Well, for me it would be strictly the attractive woman that I see I would like to be. When I see anyone totally disheveled, in those baggy sweats and looking like they could care less I always think "why don't you have any self-pride"??
It's not that I would have a problem with being overweight (I'm plus sized as it is), but not being presentable is another thing. I'm not saying you have to be in runway makeup and dressed to the nines, but at least show that you care about how you look. Brush your hair, save the sweats for your backyard, not the mall and this goes for guys as well as girls. The males with their pants below their crack ... c'mon, no one wants to see your underwear.

So yes, I think of looking like someone that is attractive, but even if I was female and not Heidi Klum I'd still want to be proud of how I look.