OK, I rarely post a stream of consciousness anything, but bear with me on this thread.

I have been resisting the desire to CD lately. Frankly, I'm afraid my desire to CD would take over my Life and mess up that Life. I think it revolves about fear of messing up an excellent relationship. While my SO has been totally supportive (even encouraging), this nagging voice in my head tells me to take it easy. So, I have been downplaying the subject lately. Suppose this is something for a therapist? Ugh!

Today, I spent the day doing chores. About 2:00, I finished and decided to go to the pool. I spent an hour enjoying the Florida November sun, then it happened....... The Pink Fog descended. I left the pool, took a shower and picked out an outfit. I decide to just "go Florida" with a short linen skirt, scoop neck sleeveless Tee shirt, makeup, wig,etc. What a mental transformation! After a few minutes of peaceful contentment, I had a cocktail and made dinner. Am having a lovely evening.

Did I mention that my SO wasn't home? I wonder if that was why I let the Pink Fog descend? Not sure on that. Just feeling good and thought some of the members would understand.