my heart that I doubt will ever heal fully. But thanks to her love, I am a stronger person that will continue to press on and improve myself and do my best to give others the help they need to improve themselves. I knew how lucky I was, I was one of the few that had a truly supportive mate. My message to those of you who are as lucky as I was, cherish what you have and let them know just how grateful you are. Only now do I realize that I wasn't vocal enough for my gratitude for such a true love. Go and hug your loved ones and appreciate them while you can.
