It seems that this "bathroom incident" has done nothing but arise a lot of hatred and fear for all the wrong reasons. I've gone as far as ranting to simple-minded people that we literally are just trying to go to the bathroom and we could care less about anyone else. I usually use the unisex/family restroom because i have anxiety using the bathroom regardless.. I've noticed people fear for their daughters, yet when I am a ftm they don't seem to realize men are already forced to use the wrong bathroom because society labels us by how we are born, so in all technicality men are already using the women's restroom. Not by choice, but are being forced to. Has this affected anyone? This bothers me so much because of all the hatred when we don't choose to be this way... If we were born "normal" like everyone else, then this wouldn't even be an issue, but people don't realize that. :/