If one has disclosed their cross dressing to their spouse... and that spouse has stated they don't want to know about it or talk about it (E.g. a DADT situation), how does one handle social media and accounts for your other "self"?

In essence, a SO has said I don't want to hear about or participate in (large or small part) this side of you.

Would you consider it wrong to not disclose these profiles to your SO, who is not "on board" so to speak and wants nothing to do with your cross dressing? This isn't a call to justify what I think, I already know how I feel and my opinion. I'm curious on how others think in this situation. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer, but do you feel that a situation like that is a furthering of lies by omission, or is it different, since the privacy of the cross dresser can maintained (failing hacking and what not) and the "boundaries" set forth by the SO have been maintained?

Danielle Lee