Was visiting with a GG in our town. She was telling me that she had just gotten back from three days in Vegas. She said it was great till her and a couple of friends were walking down the strip and she saw a guy wearing a dress. She said that didn't bother her as bad as she thought it would, but she was set a back when this guys dress which was very short in the first place either blew up or slipped up high enough for his private male parts to hang out and he just got a kick out of the GGs staring at him and his parts. This lady was telling me they finally regained their composure and walked on by to a show. After the show the same guy she said was outside on the street wearing an even shorter skirt and he left nothing for the imagination. She continued telling me that her and the women she was with just couldn't believe what he was doing. She then said these men that want to be a woman need to be arrested and thrown in jail. I kept my mouth shut as I had no comeback for this type of behavior that she and her friends witnessed.
I am telling every one this as I am wondering how you feel about our presentation? CD's are trying to be accepted as good folks that are reaching out to their other gender side and men like this are hurting our cause. If your out on a side walk for goodness sakes leave our fantasy attire in the bedroom and try to be dressed presentable. I know that in Texas if a guy shows his private parts on a sidewalk he would be arrested and thrown in jail. Anyone feel differently?