These terms and definitions have been agreed as a basis for posts/threads in this particular forum.
They are not intended to deny any member their own place on the forum, but as a basis when a thread requires responses from specific groups.
If you respond to a thread that has asked for a specific group to post and you do not fit that group, as defined below, your post will be deleted.
Gender - A binary definition either Male or Female, usually assigned at birth by the medical team based upon the genitalia.
Gender Dysphoria - persistent and pervasive distress caused by the mismatch between a person's Gender Identity and their Gender Assigned At Birth.
Cissexual - A person whose Gender Identity is the same as their Gender assigned at birth
Transgender - An umbrella term used to describe individuals who do not conform to societies constructs based upon their assigned gender from birth. Individuals can self identify as Transvestite (or Crossdresser), Gender Queer, Gender Non Conforming, Transsexual amongst other descriptions.
Transsexual (TS) - An individual who is changing their assigned birth gender permanently to that of the opposite.
Transitioning - The process an individual takes to change their assigned birth gender to that of the opposite. This process may include, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), Sexual Reassignment Surgery (SRS), Gender Confirmation Surgery (GCS), Name Change, Breast Augmentation (BA) and Living full time in the preferred gender in all environments.
Transitioner - A person in the process of transitioning as defined above
RLE - Real Life Experience, part of the process of transitioning the binary gender from Male to Female or from Female to Male during which the transitioner lives Full Time as their new gender
Full Time - Living 100% of the time in the new gender role without exceptions
Part Time - Living in the new gender role except for a specific set of circumstances such as having to work as the birth gender
MtF - Used together with TS or with Transitioner to designate someone who is transitioning or has transitioned their binary gender from Male to Female
FtM - Used together with TS or with Transitioner to designate someone who is transitioning or has transitioned their binary gender from Female to Male
GG - A cissexual person whose gender was assigned as Female at birth
GM - A cissexual person whose gender was assigned as Male at birth