I had shame from dressing until I accepted it as being who i am. I used to dress and naturally I got aroused, afterwards I felt guilty and took everything off straight away. I remember when i was a child my parents used to teas around Christmas time that i I wasn't good I would get a barbie doll it used to annoy me so much but secretly I really wanted one. Then when i was 7 I tried on an old bra that was left in an old wash basket and forgotten about, my dad caught me one day and said it was wrong. I never tried anything on until i was 13 and thats when it turned into a sexual thing and the guilt and shame started. Now at 19 I have realised that its who i am and I have accepted that I like to dress like a woman and I have no shame what so ever. I feel so much better in my own skin. I can wear woman's clothes all day and it's completely normal, the only negative thing is being caught by my parents and if they don't accept me.