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Thread: Trans People! I need your thoughts!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Everyone! I need your thoughts!

    It seems that this "bathroom incident" has done nothing but arise a lot of hatred and fear for all the wrong reasons. I've gone as far as ranting to simple-minded people that we literally are just trying to go to the bathroom and we could care less about anyone else. I usually use the unisex/family restroom because i have anxiety using the bathroom regardless.. I've noticed people fear for their daughters, yet when I am a ftm they don't seem to realize men are already forced to use the wrong bathroom because society labels us by how we are born, so in all technicality men are already using the women's restroom. Not by choice, but are being forced to. Has this affected anyone? This bothers me so much because of all the hatred when we don't choose to be this way... If we were born "normal" like everyone else, then this wouldn't even be an issue, but people don't realize that. :/
    Last edited by ShadowWarryor; 05-18-2016 at 07:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Gold Member Dana44's Avatar
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    I have to agree. We can't go to a men's bathroom in heels, a dress and makeup on with long hair. I have always gone into the women's bathroom and there were no problems. I live in a state where it is high on the priorities right now and that seems incredulous as there is far more problems to solve. I sure hope that it gets back to normal soon.
    Part Time Girl

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Precisely, I do not understand as to why out of all the years everyone decides to make a huge deal out of it now? It seems that we are being forced to progress backward rather than forward. I understand how people may "worry" about their daughters, but at the same time I am a guy using the women's restroom and it always feels wrong. Hence why I use the unisex. They seem to act as if we [I]choose[I] to be this way, yet it couldn't be farther from the truth. It's like the people who blame people for having different colored skin. It's getting ridiculous... I have never seen so much hatred and fear, and it has made me crawl back in the closet to not draw any unwanted attention.

  4. #4
    Gold Member Dana44's Avatar
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    That is true. It seems for the year 2016 that there would be far more understanding, but I guess christian folks are trying to push us back to the 1100's like the other religious societies do. It is bigotry and that is wrong. But like you said most of them are simple minded people that follows the herd.
    Part Time Girl

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    It's really sad how ignorant a lot of those people are. I also did stumble upon this, and i think this would be best for everyone.

  6. #6
    Silver Member
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    The underlying argument is that you are not really a man and I am not really a woman.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Looks seem to be everything unfortunately.. Would be hell of a lot easier if we were born as who we are, otherwise this wouldn't even be a problem. I've gone back in the closet because of the backlash I've received from "friends" and even family... My anxiety is at an all time high and my depression has done nothing but steadily increase. I have sought help through a therapist though, which has helped a lot. But i am afraid to tell my therapist that I am a trans-gender male...

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Raychel's Avatar
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    This whole story saddens me so much. People need to go to the bathroom, and need to feel safe.
    the whole unsafe feeling is being made up by the media in my mind, Trans people are not going into
    bathrooms to cause problems. And the people that are going to cause problems, a simple law is not going to stop them.

    I am sorry to hear that you have gone back in the closest Shadow. True friends should not give you backlash. they should
    be standing behind you and supporting you. I have no doubt that is what causing your anxiety and depression to rise.

    And your therapist should be the first to understand and help you thru this. If you cant talk to your therapist about your feelings
    and problems, then it is time for a different therapist.
    my sister's reply when I told her how I prefer to dress

    "Everyone has there thing, all that matters is that you are happy, love what you do and who you do it with"

  9. #9
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    This not reall y about restrooms anymore than the Southern segragation ordinances of the 50's were about buses or water fountains.

    It's really about hate, fear, ignorance, and bigotry! Many people simplistically think these anti trans laws will just make us go back to dressing like men again. Forgive them. Because most have no clue what being trans is all about.

    Altho some us have no interest in being trail blazers for the trans community, going back in your closets may not be the answer for u or the community.

    If looked at in a positive light, this notariety will advance trans causes in the long run. Even if these ignoramuses pass laws against us. Over time it will be obvious these laws r doing nothing but harm to everyone. They will all eventually be voided. By that time, so many folks that would have never even thot about a trans will have learned the sad truth that we r not a threat to anyone but ourselves!

    I believe looking back at these times in 10+ years for trans, will be like what looking back at the 50's is for blacks!
    Last edited by docrobbysherry; 05-21-2016 at 05:59 PM.
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  10. #10
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    As usual the Media and society in general (being led by the Media) take something innocuous and blow it way out of proportion. I've always used the rest room according to my presentation and will continue to do so. I've never had any issues personally. For now I guess we'll have to weather it the best we can my friend.
    Second star to the right and straight on till morning

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