I'll agree with Jennie to some extent. If someone is going to call you out for a choice of words, then ask them why they feel offended by whatever word is being used. Frankly, nearing the end of my seventh decade on this planet, I cannot keep up with a lot of the words or phrases thrown around. If someone wants to call me "one of the boys," which I have been called with some frequency it's OK with me. Voice inflection usually is a tip off as to whether "one of the boys" is said with love and affection or some condescending or demeaning manner. Then I'll just wiz by the choice of the word and get to the heart of the matter/disagreement. On any forum such as this there is no way to detect voice inflection.

The first time I encountered 'GG' was on this site. Until here 'GG' was an IND local train in the New York City subway system. Some people dwell on the word to the extent they do not get the message. Even the title of this site may be viewed as offensive if the voice inflection is such as to cast a dispersion upon me.

I do tell some political correctness folks that I can call a dog the most vile words in the English language and as long as the words are spoken in a pleasant manner, the dog will wag its tail and lick my face. However, if I call the dog all the nice lovely words in the English language in a stern screaming non approving way, the dog will cower in the corner.

I find political correctness people to be boring and usually very narrow minded.