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Thread: Not Going Away. She can't.

  1. #1
    Silver Member IleneD's Avatar
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    Not Going Away. She can't.

    Ilene Close up in lt blue top-FC.jpeg

    Forum Sisters,

    For the souls who know me on this forum, thank you.
    I've had the worst week of my life; certainly the worst week of coming to grips with my inner woman and my crossdressing. I've been away for a while, and for good reason. Please understand, friends.

    The acceptance battle was a cause I was gradually losing since coming out a year ago. There was, at first, an initial show of support; or something like it. It wasn't genuine and eventually showed itself to be hollow.

    Our “discussions” on my crossdressing and feelings about it rarely ended well. There was name calling and derision the likes of which we’d not seen in 40 yrs of being together. The latest fight was bad; very bad. Things came out that I had no idea hovered inside her.

    I had just experienced over a month of “being Ilene”. My wife was gone to take care of our granddaughter on the east coast. I had many weeks to myself to dress how I wanted and when I wanted. Except for times when I had outside obligations, I pretty much lived full time as Ilene for those weeks; including an air travel trip to attend my uncle’s funeral. It was a beautiful experience, and when my wife returned in mid-July I was stoked and full of Ilene.

    I could tell almost from her first days home that she came back with a bad attitude regarding my crossdressing; or any LGBT or transgender issues for that matter. I began to pick up snide & derogatory comments when such issues popped up on the radio/TV; and they were usually voiced as an indirect criticism of me.

    The wife suddenly became a champion of “choice”; i.e. that this dressing-up thing (or any aberrant behavior) was simply a matter of choice. The growing implication was clear. I could make a conscious CHOICE to stop dressing up, and just don’t do it.
    This was coming out of her after she spent over 50 yrs as a cigarette smoker. Early this year she became dreadfully ill with respiratory problems. During the period when it was literally impossible to smoke, she broke her addiction (with a shitload of help and understand from me, BTW). She became zealot against addiction in her conversion.
    And now…. she was making the case that CD was like a drug, and addictive. I was an addict.

    This came out during the latest knock-down/drag out. I was an addict. I could voluntarily and consciously give up this CD silliness. My CD was embarrassing for her and the family (who does not know).

    There was her reminder from a year ago. “This ( the news of coming out) changed everything forever. Our marriage relationship will never be the same.” This was stated at the outset, and she never changed her mind on that. I had no clue as to how far it could go.

    The worst thing that I learned from the argument was that “There’s no such thing as unconditional love. There’s always conditions.” After 40 yrs, I was absolutely devastated by that.

    The main points that I took away: [ and raise your hand if you've ever heard any of these yourself];

    - There is no such thing as unconditional love. There are always conditions.
    - You have ruined my life (hers’) with this crossdressing. Coming out last July permanently changed everything forever. Our relationship would never be same.
    - The world is upside down now. Cops are criminals. War is peace. Men wanting to be women. “This is just bizarre!”; as thoughI was being influenced or pushed by pop culture to express my inner woman.
    - She doesn’t want to be married to a woman (period).
    - I discovered she had been lurking around the website I frequent for blogs, education and “support”. “You can turn to your little queer buddies on your blog site where they all talk about their supportive “S.O.’s”; with an extra contemptuous emphasis on the term S.O. She added that "it ain't happening with this S.O."

    After a couple sleepless nights, I made the decision to put away Ilene. She didn’t say I had to dispose of Ilene, but the message was clear. Our marriage and life could not go on with Ilene in consideration.

    The Wife was gone from the house taking a friend to lunch. I was home alone with no car. The truck was still in the shop. Normally it would be a wondrous afternoon of dressing as Ilene. But today was different.

    I found myself literally sobbing as I plucked my lady clothes from the closet. Each item lovingly folded and placed in an old suitcase. The light blue blouse I favored recently. Sob. The brown print skirt and white blouse I wore traveling. Weep. When I packed my spirit dress, Lady Blue, I had to stop. I bawled and got it out of my system.
    I couldn’t believe myself; a grown man crying over dresses. To outsider or casual observer I could understand how strange it must have appeared. Was something wrong with me?

    All of it got put away in the old, smelly flowered suitcase we somehow acquired from relatives. I think it was Mom’s once. The makeup kit. My wigs. The shoes; everything including panties and bra. No vestiges of Ilene would be around the house to remind me.

    Grief followed.
    I began to “mourn” for Ilene. I could tell it was grief because it arose suddenly in swells like grieving for a lost parent or loved one. It grew pretty deep, and I found myself a spontaneously sobbing mess throughout the next day, and trying very carefully to hide my tears. I was despondent. I grieved for myself and my lost inner woman.

    I know this is the long version. God,I thank you all for being able to get it off my chest. This is cathartic. But, I'm literally flying without a safety net here. I have no one. Can't confide in the wife now. Can't talk to my son. Don't have any friends locally that I can truly trust to understand Ilene. And all my good friends are old squadron mates who also wouldn't be approachable (at this time). I'm absolutely despondent about this, and have no idea of where I'm going now with this.

    I need time. Right now, I think I will seek professional help; maybe a good gender therapist. I'm not going away from the Forum. I probably need it more than ever now.
    Last edited by IleneD; 07-31-2017 at 03:54 AM.
    There resides within me a Woman, and she is powerful.
    She has been my Grace and Bearing on the stormiest seas.
    I could no more deny Her than I would my own soul.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Tracy Irving's Avatar
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    Good Luck. We are here for you.

  3. #3
    Banned Read only
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    WE all know there is no going back, the fact it's all packed away isn't going to change your wife's opinion. You know counselling wil only reinforce your feelings , I've been there and done all this.

    I don't know if you have read my thread in the Loved Ones section ," Finally had the conversation ". We have come to the separation stage , it is going OK we both know we need the space, my wife can't honestly live with my CDing and I can't honestly live without it. We are both happier knowing it's is going to happen . Our children know the situation and we have both said we will be there for them, I will move a few miles away , I can have my own friends as she can.

    This is the second time of going through this and this time it's going to happen, neither of us can go through the cycle again. If it comes to this point with you , you may find she wil sit back and carefully think what she is losing , we came up with compromises the first time, but they are short lived and become more one sided . We have done our bit as husband, father and grandfather, now I have to live the Teresa side of me for my own sake , it's not selfish but just being realistic when we know this part of us is a real as the guy was .

    All my thoughts are with you, if it helps please PM me if you want to chat more .

  4. #4
    Silver Member Becky Blue's Avatar
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    So sad Ilene, my heart goes out to you xxx... I hope you can find a compromise somehow that allows you to be yourself when you need to. I think seeing someone is a very good idea... best of luck xx
    A.K.A Rebecca & Bec

  5. #5
    Gold Member bridget thronton's Avatar
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    Sorry things seem so dark right now - you are always welcome to share here

  6. #6
    Queen of Chinatown jennifer0918's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear this Ilene we are all here for you.

  7. #7
    Diamond Member Persephone's Avatar
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    Very sorry to read your post Ilene. Will hold you in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. #8
    Senior Member SaraLin's Avatar
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    I wish you all the best. You have chosen to sacrifice a large part of yourself for your wife. That shows a just how much love you have for her.

    Sadly, I suspect that she won't appreciate your sacrifice. I'm afraid that rather than saying "oh, my darling, you did that for me? Oh, I love you so much. we can make it work somehow", she'll still hold it against you (forever), continue to make snide remarks and use the fact that you dress (dressed) against you whenever you do ANYthing to displease her. If/when you slip, I fear that she'll blow up even worse than before. She has learned how to get her way, and for her being right is more important than being happy. Even if you don't slip, I suspect that you'll find that any time you have alone is going to be met with suspicion and accusations.

    I hope for your sake that I'm wrong.

    Good luck,

  9. #9
    Platinum Member alwayshave's Avatar
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    Ilene, I very sorry that you're in this position. I can only pray that you get sometime to yourself where you can be yourself.
    Please call me Jamie, I always_have crossdressed, I always will, "alwayshave".

  10. #10
    Aspiring Member
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    from the point of view of someone who has never had successful relationship
    I think if she gets any nastier about it...I'd put nicotine in her some kind of fuscia fog that blindsides her opinionated ass and you can be totally unsympathetic, "it' a choice" the down side could be, a smoker that dies of small cell lung me it looks more like her decision set like a concrete block (28 days to 90 % strength) while away,but was pretty well formed before , and this is start of the war to cleave herself from you. I would find who is her go to confordount about this and get a lawyer to sue her for espionage of your marriage, be it a priest or her hair dresser. if it is war ,do not get out flanked. think of the losers in any war ...most lost everything down to their dirty worn out panties & most of there self confidence.

  11. #11
    Non-Binary Member Krea's Avatar
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    Hi Ilene,
    I am really sorry to read that things are going badly for you at home. As a newish member i cannot really offer any useful advice, but i want to wish you the best from here and hope that your situation can somehow change and improve over time.
    It's good to know that you will still be here on the forum for support & encouragement from us all. I remember that you were one of the first to post on my intro thread, a really kind message which made me feel welcome here and i enjoy your regular contributions. Hopefully this forum will provide you with the same reassurance now. Good luck and keep us updated. Nic
    "The only way is onward. There is no turning back."

  12. #12
    Aspiring Member LaurenS's Avatar
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    Anytime you need to vent or talk, we will be here. Personal relationships are, well, "personal", so it would be hard for me to truly understand.

    Having said that, her petty insults and closed mindedness is not a healthy attitude for either of you. The "cops are criminals" quote is especially intriguing to me in an anthropological and sociological sort of way.

    Many, many people these days are projecting their ignorance and insecurities to receive some comfort in these days of uncertainty. Until they realize that and accept it, they cannot change their minds. It's simply easier to only surround yourself with people of like mind, and her way of doing that is by childishly coercing you to conform. (It's probably the only tool in her toolbox, so don't blame her)

    Sometimes you just HAVE to look out for number 1. If not you, who?

    Far too often, far too many people live a life that is not theirs.
    You are you. You are beautiful. Labels are worthless.

  13. #13
    Silver Member Elizabeth G's Avatar
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    Hi Ilene,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're going through such hard times. Add had been said we're here for you. I'm slowly working through these issues with my wife and I know it's not easy. I'm lucky so far. She had been going with me to a great gender therapist and it has been very helpful. I wish you the best of luck and please feel free to reach out when you need a sympathetic ear.


  14. #14
    Seasoned Member Rhonda Darling's Avatar
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    Find a good LGBT friendly divorce lawyer and put them on retainer -- ready to help you the moment things go south. If you don't ever need them, fine -- but be ready.

    Be all the woman that you can be!
    . . . and now, On With The Show!

  15. #15
    Senior Member BrendaPDX's Avatar
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    We are all here for you, we always will be. I can't imagine your grief. Stay strong we/I will have good thoughts and hope you make it through this. Take care, Brenda

  16. #16
    Aspiring Member
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    Peace, blessings, healing, time, be Authentic.

  17. #17
    Silver Member IleneD's Avatar
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    Thank you, dear.
    I've watched your own journey over the last year, and (as you state) the gradual decline of your own marriage relationship. I had been heart breaking but your own courage and resolve through it appears remarkable. I don't know how you've gotten through to this point.

    I've thought of leaving too, but I'm trying here. Trying to get things normalized or right, and not at the point of giving up.
    I love this woman with all my being. We've been a great team for 4 decades (40 th anniversary was this weekend.... oh, you should have been at THAT celebration). For all those Navy years, she took care of the home and kids while I was away at sea for months. We survived 4 hurricanes,2 typhoons, an armed robbery, and a couple other life & death situations together. We've been great lovers (until the last7-8 since her Mother passed; a sexless marriage). I literally owe her my life in so many ways. I'd die for this person. That is why the harsh tone of her rejection diatribe stings.

    Thanks, Teresa. If it means anything you are an example of one of the girls on the forum from whom I have learned. Your story and your posts have clearly demonstrated the joys and actual pitfalls of a CD life. I shall keep you also in my prayers.
    Nothing good is ever easy.
    There resides within me a Woman, and she is powerful.
    She has been my Grace and Bearing on the stormiest seas.
    I could no more deny Her than I would my own soul.

  18. #18
    Silver Member ClosetED's Avatar
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    Ilene, sorry to hear about your wife. I have a similar situation going - I was overjoyed when she went from DADT to offering to have me model clothes she bought for me and offering to have my legs waxed, to seeing pictures of me dressed and makeup. Then she returned to the silent treatment and I stayed away from Forum and no dressing at all hoping she would return to acceptance. She did not and I told her I needed a weekend to dress and now no sex since I dared to act on her prior offer of hairless legs.
    I looked at my pictures to get me thru. Your wife may be different and she might come around. But at least you can say you tried to reduce it to a level she finds tolerable. Marriage is a compromise. Maybe she still has fears that both hearing from a therapist might help.
    But we are here for you.
    Hugs, Ellen

  19. #19
    Junior Member
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    Ilene, so sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you.
    Crystal x

  20. #20
    Gold Member Dana44's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear this Ilene, One thing I did while I was working. I said I was a girl and even though I was dressed as a male i was still a girl and got through the day okay. I did study what they did and in mind and spirit was with them. So don't put her away and find solace and if she don't really respond what you are going through. that would be bad.
    Part Time Girl

  21. #21
    Senior Member Laura912's Avatar
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    Ilene, you are right to seek counseling and hope that it will become a joint session. Hopefully your wife will earn the difference between addictive behavior and the hard wiring in our brains that leads to cross dressing and often to transition. I defie anyone to prove that at 6, I became "addicted" to this. Your prognosis for a continued marriage is not good without a major course change.
    Last edited by Laura912; 08-02-2017 at 02:03 PM. Reason: Spelling

  22. #22
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Stunning photo!!! have address like that, and pearls, too. Love your style! I am very sorry and saddened by what has happened to you recently. This is so tough! I have not been married, nor had an SO, but have been told off by women who say i must quit, period. I do not know what to tell you, but feel free to vent on here anytime. I would cry and grieve also, if i had to part with my lovely dresses, shoes, wigs, tops, and skirts, and hose. i have no one to talk to about,it here, either. I hope you find a good therapist. It is a very lonely road for some of us, on here. I also see, that you may be better off, separating, for a time, then see if she is nicer about being together again, for your sanity's sake. I peaves me, when wives blast husbands for dressing, when women can wear anything they want. Huge unfair toxic double standards.
    Last edited by Alice Torn; 07-31-2017 at 11:24 AM.

  23. #23
    GG ReineD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IleneD View Post
    Grief followed.
    I began to “mourn” for Ilene. I could tell it was grief because it arose suddenly in swells like grieving for a lost parent or loved one. It grew pretty deep, and I found myself a spontaneously sobbing mess throughout the next day, and trying very carefully to hide my tears. I was despondent. I grieved for myself and my lost inner woman
    Maybe you shouldn't hide your tears.

    You speak of an inner woman, yet you describe clothing in your post. Do the clothes help you connect to your inner woman, or is it really just about the clothes.

    If the clothes do help you connect to an inner femininity, please know that you can do so without the clothes, by allowing yourself to be vulnerable enough to show your grief. I'm a GG. I don't need to wear feminine clothing to be in touch with myself, in fact, I dress like millions of other GGs in blue jeans and Tshirts and I seldom wear makeup. But, I do not stoically hide my grief or other feelings from my loved ones. Maybe you could do the same.

  24. #24
    Transgender Person Pat's Avatar
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    Absolutely find a therapist. A commonly heard statement about transition is "I reached the point of having to transition or die." It sounds like you're being pushed hard and I'd hate for you to make the wrong choice. I can't (and don't) speak to marriage issues -- I actually count myself blessed that my marriage ended (for unrelated reasons) before I found the need to come out. But I can say that when you start needing to be your authentic self there's usually small chance of turning back. Having made the leap, I can look back on my earlier life and very comfortably say I don't miss any part of it and I am significantly happier day-to-day now. I'm not saying that transition is for you, I'm just saying it would be wise to investigate it with an experienced therapist to see if it's the path you need to take. Good Luck.
    I am not a woman; I don't want to be a woman; I don't want to be mistaken for a woman.
    I am not a man; I don't want to be a man; I don't want to be mistaken for a man.
    I am a transgender person. And I'm still figuring out what that means.

  25. #25
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    Laauren S. Very good post, well said. I have struggles to live my own life, and be myself, all my life, Toxic family of origin issues.

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