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Thread: Halloween en femme

  1. #1
    Member Julie Slowinski's Avatar
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    Halloween en femme

    So, I've done the woman costume at least a half dozen times in my life, including one year that my wife suggested we go to a party as reverse bride and groom (greatest Halloween ever!!!). However, now that I am more comfortable with my crossdressing and go out to clubs once in while, I was thinking I should get a costume that would be more typical of a cis-girl, just to add a bit more fun to the night.

    Has anyone done this before? Did it work out well? Any suggestions on which type of costume I should get? At the moment I'm thinking of getting one called 'cattitude' from spicy lingerie (I'm sure our friends at google will find the picture for you).

    I should add that I'm not planning to wear that while trick or treating with my kids. I will actually be out of town on business the week of Halloween and am planning to go to a drag club while there. So, it will be an appropriate venue.

  2. #2
    Gold Member Dana44's Avatar
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    I saw a really nice flapper dress outfit. That might be nice also.
    Part Time Girl

  3. #3
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    I am going to be a science female officer from Star trek. Usually before some date before Halloween though.

  4. #4
    Platinum Member Angie G's Avatar
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    looked it you Julie real nice costume sounds like a plan girl.

  5. #5
    Silver Member
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    Yes ma'm, if you look at pat photo threads here you'll see a lot! I was two different pirates last year, on boy, one girl. Earings and eyeliner for both!!! What fun.

    In fact, I will have to admit that one of my early thoughts or obsessions with crossdressing was the idea of doing a female costume, like a she devil or witch, and a bit naughty, but doing it well enough that everyone would just assume it was a gg in costume. Of course, now that I have dressed enfemme enough to realize that is still a pretty tall order, basically "passing" which is quite difficult for a mere mortal!

  6. #6
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    I say go out as feminine looking as you can, orget about being busted, you can always explain it away.
    I did it in West Hollywood a couple of years ago and I was not considered other than a woman in a costume.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I did a Cheerleader several times
    And an island girl with grass skirt


  8. #8
    Senior Member Ceera's Avatar
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    I did a 'naughty schoolgirl' costume for a contest at an LGBT club once. Black cardigan, white blouse, red plaid necktie and matching red plaid miniskirt, white knee socks, black Mary Jane shoes. Last year I was a "Queen of the Night", essentially a lady vampire, with articulated bat wings, a pierce work bat-themed mask, and a black evening dress - wore it to a "Witches Ball" Halloween dance at a music venue. Won the prize for 'Most Ghoulish" costume!

  9. #9
    Banned Read only
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    Umm, I guess I don't really know what a cis girl would wear that's different than what Steffi would wear.

    One year I got a Hooter's girl costume online and went bar hopping with a bunch of TG friends. We did go to an actual Hooters and the real Hooters girls got quite a kick out of my costume. The asked me if I wanted to wait tables with them.

    Last year I went as a belly dancer to a local TG girls' meetup group.

    Once, a long, long time ago, before my wife knew I wa a CD, we went to a Halloween party where she was the butler and I was the French maid. But, this time I was just a man in a leotard, no wig or makeup, and socks for boobs. I guy did stick a dollar bill in my bra that night. I also won the best costume, but they had trouble deciding if it was for the best male costume or best female costume. There was also a GG who also wore a French maid's costume, and we compared notes on our costumes.
    Last edited by Sometimes Steffi; 09-04-2017 at 09:18 PM.

  10. #10
    Member Cherylgyno's Avatar
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    Julie. My favorite is either a super sexy witch or Elvira. Yes I know that both have been done many times. Then again I am 6'11" in my heels. How many witches and Elvira's are 6'11"?

  11. #11
    Silver Member
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    I have a 1920s flapper dress. Black with fringe. It was a gift from a woman that was a young woman in the late 1920s. I've worn it a few times and it is sexy but never on Halloween.

  12. #12
    Gold Member Dana44's Avatar
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    I have a nice dress and zombie girl costume with bone leggings and arm gloves that are bony. I have tow wigs with it and use decals on my face and they look good. So I have been a zombie girl for the past couple years.
    Part Time Girl

  13. #13
    tiptoeing thru the tulips ellbee's Avatar
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    Yes, I've done it quite a few times as an adult.

    Not every year, but often enough in my 20's & 30's.

    Gay club, straight club, drag club, whatever.

    Also while hanging out at friends' houses before/after the above.

    Also got all dolled-up one year & passed out candy from home.

    Stereotypical / traditional GG costumes: Various cats & witches. Did that most often. But really switched it up every time, never with the same look twice.

    Also did kind of a goth/vampire look sometimes. And another year, as a GG from India (only real reason was because of an authentic dress I bought that was made in India, with the whole style of it).

    I never bought any "pre-made" costumes. Always put them together, myself. Much more fun, challenging, creative & unique that way.

    I also never just went "just as a GG" -- it was always "a GG dressed up for Halloween."

    I had fun. My friends had fun.

    Lots of little adventures, stories & memories that will always be with me.

    Go for it!

  14. #14
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    Nov 2006
    One year I went as a Cigarette Girl. My wife made me a circle skirt and jacket. Wig, Fishnets and Mary Janes topped it off. I wasn't very good at makeup then but it was nighttime and we drank a lot. I made a simple box out of plywood and glued Cracker Jack boxes and cigarette packs to the top of. I made a false lid and underneath I lined with styrofoam and filled with Jell-O shots. When we arrived I heard a friend ask "who is that" with the reply "I don't know but she's got nice legs!" Liked hearing that. My buddy who was the host said I was the only one who could get away with that (retired Marine). I think he was envious. My wife says I should dress up as something this year but I'm still not sure what.

  15. #15
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Beginner CD's dress as women on Halloween. But, experienced dressers dress as women in sexy costumes on Halloween! I do this and will as long as I'm able. I go to as many H events, costume contests, etc. as I can every Halloween. Halloween is the ONLY time of year when I may pass!

    So many sexy fem outfits! So little time!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  16. #16
    Aspiring Member
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    As a nine year old kid, I dressed up as a peasant girl: long skirt, off the shoulder blouse, kerchief around my hair. I was small and girlish for my age then, so I needed little makeup to be convincing. My small town had a Halloween parade for the children to march in, which I did. I do not recall anyone remarking about my costume.

    That was the last time that I dressed in costume for Halloween. My parents decided that when a kid reached double digits in age, his Halloween costume and "trick or treat" days were over. In the cultures that I have spent my life since then, Halloween parties have been a thing for children only.

  17. #17
    Senior Member SaraLin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Julie Slowinski View Post
    I was thinking I should get a costume that would be more typical of a cis-girl, just to add a bit more fun to the night.
    I'm pretty sure this isn't what you're talking about, but the quote above DID bring back a fond memory...

    I grew up poor. Halloween costumes consisted of a cheap plastic mask (you know the type) coupled with some thrown together clothing or an old sheet. But one year my Mom decided to dress me up in my sister's clothes, threw a (new) string mop on my head for a wig, and out I went. It was my first "cis-girl" halloween costume and my first time out of the house in a dress. I WAS IN HEAVEN!!!

    I lived in a small neighborhood, so everyone knew who I was, and of course the mop head didn't fool anyone. Still - one of the neighbor ladies said "Oh, aren't you the cutest thing? You're the cat's pajamas." It's a memory I'll cherish and carry with me always.

    And if anyone is wondering "did this start the desire for crossdressing?" - the answer is no. I have much earlier memories of wearing things and/or wanting to be a girl. It was just the first time I was public.
    I guess I really can't remember a time when I was happy to just be male.

  18. #18
    Member Evie82's Avatar
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    Got mine for this year...


    Sadly that's not me in the pic, but hoping I can get kinda close to that cos it's a gorgeous dress!

  19. #19
    Emerging Diva Nikki A.'s Avatar
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    I've done the hippie chick look, but my favorite was Mimi from the Drew Carey show.

  20. #20
    Silver Member
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    My best Halloween costumes were of actresses or celebrities in the news. These require you to do all the details! Painted fingers and toes, false eyelashes, makeup done just right along with your hair and all the accessories.

    I was Zha Zha Gabor, she was in the news for punching a cop, a female friend went as the male cop.

    You could do some female news reporters or stars from current movies. Megyn Kelly

  21. #21
    Senior Member StacyCD's Avatar
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    I did Princess Leia last Halloween. The only problem was the wig was a bit small!

  22. #22
    Stand-up Comedian En Fem❤ Alice_2014_B's Avatar
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    Last Halloween I went out with the wife;
    I dressed as a goth chick in fishnets and heels (very basic).

    This year, if I take that night off work, I'd love to go as a sexy witch or something.
    Just as long as it gets me out looking fabulous in heels, LOL.

    Melissa: "... and why are you dressed as a woman?"
    Coach McGuirk: "Because it's freeing."

    -Home Movies
    (cartoon series)

    Shoe size: 9 US women's.
    Dress size: M to L; 8-10.
    Height: 5' 6".

  23. #23
    AKA Jenni Aly Jenni Yumiko's Avatar
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    Go for it! This will be my first year in a risqué costume and I'm super excited/nervous! I have another costume for trick or treating with the fam, but to a t-party and after club, I'll be letting it all hang out!

  24. #24
    There's that smile! CarlaWestin's Avatar
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    I'm trying to figure out how to broach the subject with my wife. Here in Las Vegas it's fairly common for adults to spend all day in costumes while out and about. And I've seen a few taking full advantage of the CD holiday.
    So I've had my eye on this dress although the full sexy maid all day is always inviting.

    I've waited so long for this time. Makeup is so frustrating. Shaking hands and I look so old. This was a mistake.
    My new maid's outfit is cute. Sure fits tight.
    And then I step into the bedroom and in the mirror, I see a beautiful woman looking back at me.
    Smile, Honey! You look fabulous!

  25. #25
    Aspiring Member AllieBellema's Avatar
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    I probably won't be dressed up on Halloween night itself, but I do have a local party I go to every year that I've been in dress just about every year. Wore Belle last year, but debating still which princess to be. I also wore a southern belle dress two years ago, which was also alot of fun to do!

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