So some of you may have seen comments I’ve made on threads stating that my wife doesn't know about my dressing at all. And you’ve probably seen that I qualify that by stating that's not entirely true because she does know about the boy-shorts panties and the girls' cut jeans I wear. But those were her ideas, born out of function so it’s kinda not really crossdressing right.

See about a year or so ago she bought some compression-type, spandexy boxer briefs for me because she HATES the cotton boxer briefs I used to wear saying they get stretched and baggy and end up looking like I’m wearing a diaper. But I didn’t like how high the waist band was on the compression shorts so I bought some plain colored boy-short panties (which are low-rise), told her why and showed her what they looked like on. She LOVED how they looked on me. I mean she REALLY loved how they looked on me, if you know what I mean. This was way before any thoughts of crossdressing came into my head but… yay me!

So about the girl jeans… after years of complaints about my jeans being baggy and yucky as well one day she insisted we buy some that actually fit. We found some guy’s jeans that were slimmer but again… the waist band was kind of high plus I didn't really like the color of the denim or the style much.

So while at WalMart one evening picking something up for the wife after work, I got the idea to look at the girl’s cut jeans to see what they were like. I took a pair home that I liked, wore them for her and the same result as the panties. She LOVED them. Soooo… that’s how wearing girl jeans happened. Again, this was before any thoughts of crossdressing entered my head but I do remember having some concern (yes, concern which really means kinda freaking out) about how I was now wearing panties and girl jeans and am I technically a crossdresser now. Yet conversely I thought “wow… these girl clothes do make my butt look pretty good.” Meh. I'm not. I'm wearing this stuff for a valid reason.

Then there’s my painted toenails. I think I’ve had those for a month. I did them after painting her nails and when I showed her mine she laughed, asked why I painted them and I said I thought it would be funny and it would give her a laugh.

The next morning after she came back from dropping the kid off at school this exchange happened.
Me: Well, the happy toes were fun but I took it all off this morning.
wife: What??? Why? (makes a pouty, sad face)
Me: Well... because, I mean I couldn't keep them painted.
wife: But, but, but...
Me: What are you talkin' about? You wanted me to keep them? Why?
wife: Well... um, I don't kno... I gues... (getting frustrated and stomps her foot) cuz they were pretty!!!

Me: Hm.
wife: (pouty face.)
Me: (rips off socks) I still have the happy toes!
wife: squeeeee! We still have happy toes together!

So you see, I’m not really a crossdresser. I mean, you know, wearing boy shorts panties… her idea and out of function. Wearing girl cut jeans… kind of her idea, not really but still out of function. Painted toe nails… well, my idea but functioned to make my wife laugh and she wanted me to keep them.

So all I have to do now is figure out how to make her think wearing a bra and breast forms, hip pads, putting on makeup, wearing heels, a waist cincher, femme jewelry, a wig and perfume is all HER idea and a necessary function!

Any suggestions?