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Thread: Ask a GG - Part Two

  1. #176
    Aspiring Member Robbiegirl's Avatar
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    I for one he adore Women ! But sometimes I'm not sure if I fell in Love with the Hollywood Version . All the Glamour !

    There is a song I grew up with called " I enjoy being a girl " which has like 100 versions of it sung by Girls on You Tube . I can only wonder how many CDs have sang this during Girl time !

    So as a Guy I kind of accepted the song as fact. Any thoughts on the song as a whole or some of the lines in particular ?

    I always thought made Girls seem a bit silly but i always liked silly so was ok with it

    I'm a girl and by me that's only great
    I am proud that my silhouette is curvy
    that I walk with a sweet and girlish gait
    With my hips kind of swivelly and swervey
    I adore being dressed in something frilly
    When my date comes to get me at my place
    Out I go with my Joe or John or Billy
    Like a filly who is ready for the race
    When I have a brand new hairdo
    With my eyelashes all in curls
    I float as the clouds on air do
    I enjoy being a girl
    When men say I'm cute and funny
    And my teeth aren't teeth but pearls
    I just lap it up like honey
    I enjoy being a girl
    I flip when a fellow sends me flowers
    I drool over dresses made of lace
    I talk on the telephone for hours
    with a pound and a half of cream upon my face

  2. #177
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    One of your recent threads said Yes this is a Frivolous Fun Thread
    So I guess this is as well. SIGH
    I get the nighties and how it feels questions ECT you ask in this thread is what you feel.
    I really do not know what to say about this song you are asking about except to say it’s superficial, sexist, and objectifys.
    To me being a woman is more than superficial things.
    I looked it up and it was written by men and in the 1950s so I guess that explains it lol.
    Last edited by Di; 02-12-2019 at 03:01 PM.
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  3. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robbiegirl View Post
    So as a Guy I kind of accepted the song as fact. Any thoughts on the song as a whole or some of the lines in particular ?
    Robbiegirl, of course it’s a fantasy. It’s from an old musical called Flower Drum Song. The character who sings it is the daughter of very strict traditional Chinese immigrants to America, a girl with a lot of responsibilities and pressure to be NOT like the girl in the song. She is fantasizing about the life she imagines other teenagers have. Richer, more popular, whiter teenagers.

    The audience knows no-one really has that life. That is also why almost all the covers are obviously campy and it is so popular with drag queens - even without the original context it is clearly a fantasy of teenage girlhood.

    There’s nothing wrong with a bit of escapist fantasy, of course. But I find it really hard to believe that you accepted the song as straight forward fact. Women make up the majority of the population, you must have seen some? Of course the song is about teenagers, not women, but you must know that even rich popular teenagers are worried about their grades and their futures, and practically all have hormone-induced social anxiety? Have you ever met anyone remotely like that song?

    Quote Originally Posted by Robbiegirl View Post
    I always thought made Girls seem a bit silly but i always liked silly so was ok with it
    And here’s where we get into dangerous territory. You may fantasize about being a girl who is silly. You may even enjoy this feeling. I find that hard to understand, myself. If what you mean is a fantasy of being happily irresponsible and fancy-free, then that is closer to what I imagine is the implied fantasy behind most of the camp renditions of the song.

    However when you say you hear this song as a straight forward narrative of a common female experience, one we would still continue to identify with even post-adolescence - and that that experience is one of being silly... it sounds like you are saying women, as a sex, are silly.

    You may like thinking of yourself as silly. Most people, including women, find it a clear negative. And when used about women it ties into old misogynistic tropes about women being bimbos, stupid, decorative and trivial.

    I don’t want to crush anyone’s fantasy life. We all need fantasies. Think of yourself as a pretty butterfly of a girl with no real worries or cares, if you enjoy that! Just don’t pretend that real women aren’t also people, living the actual, complicated lives that all humans live. And, really, really, stop calling us silly - it’s offensive.
    Last edited by MoGG; 02-12-2019 at 03:47 PM.

  4. #179
    Goddess-In-Training Macey's Avatar
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    I know this is a stupid question. Seriously, I know this is a stupid, frivolous question. But I'll be going out en fem sooner or later, so I really could use the advice.

    Here goes …

    GGs … what essential items should a woman have in her purse? (besides money, keys, ID, etc)

    I know, I know … silly question, but it would give me a little confidence to hear what I might need when out and about!

  5. #180
    Super Moderator char GG's Avatar
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    Of course the song is pure fantasy. MoGG & Di explained it very well. I remember the song played on the radio in the 60’s by different artists. None of my friends nor I liked it, thought it was obviously dumb. Kind of like the old Alley Opp song (about a cartoon character). We didn’t think that was about real men, either.

    Take your cell phone. Oh, and a mini flashlight.
    Last edited by char GG; 02-16-2019 at 01:41 AM.

  6. #181
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    “GGs … what essential items should a woman have in her purse? (besides money, keys, ID, etc)”

    Not a stupid question. I’m deliberately giving advice a man might be less likely to think of here.

    Extra hair ties or pins, depending on your hairstyle. They both have a tendency to break or fall out.

    If you are going out made up some make-up removing wipes. I don’t wear makeup often, so am prone to forgetting and rubbing my mascara and the smudges need something stronger than water to budge.

    In my day bag I take a tiny sewing kit for fallen buttons, downed hems and split seams. This is very old-fashioned advice, but I’ve helped a lot of people with quick repairs.

    Continuing with old fashioned advice, I personally never wear nylon pantyhose but people who do should keep some clear nail polish around to stop ladders when they are still small.

    And the one bit of advice I always follow myself:

    Take a small but well laden e-reader to concerts, conferences and similar events. You never know when you are going to get stuck in a queue to the toilets, usually longer for women as we physically need to go more frequently and can’t use urinals to speed the process. I don’t deal with boredom well. E-reader apps on a mobile phone work well.

  7. #182
    Goddess-In-Training Macey's Avatar
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    Thank you Mo! Was back and forth about the wipes, so you've convinced me! Purse is too small for a reader, so phone will have to do. Normally, I bring a wee crossword book, but that may be too bulky. I don't normally wear pantyhose, so I'll forgo the clear polish for now. Hair ties and pins are already in!

    Good thought on the wee sewing kit!

    Thank you so much

  8. #183
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    Not a stupid question at all.
    It’s real life
    I have a crossbody I carry to work and in it I carry just dL & debit card and lippy.
    But in a larger purse
    I put my wallet into the large, main compartment of your purse. ...
    I put together a small toiletry kit of items like wipes , and tissues. ...
    I Fill a small makeup bag with lotion, lip balm, and any cosmetics. ...usually powder and lippy
    Set my keys in a small, secure side pocket. ...
    Put my phone in a smaller section where it won't get lost and easy to get to.
    I try to follow this each time so I can go to the right place without digging in my purse .
    Hope this helps
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  9. #184
    Goddess-In-Training Macey's Avatar
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    Thank you Di, this is a smaller purse, so no to makeup bag, but I'll be dropping a few essential makeup items. Yes to keeping it organized as best as possible! Already musing over which pocket(s) for toiletries, which for make up touch up items, which for cash and cards, etc. My knuckle-dragging three-back hands will be fumbling with this for a while until I get used to it

  10. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimdl93 View Post
    A familiar question. I’m at the beginning of what might become a relationship. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’d be doing her and myself a disservice to try and hide this part of myself, and so if we reach a certain ill-defined point, I would like to come out to her. I have a sense of when that might be appropriate but I’m unsure of how. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
    Hi Kim- my bf told me he was a cd one month into our dating. At the time the relationship was so new that I didn’t put a lot of thought to what that was going to mean for the future. As time passed and we got closer, I realized that cd is a part of him, makes him the man he is and who I have fallen in love with. He and I communicate very well, which I’m so grateful because I can say what I’m feeling and we work through it. I have shared custody of my children and I have them a week at a time. This allows us to have a week to devote to our relationship and a week he can dress freely without me around. We have worked up to the point where I’m ok with him wearing women’s bikini panties when he’s with me. we have agreed on the details of the panties(no bows/lace/or PINK staring me in the face, lol). I still struggle with with the idea that he is a cd’er but we work on boundaries that we can both live with. One should not sacrifice their happiness for the other. My best advise is to talk and listen. There is no wrong or right way either of you need to feel. You are both allowed to have the feelings you have. It takes work and some days it’s harder than others. For me it’s a daily work in progress. Best of luck!!

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    Quote Originally Posted by LovingThePanties View Post
    Great thread Char!!! Thanks for making it.

    If you were in a relationship w/ a guy who occasionally liked to dress (lingerie, dresses, & makeup to the 9s type dressing), would you still be able to view him as a masculine man when he wasn't en femme or would the knowledge that he liked to CD alter your perception of him, even if he was otherwise a very masculine guy?

    I've never told a girl that I was in a relationship w/ about my dressing (even though I would love to in the hopes they'd be ok w/ it and even help me w/ my makeup and fashion) for the fear that the 10% of the time that I was dressed would skew their perception of me the other 90% of the time.
    I’ve been with my bf for about 10 months. I have known for 9. The only thing I’ve seen him in is panties and the workout type leggings,but not until I was ready. Honestly, I’m terrified to see him in much more for the fact my perception will change. I don’t want to see that persona when I’m in bed and trying to be intimate. It was hard for me to be turned on by the black and pink lace panties he used to wear. (We have since agreed to boundaries on that, which has made a big difference when we are being intimate). He has express to me that his NEED for me to be involved with the dressing is very little to nothing at all. But his WANT for me is to shop and give advise when he dresses. It’s always evolving and communication is the key. But, both of you need to be comfortable in the boundaries you set. Best of luck!!

  11. #186
    GG ReineD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robbiegirl View Post
    I'm a girl and by me that's only great
    I am proud that my silhouette is curvy
    that I walk with a sweet and girlish gait
    With my hips kind of swivelly and swervey
    I adore being dressed in something frilly
    When my date comes to get me at my place
    Out I go with my Joe or John or Billy
    Like a filly who is ready for the race
    When I have a brand new hairdo
    With my eyelashes all in curls
    I float as the clouds on air do
    I enjoy being a girl
    When men say I'm cute and funny
    And my teeth aren't teeth but pearls
    I just lap it up like honey
    I enjoy being a girl
    I flip when a fellow sends me flowers
    I drool over dresses made of lace
    I talk on the telephone for hours
    with a pound and a half of cream upon my face
    Fantasy. Sheer fantasy. lol

    Kinda reminds of actresses in movies around the time of WWII, or actresses playing a teenage girl in the 1950s, keeping in mind that no woman ever lived or behaved like actresses in movies, even during the 1940s and 1950s. Pure stereotype. Not real life at all, especially now. You should meet the girls my sons are with. They'd read this and scratch their heads.

    Quote Originally Posted by Macey View Post
    GGs … what essential items should a woman have in her purse? (besides money, keys, ID, etc)

    I know, I know … silly question, but it would give me a little confidence to hear what I might need when out and about!
    Wallet, cell phone, keys, sunglasses, an extra pair of small reading glasses because I'm always losing them, a pen, and one or two hair tie backs in case I need to get my hair out of the way, and lately my check book has been living there because I've been having to write quite a lot of checks.

    ... edited to add that it's also the place I stash all the business cards people give me (from stores, tradespeople, etc), and bits of paper I write things on only to go through a few months later and wonder who the h*ll is this name and phone number. lol. And when I'm involved in a project, I keep a miniature tape measure in there so I can measure things at Home Depot. Oh, I do also keep a tube of Chapstick especially in the winter because my lips get so dry. And a small comb.

    If the pockets in my jeans were as big as men's pants pockets, everything I carry would fit in there except for the sunglasses.
    Last edited by ReineD; 02-21-2019 at 02:33 AM.

  12. #187
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    A bit south of the 49th!
    I have a somewhat silly question, elicited by Reine’s comment: Why are the front pockets so shallow in women’s jeans? I can barely fit my keys in them
    Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.

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  13. #188
    Super Moderator char GG's Avatar
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    Hi Kim,
    I really don’t know the answer about front pockets but I feel the same way. I work part time at an event venue and need my keys, phone, money, and mini flashlight. I had to special order ladies cargo pants so I could fit everything in. My only thought is that ladies probably don’t like the extra bulge around their waist, especially with tops that skim the waistband. The tiny pockets are pretty useless, IMO.

  14. #189
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    My first thought was to keep the lines in the outfit flat.
    I googled it and got this
    Clothing lines hang better without the added bulk of usable pockets. Just seams are easier to create fitted lines. Once you add a real pocket, the lines have to adjust for extra fabric.
    Designers assume (and push) that women carry purses all the time, removing the need for usable pockets.
    The fitted styles of today don't allow room for usable pockets. This is an extension of #1.

    Personally, I despise that I can't just run out with my wallet or ID and some cash without worrying that it will all fall out of my pant pockets. I normally carry a purse, but sometimes it would be easier not to so I carry a small cross body bag.
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  15. #190
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    Q. Why don’t women’s clothes have usable pockets?

    A. Sadism.

    Not actually true, but it feels that way. Interestingly there are historic accounts of women complaining about lack of pockets all the way back to Regency England, when pockets were actual little sacks that dangled from one’s corset and were reached by a discreet slit in the skirts. They were completely incompatible with the new empire line dresses and were replaced with pathetically small reticules that women had to carry inconveniently tied to their wrists. 200 years later and we are still putting up with this nonsense.
    Last edited by MoGG; 02-26-2019 at 03:36 PM.

  16. #191
    Aspiring Member Bea_'s Avatar
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    Kind of a follow up on recent questions about pockets. Have any of the GG's here considered wearing or actually worn men's jeans/pants, either for added pocket capacity or any other reason and if not, why not?

  17. #192
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    Bea good question
    Men’s pants would not work for me unless I totally reconstructed them and I’m not that patient or talented.
    I’m curvy
    Unlike men’s pants, women’s pants need to accommodate the hips and don’t need that extra room at the front for you know what! (baggy crotch anyone!?) The hips actually pose a problem for pockets and prob the reason why many women’s pants don’t have them .
    I have bought men’s shirts maybe twice over the years ( in the men’s Dept as I do not think clothing have a gender)
    I wanted a long denim shirt for denim leggings and another time I bought a white men’s dress shirt also for the length to wear with black leggings to achieve the look I was going for.
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  18. #193
    Super Moderator char GG's Avatar
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    I needed to find black pants with deep pockets for a job I have at an event arena. Women's pants had the typical shallow small pockets so I tried men's pants. What a disaster! The seat area was too small, the waist was too big. It just wasn't going to happen. I ended up ordering women's cargo pants online in order to get the pockets that I needed.
    Last edited by char GG; 03-06-2019 at 11:48 AM.

  19. #194
    tiptoeing thru the tulips ellbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Di View Post
    I have bought men’s shirts maybe twice over the years ( in the men’s Dept as I do not think clothing have a gender)
    I wanted a long denim shirt for denim leggings and another time I bought a white men’s dress shirt also for the length to wear with black leggings to achieve the look I was going for.
    Follow-up to the follow-up...

    When wearing those shirts, did you consider yourself to be crossdressing?

    Why or why not?

    And just to remind the jury...

    [kraws-dres, kros-]
    verb (used without object)
    to dress in clothing typically worn by members of the opposite sex.

    Oh, and leggings!

  20. #195
    Super Moderator char GG's Avatar
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    You may have just wanted an answer from Di so I hope you don't mind if I also chime in.

    I had to have a white button down shirt (again for the venue that I work at) and the easiest place to find one was in the men's department. I did not consider it crossdressing as I was not trying to emulate a man. I must say that the shirt did not fit correctly. Although it was a size small, it was too large in the shoulders. (I'm not a small person either!) Luckily, I wore it under an event blazer.

  21. #196
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    No it’s just my clothing nothing more. When I think back to when I sewed my own clothing it is just material and nothing else. I don’t care if someone else wants to think of it as cding . To me it’s just clothing I do not wear it to feel like a man I just feel like me always.
    So when I read here about someone has to wear girl jeans or girl top.....I don’t get it it’s just material to me. Not saying it’s wrong it’s how they feel and to me it has no connection....just me being me.
    But then I feel it’s also not wrong for anyone wearing whatever they’s just material.
    Back in my optician days I did have a few cders come in for glasses AND had to be from the female section.....glasses come in a huge box ( nothing is marked female or male) and I sorted to them as to what a female might like or a guy and some frames I put in both sections. So again it’s only material.

    And leggings look super cute with a long top and cute shoes or boots !
    I do not wear jeans much but I love my leggings and Gypsy skirts. I might not be in style but ....again lol I wear what I love ❤️
    Last edited by Di; 03-06-2019 at 07:27 PM.
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    Sherlyn,My beautiful sweet girl
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  22. #197
    GG ReineD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimdl93 View Post
    I have a somewhat silly question, elicited by Reine’s comment: Why are the front pockets so shallow in women’s jeans? I can barely fit my keys in them
    Desire to please? Desire to conform? Vanity?

    Women's clothing normally fits closer to the body than men's so as to what ... show off the body underneath? As Di says, large pockets would destroy the line.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bea_ View Post
    Have any of the GG's here considered wearing or actually worn men's jeans/pants, either for added pocket capacity or any other reason and if not, why not?
    The waist:hip ratio in men's jeans is all wrong. They'd fall right off.

    Quote Originally Posted by ellbee View Post
    When wearing those shirts, did you consider yourself to be crossdressing?

    Why or why not?
    No. My aim is not to look like a man. Besides, you can find the same styles of shirts in women's clothing and you could say that most men's shirts are actually gender neutral.



    I bought a white linen men's shirt last summer, large, loose, and airy, to protect my arms from the sun in the summer. I could not find anything so perfect in women's clothes. I wore it over everything. It actually looked quite feminine on me.
    Last edited by ReineD; 03-07-2019 at 05:50 AM.

  23. #198
    tiptoeing thru the tulips ellbee's Avatar
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    Okay, just to clarify some replies...

    So, if a guy simply puts on, say, a dress, heels & hose -- and that's it... He's *not* crossdressing, because he's in guy-mode??

    Weird, but every official definition of CD'ing that I've ever read over the decades states he's doing exactly that.

    But if he were then to also throw on a wig & make-up, and arguably he's emulating/looking like a female, then, according to some of you, he now *is* crossdressing?

    Just want to get that straight, here.

    Because if this is what some of you are saying (and it seems like it does), then what you're also implying is that long hair & cosmetics, i.e., appearance, "makes the woman."

    Yikes... Better not let a feminist hear you say that!

    I mean, where do you draw the line with this?

    Maybe a guy is losing his natural hair (like some women do), and opts for a wig with some length to it (like some women do). You know, to make himself feel better about his situation (again, like some women do).

    And wearing make-up? Maybe he just likes looking more youthful & wants to accentuate his best features?

    What does that have to do with crossdressing, really?

    Okay, okay... Throw on some fake boobs & hips/butt, too, on top of all that.

    Again, in the same vein, now you'd be implying that a woman is defined by her body.

    All I can say to that, is: Wow...

    I dunno, but I'd be careful of putting one's own spin on the definition of the word "crossdressing" -- because apparently doing so is a very slippery slope, IMO.

  24. #199
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    Reine, Char and I answered your question must not have understood and turned our answers all around. If you want to discuss it further pm me I’m not taking it any further on this thread as our answers do not seem to matter and are misconstrued.
    I think everyone is free to wear what you want, be real , call yourself whatever you want.
    I’m not clarifying what a crossdresser is .....I do not even think of these terms nor do I care to. My Sher was a woman no matter what she wore same as I am that’s where I’m coming from.
    If you want to assign labels and your meanings in your life have at it.
    Back to Ask a GG this topic is done.
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    Sherlyn,My beautiful sweet girl
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  25. #200
    Member Ronnie38's Avatar
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    Just a quick question, when a guy comes out as a crossdresser, wether close friend, brother, or an so, why is one of the firsy questions "are you gay"?

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