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Thread: Just how and why is this TG thing having such an impact?

  1. #1
    Gold Member
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    Just how and why is this TG thing having such an impact?

    Ok, if we include all the "out" CD and TS including all who pass or don't pass, there just is not that big a percentage of us.
    I am not talking about the ones who never leave the house "en femme" or the strictly fetish dressers.

    Let's say maybe 1% of the population is some sort out TG who is "out and about".

    Why then, are there all these things like Caitlyn Jenner TV show, Jazz Jennings, restroom laws, Tg rights etc. making such a big wave in the media?
    I am not against any of this but it does get old hearing about it. It is starting to get asinine with these restroom laws. Are there REALLY that many TG out there who have problems with restrooms that special laws need to be in effect? Just how often has a TG been fined or arrested over this? Were they somehow making a scene? Who the heck pays attention to anyone else in the restroom anyways?

    Are there REALLY that many TG who want all this special attention? I live this full time (even at work) and I never feel the need to make a big deal of it. I might have one conversation every couple months where the TG subject is brought up very briefly. Like last night when my son and I were joking about it (in a good way).

    It just seems really goofy that even one person would sit around worrying about who pees where, let alone becoming a national debate.
    It takes a true Erin to be a pain in the assatar.

  2. #2
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    The powers that be are always looking to find some group or another, and use them by either vilifying them or turning them into dependent victims. There will be another group of people in the future that will get the same treatment, it is just the trans' time right now. In the case of the media, trans people get good ratings. Either way, it pays, which is why they are doing it.

  3. #3
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    Beats the P out of me Hon. Urine there to go, not to show the way I see it.
    Second star to the right and straight on till morning

  4. #4
    Member marlacd's Avatar
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    I call it a smokescreen. Why, all of a sudden do we have to pay attention to the TG's plight?

    Just for a minute, compare them to veterans. Oh sure, that's silly, there are many more veterans than TG's. They have the government to assist them, or they're supposed to. It's no secret that they're doing a miserable job of it. I personally know several that are caught up in their system. They have to put up with canceled appointments, bad medical treatment, traveling long distances to get it, and waiting forever once they do get there. They're being treated like dogs. And the government isn't fixing the system. It makes them look bad. Rather than fix it-


    A big plus is the Caitlyn Jenner business. She has the spotlight on her, why not draw attention away from what is really going wrong. It's a magician's trick, draw attention away from the hand that's doing the switch. I don't want to draw attention away from the TG issues, but they're being used as a pawn. A slight of hand to hide other issues. And the public is taking it, hook, line, and sinker.

    Have you honestly listened to Donald Trump? I have. He is more focused on important issues. He has said in passing that he has no problems with TG's. Wanna go that route? Go. Want to use the women's at any of his properties? Go. He knows you'll be discreet about it. I believe that if you were really qualified for a position in one of his companies, he'd hire you. What he looks at, is job performance.

    There is a lot of issues waaay more important right now. Fix the big issues, and the small ones may just find a niche to fit into. Or, this big issue is moving forward, it's time to fine tune it to make it work better.

    I guess I look at things in a mechanical way. Once it's capable of running, then you fix issues that hamper its performance. Right now, they're waxing a junk car. Doesn't it look good sitting there? It doesn't move, but it looks great.

  5. #5
    Silver Member Mollyanne's Avatar
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    I agree with Marla in part. The real issues are being "smoke screened" by all this bullshit. If the media can be manipulated into focusing on other issues (TG use of female restrooms) then the real problems just linger and hopefully no one will notice, yeah right!!!!! Fear is a wonderful motivator when it comes to getting laws passed. I have NEVER, EVER heard of a TG person snatching a child from a bathroom or being lewd but fear will incite people to scream for change. How about just concentrating on the bigger issues and leaving the phony ones out ion the cold.

    "To thine own self be true"

  6. #6
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    I'm with Molly and Marla on this one.
    All this is designed by the powers that be to divide the population and the media is told to make it an issue just like all the race issues were the big news for a while.
    The black people were used in Mo as a cover as the trans people are being used right now.
    If there isn't any issues the media is told to create one to hide what the powers have messed up or what they plan on doing that they know the people wont like.
    Smoke and mirrors.

  7. #7
    MIDI warrior princess Amy Fakley's Avatar
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    Election year wedge issue, Plus the tabloid novelty of it, plus the bottomless pit of narcissism that is celebrities like Jenner.
    It's the perfect storm, my friends.
    Last edited by Shelly Preston; 06-11-2016 at 11:12 AM. Reason: we have a word filter for a reason
    "Why shouldn't art be pretty? There are enough unpleasant things in the world." -Pierre-Auguste Renoir

  8. #8
    Member adrienner99's Avatar
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    While I do not trust the media, I don't believe they are being controlled or manipulated by anything other than ratings, ad sales and circulations. They cover TG issues because of the controversy--and the controversy is of course based on fear, ignorance and bigotry. Too many citizens just have a need to hate someone. The reasons are always irrational and often based on something in the bible. The KKK is now recruiting members using that single passage in Deuteronomy that says a man shall not put on the clothes of a woman (paraphrased). Though I have never seen anything in the bible that says it's ok to hang black people.

    It's all based on fear, ignorance and bigotry. The media know that people still look at us like we are a huge freak show. So yes, we are newsworthy, especially when someone like Bruce Jenner comes out and transitions!!!

    As a people, we have just not evolved to the point where we can live and let live. Hanging onto to hatred is very important to too many idiots.

  9. #9
    Silver Member I Am Paula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amy Fakley View Post
    Election year wedge issue, Plus the tabloid novelty of it, plus the bottomless pit of narcissism that is celebrities like Jenner.
    It's the perfect storm, my friends.
    I completely disagree on that one. It stopped being a political issue, as the hate took over. The laws will be gone soon, and the hate will last a generation. We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg. It is the perfect storm however, as the Religious Right have the media by the nuts, the GOP is in a leaderless shambles, and the supreme court is hobbled. We thought the Department of Justice had our backs for a minute there, but that has fizzled into a memory.
    Last edited by Shelly Preston; 06-11-2016 at 11:12 AM.

  10. #10
    Member marlacd's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'm inclined to agree with you on the hate motivation.

    I started to pay very close attention to what the news was putting out. Liberal media is so screwed up as to what they report. Whats worse, is that they figured out HOW to write the news. Stories are not quoted word for word, but edited to increase impact. Given the chance, I do believe they'd try to convince us that the sky is green.

  11. #11
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    The anti-trans bathroom hysteria gripping America is a reaction by conservative groups who are attempting to roll back LGBT anti-discrimination laws. It's a manufactured 'problem looking for a solution' intended as a scare tactic to reach a certain segment of the population with the goal of preventing further such laws and reversing those that already exist. Apparently a lot of people are concerned about who's peeing where if it will mean they don't have to deal with gays or trans people.

    This has fueled coverage of trans issues. In a way it's backfiring on the haters because, amongst the sensationalist garbage being circulated, some truth is reaching the public, which is in turn generating awareness and acceptance of trans-related issues.

    The US DOJ has published information on violence against trans people suggesting that somewhere between half and two-thirds experience sexual assault at some point during their lives. The National Transgender Discrimination Survey also shows high levels of discrimination and violence against trans people, with at least a quarter having experienced sexual assault because they were trans or gender-nonconforming and 40% having attempted suicide. Another survey, by the Williams Institute, "found that 70 percent of responders have been denied entrance, were harassed or assaulted when attempting to use a public restroom of their identifying gender."

    Interestingly, the NTDS report also has a section on cross-dressers (p.174). About half of the 702 people who identified as cross-dressers indicated that they wanted to transition at some point.

    For those who wonder about gender-nonconformity and sexual orientation, the respondents to the NTDS survey identified in roughly equal proportions as straight (heterosexual), gay (same-sex-attracted), bisexual and queer.
    Last edited by Lorileah; 06-11-2016 at 01:58 PM. Reason: not allowed

  12. #12
    Carole carhill2mn's Avatar
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    Many of the groups that are making the use of bathrooms a big deal are still smarting from losing the fight against same sex marriage. They needed another issue to stir up the troops and this was the one chosen. Also, the media always needs a new "hot" topic. IMHO, the great majority of people view this as a silly non-issue.
    Hugs, Carole

  13. #13
    Member Alexa CD's Avatar
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    In my opinion, it is, among other things, a distraction issue. These so called big issues come up all the time, in particular they focus attention away from the real issues within the country and abroad. To me, and many other people I'm sure, it's as plain as broad daylight. I think alot of people want it to be a big issue, but it's really not, it's also easily dealt with and so hasn't been a huge election issue. I think LGBT rights, and that community have taken much more spotlight election wise in the past, gay marriage is a prime example. As much as the whole bathroom debate has been drummed up, people just don't really care, people don't even want to know. If I were to sum up the majorities thoughts on it I would say "get it out of my face".

  14. #14
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    Smokescreen(s). Here are a few things that should be in the news every day. But aren't, because the powerful want a nice, compliant controlled citizenry that goes to work for artificially low wages every day.
    We're in a war, the longest ongoing war in the country's history, and NOTHING gets into the news about it. During Vietnam, it was a hot topic every nightly news cycle, every day even, and that's what brought on the outrage that got it stopped. Today.....nothing. Nothing at all. The war will go on forever, or at least until we have no money to pay the soldiers anymore. They even made sure the dead bodies of soldiers are never mentioned anywhere, and changed where they were brought back into this country to hide that they're still dying. They're not 'dying for their country'. They're dying for the 1%'s investments.
    The national debt is going to kill the country. It's beyond the point where we can ever pay it back, it's just a matter of time before the sh!t hits the fan. And nobody's saying ANYTHING in the news, or addressing it.
    Global warming. At least some are paying attention, but the clip from 'Newsroom' hasn't been denied by the scientific community. We're on the path to disaster. Yet, business as usual goes on, because profit is more important than life. Rich capitalists will eventually keel over and die like the rest of us, hands full of gold. Here's the clip:
    That's frightening. But at least I'm old enough so I won't live long enough to see it happen.
    Healthcare continues to be a profit making enterprise, and private insurance industries continue to lobby hard to prevent single payer from becoming a reality, no matter how detrimentally it affects patients or how many die because of it. Newsmedia ignores it, while they should be blasting it in the news every day.
    The banking industry continues to rape the public. The prime rate is 3.55%. consumer rates are astronomically higher. The top rate was freed back in the 1970's, when inflation was in double digit levels. When it went down, the consumer interest rates NEVER came back down, and no laws were enacted to stop it again.
    Nothing was done to the people who created the economic collapse of the mid to late 2000's. Nothing.
    None of this is unknown. We all know it's going on. But then newsmedia and the politicians keep us focused on who'e peeing where, which Kardashian is wearing what, who's dancing with what star, and the latest baker who won't make a cake for which minority group.
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  15. #15
    Banned Read only
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    Ah yes, the masses only have the brain capacity to focus on one issue at a time.

    "We have this awful thing happening over here, which the peeps won't like, so throw them a bone, that'll distract them while we get on with the really serious issues"

  16. #16
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    Members of this forum are only a small number that make up the spectrum, there have been numerous threads relating to suggested numbers.

    It's going to be interesting in the UK if the plans for the next national census happen in 2021, it's going to asking questions about transgender/transexual voters. The intention is to get a more accurate number to ensure there is enough care and help given in the community.
    I posted a thread about this because I will be listed on the NHS system for gender related issues and counselling which may pose a dilemma with my wife.

    Maybe I'm being naive but I would like to think the intentions are above board , and a step in the right direction

    As for there being enough TGs to justify the attention, if it wins an extra vote someone is going to chase it. Thankfully the UK isn't worrying too much which bathroom people choose to use.
    Last edited by Teresa; 06-11-2016 at 01:36 PM.

  17. #17
    Silver Member CynthiaD's Avatar
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    Yes, a smokescreen. People have been predicting for decades, that we would become the next "rights" movement. I guess it's finally coming true. Employment rights, bathroom rights, rights galore, asking "what do TGs really want?"

    And what do TGs really want?

    How about brand new designer dresses for less than $10?
    How about a shade of lipstick that perfectly brings out the color of my eyes?
    How about a makeup job that turns women's eyes green with envy and makes men's jaws drop?
    How about a perfect set of breastforms that are soft and bouncy like real boobs, that stay in place all by themselves with no glue and no bra, and don't have "headlights" except when I really want them?
    How about a pill that will stop beard growth, and give me a sultry female voice at the same time?
    How about ... you supply the rest.

    Make me look like Marylin Monroe and I'll pee in the alley and work for peanuts and tips. Not happily, but I'd do it. So much of the political stuff seems so far away from the things that are really important.
    Last edited by CynthiaD; 06-11-2016 at 01:39 PM.

  18. #18
    GG ReineD's Avatar
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    It is making a wave, in my opinion, for two reasons:

    1. It is statistically small and people are fascinated with out of ordinary things, much like an entire segment of freeway traffic slowing down to witness an accident on the other side.

    2. As to the controversy with laws, it's a political wedge issue because it taps into people's beliefs of what is right or wrong. Abortion and gay marriage are a prime examples. Both are statistically small compared to live births (less than 2% of women get abortions) and all marriages (gay marriages are again a small percentage of all marriages).

  19. #19
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    It may be a distraction in the sense that there are other very large and very pressing issues that are not being addressed (racism, pollution, education, debt, inequity, etc. as sometimes_miss correctly points out), but this does not make it any less of a real issue. The fact that there are folks who are quite motivated to explicitly deny rights to trans people is not so easily addressed, given that many of them have deep pockets, control a significant number of legislators and are quite willing to use outright lies and scare tactics to compel the adoption of draconian policies that disenfranchise minorities (and not just trans people, but precarious workers, people of colour, etc.). If it were easy to deal with then everyone would happily go along with the White House's directives on transgender issues and nobody would be objecting, but that's not the reality. To dismiss the issues trans people face by saying they're unimportant or by jokingly trivializing them is to say that they are unworthy of having rights and somehow undeserving of being treated as fully human - that is, it supports the status quo and encourages the retention of systemic discriminatory policies.
    Last edited by Mayo; 06-11-2016 at 02:18 PM.

  20. #20
    Ice queen Lorileah's Avatar
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    if it bleeds it leads
    it goes with {quote] Sex sells[/quote] In some manner we have both here. It is a hot button topic. It is instilling fear. Fear is like a magician's distraction. Look over there...presto!
    Fear stifles our thinking and actions. It creates indecisiveness that results in stagnation.
    Charles Stanley and
    Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future.
    Thich Nhat Hanh. In otherwords as long as people worry about something, they don't pay attention to what is happening right before them.

    Moderator's note" Remember the rules. No religion, no politics. Keep it general
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    “Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.” - Fred Rogers,

  21. #21
    Woman first, Trans second
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alice Torn View Post
    Sometimes Miss, I completely agree on the national debt, and soldiers dying for the 1%, but global warming? Notta. There have been global warming and global cooling periods for thousands of the planet.s history. Lord Moncton proves it is a money grubbing hoax, but the globalists to extort money.
    Alice, I recently saw a fighter jet over my house spraying GMO chemtrails to brainwash the sheeple into vaccinating their kids. Do you have a recommended brand of tinfoil for chapeau manufacture?

    Alternatively, the science is pretty clear on climate change. Regardless, it is neither the cause of nor a consequence of the transgender discussion.
    Last edited by Zooey; 06-11-2016 at 02:18 PM.
    Coming out is like discovering that you've been drowning your whole life after actually breathing air for the first time.

  22. #22
    GG ReineD's Avatar
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    Wow, this is amazing! I think most people in this thread are of the same mind so far.

    Lol Zooey.

  23. #23
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zooey View Post
    brand of tinfoil
    No one uses tin anymore. The center for paranoid control recommends Reynolds Aluminum heavy duty foil.
    Alternatively, the science is pretty clear on climate change.
    We still don't know why it's happening; the earth goes through cold and warm phases all by itself. But it's happening, we're simply accellerating it, and it's going to have severe consequences no matter why it's happening, so maybe we shouldn't run headlong into it, 'lighting more fires' as we go.
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  24. #24
    Member DeeDeeB's Avatar
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    It appears to me that the "bathroom issue" is a backlash from the ultra conservatives against anyone not in conformance to their ideology having equal rights. However, I was surprised a few weeks ago when a co-worker (genetic female) who knows me as trans and has even given me jewelry to match a dress she found appealing, told me her opinion on the subject was "if I find a man in the woman's bathroom, I will punch him in the face" (she could take me out...). I was so shocked I didn't advise her it is a hate crime in New York to do that to a trans person, but it was a major eye opener. I use ladies' rooms whenever I go out as Dee, and have never had a problem. On the other hand her comment, said in anger, has me understanding that the issue is real and to be taken seriously. We as a group need to continue to support legislation to protect our rights. Acceptance from the narrow minded (and those who think they are accepting but may have limits) may never come, but at least we have a chance of legal protection.


  25. #25
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    DeeDeeB - Often times people like your coworker do not see TG as "men" anyways. I would guess what she meant is if there were some "man" man in the woman restroom.

    What gets me is that the smokescreen of GLBT still works.
    I remember in 1992 when Clinton proposed "gays allowed to serve in the military".
    24 years later and people are STILL distracted by GLBT issues?

    So then, they covered gay/lesbian rights (marriage being a big one) and now the TG rights.
    What sort of chaos will the media create when it comes to bisexual? Is there gonna be a big rally for polygamy rights?

    It seems like the media would run out of things to distract people with.
    Last edited by Nicole Erin; 06-11-2016 at 02:52 PM.
    It takes a true Erin to be a pain in the assatar.

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