Hi Sarah,
Welcome to the forum. This is a great place to share, learn, get advice, and just unload the weight you may feel is on your shoulders.
You have come to the right place and will be in good company. Good luck to you!
Hi Sarah,
Welcome to the forum. This is a great place to share, learn, get advice, and just unload the weight you may feel is on your shoulders.
You have come to the right place and will be in good company. Good luck to you!
"I hope I am not the only one who thinks about things like this!"
You are definitely not alone. You have shared a lot all at once, but I think all of us have been through some part of what you have, so you are among friends here.
As for relationships, it appears to be rare, but not impossible, that you will find a SO who will accept you as you are. But the most important part is for you to accept and love yourself as you are. In that, you will find the confidence and self assurance that everyone finds attractive. And with that boost to your self esteem, you will feel justified in rejecting a relationship situation that doesn't accept ALL of you. That might be a long process, but well worth it. It's better to be happy, healthy and alone than in a relationship with a partner who refuses to accept your femininity.