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Thread: I dreamed of myself as a woman for the first time in my life. What does this mean?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Gretchen_To_Be's Avatar
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    I dreamed of myself as a woman for the first time in my life. What does this mean?

    Hello gals.

    Recently I had one of the most vivid dreams of my life. I was fixing my hair after applying my makeup, and then getting dressed. When I saw myself in the mirror, I looked like Helen Hunt in the pic below.

    This is the first time in my life that I have dreamed that I actually was a woman. I've had plenty of dreams where I was a guy dressing as a woman. One of my recurring dreams as an adolescent was being trapped in a shopping mall after the apocalypse, and raiding all the department stores to have an endless supply of women's clothes, and all the time in the world to perfect my appearance. A version of that dream had me finding the estrogen in a pharmacy and further feminizing my appearance. I think that was back when the George Romero zombie mall movie came out, LOL. But I never actually was a woman in those dreams.

    I wonder what this means? And why Helen Hunt? I've always thought she was attractive, but I wouldn't pick her if I could magically transform into an actress.

    Very weird. I had to share this just to get it out.

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  2. #2
    Junior Member Alenko's Avatar
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    Interesting. Dreams have also been interpreted as a window onto our true thoughts and intentions. Have you tried Lucid dreaming? With a little training, you might be able to consciously control the nature of them!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Hell on Heels's Avatar
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    Hell-o Gretchen,
    Dreams, they can be pretty crazy sometimes.

    I’m sure Freud would have an answer for ya.
    All I can say is, Helen Hunt was a good choice.

    Now if this becomes a recurring thing, next time
    check out what type of heels you’re wearing!
    That would obviously be some sorta sign.

    Sweet dreams.
    Much Love,
    I smile because you are my friend, and
    I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it!!!

  4. #4
    Gold Member Jaylyn's Avatar
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    Gretchen I have always been told if you can dream it you can achieve it. Go for it girl be the actress you want to be. Oh by the way where are we gonna put our women's shoes store at? Somewhere between Texas and Wisconsin so we can commute to work... Lol

  5. #5
    Transgender Person Pat's Avatar
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    It's just a dream. In itself it means nothing. You're not really going to become Helen Hunt (sorry.) But if it has meaning for you then that's what it means. So how do you feel about the dream? What about it appeals to you? What about it disturbs you?
    I am not a woman; I don't want to be a woman; I don't want to be mistaken for a woman.
    I am not a man; I don't want to be a man; I don't want to be mistaken for a man.
    I am a transgender person. And I'm still figuring out what that means.

  6. #6
    Member Drew GB's Avatar
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    Now I know no one here would call me strange for crossdressing but for this next bit I don’t blame anyone for thinking I am a bit out there. I constantly have dreams that seem like real life and later in life, once most of the dream was forgotten, I get that odd sense of DeJaVu... this is how I know I am right where I need to be and the other day I had one of those DeJaVu moments returning some size 13 flats that were a size to big and so did not work with the outfits I was trying on at home. I just stoped and smiled because as this is all new to me that feeling gave me the sense. This is where I am supposed to be.

    P.S. Helen Hunt is a Babe and one hell of a woman I would take that as a great omen.

  7. #7
    Just do it already! DaisyLawrence's Avatar
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    I'll tell you exactly what it means. It means you had a dream. End of.

    Sorry that it means nothing but on a positive note, if you are going to dream then Helen Hunt is a good place to start and probably a common one. I can't control what I dream about but they are never that exciting.

  8. #8
    Senior Member GretchenM's Avatar
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    Hi Gretchen-to-be,

    Dang, you really do look like Helen! Very nice and very attractive. If I was a whole lot younger, OK, we will leave it at that and I am married (almost 49 years). Not sure how Helen would react, but that is another matter altogether. I wouldn't be very concerned about your dream. Dreaming is often thought of as a reflection of our brain going through the process of organizing information and storing it in memory. Some think that is one of the purposes of dreaming. Most of the higher animals apparently have dreams and so this behavior seems to be pretty universal with at least birds and mammals. But reptiles, amphibians and the like probably do have the brain differentiation that would allow dreaming while birds and mammals do.

    It is thought that the brain must create images of the information in order to transpose it into a data form that can be stored and retrieved later. Images that are rational stick and our brain takes those images and creates "amazing stories" out of them and those "stories" are the content of our dreams. As such the dream becomes a reflection of random incidents in our lives including thoughts and experiences. Thus, dreams are often a menagerie of disconnected and strangely configured information being visualized. There truth is nobody knows whether dreams actually mean anything. But my therapist daughter often asks about dreams with her clients. That is primarily to get a feel for what they experience in life rather than finding deep meaning in the dreams. However, she does believe that dreams do have some kind of meaning if properly interpreted. Dream interpretation is a common thing we do and what we do is quite different from those that are highly trained in this kind of interpretation. Interpretations often do not come out as obvious as we would expect. Sort of like putting together a jig saw puzzle when you don't know what the original picture was.

    As for the fact they are girl dreams, well, that is a part of your life and having that reflected in dreams would be expected. I often have girl dreams and I have had a few really sexy ones as well. Those are REALLY strange. I think girl dreams goes with the territory we live in. Enjoy them, but I am not certain it is wise to search for meaning - there may not be any. We humans have knack for finding meaning in meaningless things and that is not always a wise thing to do. I suggest just accepting that they are a part of being you is the safest interpretation.


  9. #9
    Member Monique65's Avatar
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    I have had girl dreams my whole life. When I awaken, I recall them and they evoke a feeling of great fulfillment and satisfaction. I wish I had them every night.

  10. #10
    its important mykell's Avatar
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    i have had them, hate when i wake up during one....

    dont fret about it :

    dream on...
    Last edited by mykell; 01-12-2018 at 07:22 PM. Reason: link
    i dressed like a girl and i liked it! crossdressing...theirs an app for that

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    I don't believe I have ever had any girl dreams. But I have had dreams a few times that I was wearing something feminine, and not just panties either. As a matter of fact, dreaming that I was dressed up as my favorite video game character Princess Peach got me started on my journey and I started dressing up as her. I must say though that I am jealous.... I would love to have dreams about being a woman, but can't quite figure out how to do that.

  12. #12
    Banned Read only
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    I don't discount dreams , the ones that most influenced me go back to my childhood , they occurred over a long period , I explained all this in my story in the TS section some time ago . My gender counsellor read them as a strong female side trying to take control , they tied in with what was going on reality at that age .

    I feel we are attracted to a certain type of woman , " If I were a woman I would like to be like her !" The dreams are telling you something .

  13. #13
    Member StephanieM's Avatar
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    Dreams are funny things, sometimes they are just nonsense that you have in your head, other times it seems they can predict in a vague way something that will happen, other times maybe they can produce an answer to something you have been questioning.

  14. #14
    Emerging Diva Nikki A.'s Avatar
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    One way to look at it, Helen Hunt is better than Mimi from the Drew Carey Show

  15. #15
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    It's your dream, Gretchen. U know u best.

    What do u think it means!?
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  16. #16
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    Dreams can mean a lot of things some can even be your inner chi or energy telling you things.
    Even warning you of things to come. Premonitions if you will. I have had them but only a few in my 65 years on this planet.
    I have had dreams help me to answer my own questions.
    Dreams can also mean nothing at all so its how you interpret them.
    The mind is a very complex thing and much can be achieved just by listening to it.

  17. #17
    Silver Member IleneD's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing, Gretchen. And if your real en femme look appears anything close to Helen Hunt or even or avatar (nice), congratulations.

    What about these dreams made them about actually BEING a woman vice dreaming of dressing as a woman [as you've perhaps done in the past]. Did you imagine having female genitalia and breasts? Was there a "feeling" you can describe in detail? I'm interested in sharing or at least comparing notes.

    When I crossed the line from CD to understanding i was a transgender woman (still learning and coming to grips with the realization), one of the things that began happening were vivid dreams. I too dreamt of being a woman. In the little bit of dream I recall I was femininely dressed as a woman. In my mind's eye [the way I perceive myself; I call it my spiritual body], I've always seen myself with long hair and earrings. I know I was in the role of a woman in this dream. But the 'pictures' aren't important.

    What I recall most about these dreams was that they were not graphic image dreams. They were "sense" dreams where I was overcome by an overwhelming feeling and a sense. In my dreams I was with a man who was making love to me as a woman. Like I said, it wasn't graphic mental pictures in nature. It was more the abiding sense of well being, of total surrender to this man; of being in his arms and giving myself in full. The dreams were exciting, breath-taking and a little disturbing at the time.

    I'm interested what it was that made your dreams convinced you that you were a woman.
    There resides within me a Woman, and she is powerful.
    She has been my Grace and Bearing on the stormiest seas.
    I could no more deny Her than I would my own soul.

  18. #18
    Exploring NEPA now Cheryl T's Avatar
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    I just think of the Disney song.
    "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes".
    I don't wear women's clothes, I wear MY clothes !

  19. #19
    New Member Kiara's Avatar
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    I look at dreams as a way of setting my thoughts free. It allows me to see what I want, and set goals where possible. So, if you are dreaming about being a woman, maybe this is your sub-conscious giving you ideas for thought. Whether you do nothing, or act upon them is up to you. Enjoy the dreams and the escape from reality they provide.

  20. #20
    Banned Read only
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    In a word, dreams mean... Nothing.

    I am from the school of thought that dreams are caused by your brain waking up before your body is fully rested, left with nothing to do your thoughts wonder indiscriminately.

    So they are nothing more than random thoughts, memories, hopes, fears, desires, mixed in with the occasional "day residue".
    Last edited by Robertacd; 01-14-2018 at 12:24 AM.

  21. #21
    Neanderthal in nylons Julie Denier's Avatar
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    Very interesting ... Your teen dream would have made a great "Twilight Zone" episode, though I can't picture Burgess Merideth en femme

  22. #22
    Member Monique65's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IleneD View Post

    I'm interested what it was that made your dreams convinced you that you were a woman.
    My girl dreams differ. Sometimes I'm in guy mode but dressed and sometimes I am a true female complete with all the parts. More important than how I am presenting, though, is the feeling of being true to myself.

  23. #23
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    I think it happens to all of us, usually if we can't dress very often.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  24. #24
    Junior Member MLane's Avatar
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    Sounds like a very good night's sleep, and it's interesting about the reoccurring dream as a child. Maybe this is typical but I also had reoccurring dreams as a young child being stuck in a situation where I had no clothes and girls clothes were the only option .

  25. #25
    Reality Check
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    OK, I remember this dream from last night. I was back working (I've been retired for over ten years) and I was going to my office but my office had been moved. Not just moved, the whole building was configured differently. And I was carrying my cat in my arms (I haven't had a cat for several years).

    I don't think dreams mean anything. They are just sections of your memory randomly thrown together.

    Sadly, I have never dreamed I was a woman or even a guy dressed as a woman. A few times I've dreamed I was wearing breast forms and trying to quickly hide or remove them. That's not a dream, it's a nightmare.

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