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Thread: Halloween

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    For those of you who see Halloween as an opportunity to go out dressed, to you I address this.

    Do it. Do it now. You'll regret it later in life if you don't. And if you DO, you'll have a wonderful feeling and great memories and SATISFACTION that you DID it.

    Believe me, I am old, and I know.

    If being outted or seen by friends or acquaintances makes it not doable anywhere near home, or at friends' parties, etc., then plan to go out of town, to another city, to do it. This situation is UNDERSTANDABLE. I regret those I know whom I shared it with. For many, it can be a stigma for life whether we want to admit that or not. Whether it's fair or not, it's real.

    A city known for partying, Halloween, or wildness on party holidays anyway---that's a great way to go. That probably applies to any large US city (sorry I don't know about EU or Asia, etc.) But I know New Orleans French Quarter is a fabulous place for Halloween. Get a room or bed and breakfast and walk everywhere the entire Halloween weekend, because people will be partying before, after and on Halloween. I am sure there are places that would be like this in San Fran, LA, NYC and tons of even smaller cities. Probably would have to research to find the right party "districts". And here it is Halloween Eve so if you haven't planned for this....

    Go to another part of YOUR city. Or to a nearby, neighboring city where you'd feel no one would know you.

    AND, right now, or on Nov 1, start planning for Halloween 2016. that's what I did. For a few years, in middle age---and I deeply regret I did not do it when younger (circumstances prohibited.)

    There's nothing like being out. Halloween has a special appeal to some of us (a small % I'd say, based on checking here around Halloween the last few years.) But for some of us, Halloween (or costume parties and such) can be absolutely titilating.

    Take my advice. It's better to do something and regret it than to NOT do something and regret NOT doing it. In my plans the regrets might be that it wasn't as much fun as you'd hoped it would be, perhaps. But for me it NEVER was. Large parties in cities benefitting AIDS or other charities might draw a lot of gay people, and though I'm not gay, I've been to parties like that, attended by thousands, including tons of straight people, and it's like a free pass for dressing up and going out! A big party can be like an entire party "district" with lots of people and lots to offer (various libations, various music, different places to stand, sit, be a wallflower, or dance with people all around you)

    Thank you and best regards.

  2. #2
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    What a wonderful post with GREAT advice, Gigi! I discovered the magic of Halloween years ago. I could go out and PASS! Not just among T's, dressers, or gays. But, also with vanillas!

    Last year I visited 6 costume venues. (In 6 different costumes.) 2 completely vanilla ones. Got hit on there!

    Only 5 events this year. Even then, I'm stressed trying come up with new, novel, sexy, fem costumes!
    Haven't finalized my costume for tonite, yet.

    Do NOT go out at Halloween dressed as a woman. Go out dressed as a female in costume! And, if u go out expecting to have fun? You'll have some amazing experiences you'll remember 'til u die!

    I've already had some this Halloween. But, with 2 more events ahead? It's ALL gravy from here on out!

    Get out there tomorrow girls!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  3. #3
    Member Closeted Kat's Avatar
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    I randomly had the courage tonight to do just what you said and just do it. normally it would scare the bajeezus out of me but something said do it! my one friend who i know also said go for it when we were going to dinner with our other friend who didn't know. after he got a look at me and made some comments about how long was i planning this and slowly leading the horse to water I let him know about this being not just a halloween thing and he took it well. looking back i felt a little foolish, but now i feel good knowing my friends are there for me, and if i wanted to they would let me go out dressed up and be ok with it. later night while we were all hanging out at my house (i changed clothes just cause i felt it might be more comfortable for the guy who just found out, and i'm not big on wearing makeup or wigs for long) my friend who knew already told me that no matter what i felt i was really brave for going out there and being myself, that really meant alot to me. So I just want to say i agree with your advice and those of others on here, its definitely very freeing.
    "There's a she wolf in the closet, open up and set her free" - shakira

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    I never felt more alive.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Ally 2112's Avatar
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    I have went out twice many years apart and had a great time .Although i may never do it again I don't regret it
    I have a hubcap diamond star halo

  6. #6
    Junior Member taylormercedes's Avatar
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    Went out in the French quarter last night and it was a blast! Definitely anything goes down in New Orleans!

  7. #7
    member stacycoral's Avatar
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    Great advice, i been out a few times on halloween, but not last night due i was not feeling good, we did have plans on going out i was going to be Miss Kato, and my SO was going to be the Green Hornet, but sometimes things just don't work out. I would say anyone that has not tried it follow this lady advice she says it like it is. thanks for the great tread, hugs girl
    [SIZE="3"][/SIZE][SIZE="3"]Stacy Lynn Coral[/SIZE]

  8. #8
    Member carrie001's Avatar
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    Great advice! I'm only out to my wife and one other friend, but hopefully as my wife becomes more comfortable with me that will change. I'm planning on next year being awesome!

  9. #9
    VSJ Victoria StJohn's Avatar
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    Gigi, love your comments, great advice.

  10. #10
    Banned Read only
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigicd View Post
    For those of you who see Halloween as an opportunity to go out dressed, to you I address this....

    Folks, you don't need an excuse to go out! Halloween is just another day, unless you want to wear a crazy costume. If you want to go out dressed as a woman, a regular, normal woman, just go. There is nothing like being out. THAT should be your take away.

  11. #11
    Junior Member
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    That's why I began with, "For those of you who see Halloween as an opportunity to go out dressed, to you I address this." I am aware of many (most---far more than Halloween fanatic cders) with your opinion, but didn't want to spend a lot of words outlining that. For a variety of reasons, Halloween is perfect---it may be a childhood thing, it may be less than 100% passability. Lack of wardrobe. Family. Work commitments.

    Halloweeners generally don't need an excuse to go out---they just find Halloween especially, well, special. For full-timers, TS's, TG's, etc., I am sure Halloween is "amatuer night." That's why i tired to, in as few words as possible, make sure that I made it clear to whom my post was directed.

    Halloween crossdressers are in a tiny minority on this forum and I'd say in general among crossdressers. I don't think that makes them any "less" than those who go out every day or any day. I did that, too. Yes it's exciting. I liked Halloween best being the only CDer in the room LOL! That's just me. That is also an appeal that's good for going out any "normal" day. And though Halloween CD-ing gets very very few comments or discussions here on this forum and others, that doesn't make these people any "less." Perhaps as the piece "The Myth of Heterosexual Crossdressers," I should propose someone write a "The Myth of Halloween (and Costume party) Crossdressers." (I might also add "Womanless" events---Womanless Weddings, Contests, etc.---a fave of mine, a turn off to others. Whatever blows your skirt up. And I'm sure TS-ers would say you don't need an excuse if you're FULL TIME or have had SRS. I don't think anyone should be CD-SHAMED if they are not on the same level, or have the same "turn-ons" as others.

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    Victoria, Carrie, Stacy and others. Thanks for the kind comments; you understood my intentions, just suggestions that may appeal to some, and hopefully giving some encouragement too.

    DON'T LET YOURSELF BE SHAMED, CD-SHAMED, because others think they're better than you at crossdressing or somehow superior if they are more passable or whatever. I'll bet that I and many others were as passible on Halloween as many of those "folks" were.

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    OMG Taylor I did it several times there. Isn't it the best! And I left out mentioning transportation around the Quarter by taxicab. Yes by foot you could walk a lot. By Taxi you could save your feet (already tired perhaps from walking in high heels, hitting all the clubs.) Once while in the quarter, just chatting with people I got invited to Anne Rice's big Halloween party! Other times to big parties in the Warehouse District, and elsewhere. Cabs provided great transportation (perhaps Uber does now, I don't know.) I stayed for days each time, went out every day and night. The neighborhood bars in the Marigny, etc. Strolling into bars in the mornings as they hose the vomit from the sidewalks, and I'm asking for coffee LOL. And the gay clubs, you can't beat the dance music. There's a whole feel to each area, up by Canal on Bourbon is one thing, down Bourbon towards Jackson Square and on toward the Marigny (where I usually got a B and B) was a whole other feel. Neighborhood bars in the Marigny, greeted you without batting an eye in drag at night, and they may have seen you that morning in drab for coffee. Love New Orleans. Thanks for the positive comment to my thread.

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