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Thread: You are in the wrong bathroom........

  1. #51
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xenia View Post
    Am I misreading this? You're saying you guard the door of the women's restroom, and if someone you don't like goes in, you just barge right in to confront them? And that you have no problem intentionally making women uncomfortable when they use the bathroom? Sorry, I'm pretty sure that makes you the shady one.
    Yep, that's pretty shady. And probably pretty embarrassing if it turns out to be a real woman. And he get's charged instead!

  2. #52
    Silver Member Becky Blue's Avatar
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    I would love to hear back from Hosekid to answer some of the many questions you have gotten here. Such as my original question what lack of impulse control worries you with regards to trans teenagers?
    A.K.A Rebecca & Bec

  3. #53
    Reality Check
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    Quote Originally Posted by hosekid View Post
    ........................................... My question is do people want us to use the womens room, the mens room or just not use the bathroom at all?
    The answer is - It depends.

    Many people do not want us to exist so in that case, they don't want us to use the restroom at all. Obviously, we do exist and at some point, we will need to use a restroom. Many establishments have constructed single occupant "unisex" restrooms. Others have constructed "family" restrooms or "handicapped" restrooms for people who may need help using the restroom. Any of these is good for crossdressers unless by using them we are depriving the intended users from using them.

    This leaves the multi user restrooms designated for either men or women. This is where it "depends". Do you look reasonably like a woman, even a large homely one? Your best choice is to use the one designated for women. Go in, do your business (sit, never stand), wash up and get out.

    Do you not look like a woman? Are you a man in a dress? Wearing women's clothes but unshaved or balding? This is where you suck it up and use the men's restroom. You're not fooling anybody anyway and you would be seen as a man in the women's restroom if you went in there. This could cause trouble. Like it or not, the majority of women would be very uncomfortable with an obvious man using the women's restroom, stalls or not.

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Becky Blue View Post
    I would love to hear back from Hosekid to answer some of the many questions you have gotten here. Such as my original question what lack of impulse control worries you with regards to trans teenagers?
    havent had a lot of time, but will try to answer questions as I get a few minutes here and there. sorry, work sucks.

    Ok here goes. My daughter should not be alone with ANY male who is not a relative. Be it her school principal in his office, the next door neighbor, or a man in the bathroom. These places all have privacy that accommodates people looking to do harm to children. But all of these grown ups have matured and understand right from wrong and consequences. However, a teenager, especially teenage males, have not fully developed mentally. They act on impulses. They do things without thinking about right and wrong or about consequences. Now add to that someone who is gender dysphoric. Now that person really has pressure on them, but they are not fully mentally developed. Now they have access to a private space, unguarded, with females. (so little johnny, who 2 months ago decides he wants to be a girl is now free to roam the girls bathroom, when suddenly he gets an "urge" to touch a genetic girl.) So you tell me, is the person I am describing more likely to act on impulse than a grown up in that situation? I think where people go wrong with what I said is they are focusing on the word trans when I am focusing on the word TEEN. BTW, who pays higher car insurance? Grown ups or teens? And what teens pay higher insurance, boys or girls? I don't know if I do a good job explaining...

  5. #55
    Member Mark B's Avatar
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    While I dress half and half I always use the men’s. Sure I get some funny looks and may hear some snickering. After all. I’m still a man. Just wearing a skirt and heels.

    Now when I go out as Martha I am usually with my wife and we’ll go together. But most of the time it’s not a problem, as others have mentioned, the ladies have private stalls. Just go in, do your business, wash hands, and leave quickly.

  6. #56
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    ok, last one for now. Who is Shady going into the bathroom with my daughter....this is NOT an all inclusive list

    1. ANYONE (stranger) who has randomly spoken to her for no reason (think disney world and someone asks her where she is from or if she has a dog, ect)
    2. ANYONE (stranger) who has been paying undue attention to her (staring, taking pictures, ect.)
    3. ANYONE who is an obvious druggie (I know people can hide it, but we have all seen strung out people)
    4. ANYONE who is visibly upset to the point of violence. Not sad people, but angry at their boss or coworker, slamming doors, cursing
    5. People that just give a bad vibe.

    Everyone on here has read posts warning us to stay alert and not put OURSELVES in harms way and to watch out for people like the ones I mentioned above. I am a little more understanding of WHY so many people are against the CD/TRANS community. I catch grief for watching out for my kids from the same people you would warn us cd's and gurls to stay away from. I would like to know do ya'll folks that condemn me not watch when your kids go to the bathroom? Are yall ok with everyone that goes in? Or do yall watch out for shady people too, but just need a reason to complain about me?

  7. #57
    Reality Check
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    Quote Originally Posted by hosekid View Post
    havent had a lot of time, but will try to answer questions as I get a few minutes here and there. sorry, work sucks.

    Ok here goes. My daughter should not be alone with ANY male who is not a relative. Be it her school principal in his office, the next door neighbor, or a man in the bathroom. These places all have privacy that accommodates people looking to do harm to children. But all of these grown ups have matured and understand right from wrong and consequences. However, a teenager, especially teenage males, have not fully developed mentally. They act on impulses. They do things without thinking about right and wrong or about consequences. Now add to that someone who is gender dysphoric. Now that person really has pressure on them, but they are not fully mentally developed. Now they have access to a private space, unguarded, with females. (so little johnny, who 2 months ago decides he wants to be a girl is now free to roam the girls bathroom, when suddenly he gets an "urge" to touch a genetic girl.) So you tell me, is the person I am describing more likely to act on impulse than a grown up in that situation? I think where people go wrong with what I said is they are focusing on the word trans when I am focusing on the word TEEN. BTW, who pays higher car insurance? Grown ups or teens? And what teens pay higher insurance, boys or girls? I don't know if I do a good job explaining...
    I think you are making a big mistake in thinking that all teenagers are not fully developed mentally and that all adults are. It's a bad generalization. If teenagers haven't fully developed mentally, why are they allowed to drive? Why are they allowed to join the military and carry weapons? And why are they allowed to vote?

    Watch the news on TV for a while and you will see that most people arrested for sex crimes are adults. Some are school teachers. Some are relatives.

    I think it's a shame that some parents teach their children to be fearful of adults and especially men. They should be taught what's right and what's wrong and how to defend themselves, but this fear of men can last a lifetime and affect relationships, both intimate and otherwise. At some point, your daughter will have to be without your "protection". She will have to know how to handle herself.

    Standing outside the ladies room door and monitoring who goes in is pretty creepy. You know, a woman might report you or even call the police. She might take your photo and post it on social media.


    After reading your second post, I think you are paranoid to the extreme. Who are you to decide who is "shady" or not? Who are you to decide who can talk to your child? You are apparently one of the parents I mentioned above who is teaching his child to fear anyone they don't know. That's bad for her and it's going to hurt her in the long run. A person who asks your child about her dog isn't necessarily a pedophile. What are you going to do, lock her in the house and home school her?
    Last edited by Krisi; 03-06-2018 at 10:41 AM.

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aunt Kelly View Post
    Wow. So some TG types are de facto dangerous? Riiiight. That is exactly the kind of ignorant stereotype we should all be trying to dispel at every opportunity. Kids need our protection. No argument, but that 15 year old trans girl needs our protection too. Suggesting that she's some kind of threat, just because she is TG, is some kind of twisted thinking. It needs to stop.
    Yes, some TG people are de facto dangerous, just like some gay men are, just like some black women, just like some white teenagers, just like some midgets. Just because they are trans DOESNT automatically make them safe.

    the 15 year old tg need protecting too, NEVER NEVER said she didn't. But protecting from what? hurt feelings because some girls are gonna call her names. well she better get used to that, because that is going to happen regardless of, well, anything. Does she need protecting from the boys in her school? Just because she is a tg she should get special treatment that the gg's are denied? After all, the TG doesnt want to pee with the males, but we are gonna force the gg's to? That's not fair is it. Maybe she needs protecting just like all the other kids do, so she can develop into the person she is meant to be.

    BTW, exactly what happens IF and I did say IF, at 16 years old, she decides to go back to her male gender? It does happen. Should she be allowed to make the switch back to the boys restroom? Or should she be encouraged to find her true self, and told that she has to keep going to the ladies room? I guess my point is that there is no really good answer to this.

    Last thing though, you seem to have added the word "just" into my thought. You said I think she is some kind of threat "just" because she is TG. I never said that. I said TEEN's lack the impulse control of grown ups. Not once did I say or even imply that she was a threat because of her gender presentation. What needs to stop is reading anti-trans into people's thoughts when they differ from your own.

  9. #59
    Transgender Person Pat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hosekid View Post
    ok, last one for now. Who is Shady going into the bathroom with my daughter....this is NOT an all inclusive list

    1. ANYONE (stranger) who has randomly spoken to her for no reason (think disney world and someone asks her where she is from or if she has a dog, ect)
    2. ANYONE (stranger) who has been paying undue attention to her (staring, taking pictures, ect.)
    3. ANYONE who is an obvious druggie (I know people can hide it, but we have all seen strung out people)
    4. ANYONE who is visibly upset to the point of violence. Not sad people, but angry at their boss or coworker, slamming doors, cursing
    5. People that just give a bad vibe.
    So, what you've posted is pretty much what we call the "Stranger Danger" list. And I understand why that's an appealing list. But examination of where/how kids get harmed show that it's far more likely that they'll be harmed by relatives or adults who have worked themselves into positions of trust. The problem with the Stranger Danger model is that is makes you suspect the wrong people while at the same time makes you face away from the actual dangers. You should look into this a little more closely if it impacts your life as much as it seems to.

    Quote Originally Posted by hosekid View Post
    the 15 year old tg need protecting too, NEVER NEVER said she didn't. But protecting from what? hurt feelings because some girls are gonna call her names. well she better get used to that, because that is going to happen regardless of, well, anything. Does she need protecting from the boys in her school? Just because she is a tg she should get special treatment that the gg's are denied?
    Generally, TG kids primarily need protecting from physical assault. But I stongly question your assertion that a trans girl needs to get used to being called names by other girls. Most kids these days are pretty supportive and affirming. Much more so than yourself.

    I do not understand what "special rights" you think are being accorded transgender students (either trans female, or trans male) that cis kids are denied. Pretty much they're just looking for the same rights everyone else has -- the right to live their life unmolested.
    Last edited by Pat; 03-06-2018 at 10:56 AM.
    I am not a woman; I don't want to be a woman; I don't want to be mistaken for a woman.
    I am not a man; I don't want to be a man; I don't want to be mistaken for a man.
    I am a transgender person. And I'm still figuring out what that means.

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krisi View Post
    I think you are making a big mistake in thinking that all teenagers are not fully developed mentally and that all adults are. It's a bad generalization. If teenagers haven't fully developed mentally, why are they allowed to drive? Why are they allowed to join the military and carry weapons? And why are they allowed to vote?

    Watch the news on TV for a while and you will see that most people arrested for sex crimes are adults. Some are school teachers. Some are relatives.

    I think it's a shame that some parents teach their children to be fearful of adults and especially men. They should be taught what's right and what's wrong and how to defend themselves, but this fear of men can last a lifetime and affect relationships, both intimate and otherwise. At some point, your daughter will have to be without your "protection". She will have to know how to handle herself.

    Standing outside the ladies room door and monitoring who goes in is pretty creepy. You know, a woman might report you or even call the police. She might take your photo and post it on social media.


    After reading your second post, I think you are paranoid to the extreme. Who are you to decide who is "shady" or not? Who are you to decide who can talk to your child? You are apparently one of the parents I mentioned above who is teaching his child to fear anyone they don't know. That's bad for her and it's going to hurt her in the long run. A person who asks your child about her dog isn't necessarily a pedophile. What are you going to do, lock her in the house and home school her?
    Your entire argument can be dismissed because of your question "who are you to decide who can talk to your child". I will tell you who I am, I am her parent. I decide exactly who she may talk to, be friends with, and what her bedtime is. You imply that YOU would have a right to talk to her while dismissing her parents rights to raise her as they see fit. You may do with your children however you please. I can teach MY kids how to spot bad apples without endangering their future relationships. You are exactly right that I wont always be around to protect her, and that is why I have to teach her to protect herself. What kind of parent are you to think that you have no right to determine who your child interacts with.

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    Quote Originally Posted by Pat View Post
    So, what you've posted is pretty much what we call the "Stranger Danger" list. And I understand why that's an appealing list. But examination of where/how kids get harmed show that it's far more likely that they'll be harmed by relatives or adults who have worked themselves into positions of trust. The problem with the Stranger Danger model is that is makes you suspect the wrong people while at the same time makes you face away from the actual dangers. You should look into this a little more closely if it impacts your life as much as it seems to.
    I am by no means suggesting that I ignore relatives/friends/and the most likely people that would do harm, but I am saying that I don't let my guard down at a restaurant. In other words, I know that I should watch out for the rattlesnakes (friends/family) but I also have to be mindful of the vicious dogs (strangers)

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    Quote Originally Posted by tbryant2k16 View Post
    Yep, that's pretty shady. And probably pretty embarrassing if it turns out to be a real woman. And he get's charged instead!
    any cd/trans person, myself included, have no problem making women uncomfortable when using the restroom, if they are in there with them.

    So somebody tell me, if your 10 year old is in the bathroom while you are at, say a ballgame, do you let her go all alone (if her mother isnt there) or do you walk her to the door and stay outside while she does her business? Maybe it is just in the south, but in crowded places, there are ALWAYS dads waiting on their daughters or maybe wives/girlfriends by the women's bathroom. You all seem to think it's crazy, but I don't get that.

  11. #61
    Member BillieS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hosekid View Post
    ok, last one for now. Who is Shady going into the bathroom with my daughter....this is NOT an all inclusive list

    1. ANYONE (stranger) who has randomly spoken to her for no reason (think disney world and someone asks her where she is from or if she has a dog, ect)
    2. ANYONE (stranger) who has been paying undue attention to her (staring, taking pictures, ect.)
    3. ANYONE who is an obvious druggie (I know people can hide it, but we have all seen strung out people)
    4. ANYONE who is visibly upset to the point of violence. Not sad people, but angry at their boss or coworker, slamming doors, cursing
    5. People that just give a bad vibe.
    Is this a put-on hosekid?

    You walk into women’s restrooms in male mode anytime someone who gives off a “bad vibe” goes in there after your daughter?

    You’ve done this multiple times, you say?


    I can’t say I’ve ever heard of such a thing.

  12. #62
    Platinum Member Shelly Preston's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hosekid
    the 15 year old tg need protecting too, NEVER NEVER said she didn't. But protecting from what? hurt feelings because some girls are gonna call her names. well she better get used to that, because that is going to happen regardless of, well, anything. Does she need protecting from the boys in her school? Just because she is a tg she should get special treatment that the gg's are denied? After all, the TG doesnt want to pee with the males, but we are gonna force the gg's to? That's not fair is it. Maybe she needs protecting just like all the other kids do, so she can develop into the person she is meant to be.
    You seem to have missed one vital thing as that generally Women/Girls are more supportive of tg persons than Men/Boys

    You seem to fail in the realization the if they are TG using the ladies that is the gender they should be. This is not a lifestyle that any of us choose. they just want the samne protection any other girls would have.

    Most want to get in do what they need to and get out. Also the cubicals are individual not like the Mens room where there is less privacy for anyone.

    Super Moderator....How to tell your partner......Abbreviations

  13. #63
    Aspiring Member StephanieCLT's Avatar
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    For me if I'm dressed, I will use the Ladies room. In fact, when I ask where the restroom is, I'm often directed to the Ladies room (e.g., "The ladies room is the first door on the left."). In fact, it's one of my favorite affirmations to my look. It doesn't always happen, but when it does, my heart warms. When in, I do my business and leave. I'll never initiate a conversation, and in fact, when someone initiated with me, I was blown away!
    Letting the girl in me out.
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  14. #64
    Member Paula DAngelo's Avatar
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    I think there is something here that everyone is forgetting. Hosekid has the right to protect their child and I can't see anyone arguing that point alone. However what Hosekid seems to be forgetting is that their rights extend up to the point that they infringe on someone else's rights. Just because you think someone looks "shady" or that you have a bad feeling about someone does not give you the right to infringe on their rights. Sure you may not like them going into the same area that your child is in but that does not give you the right to stop them from doing something that they can legally do. If they are doing something that isn't legal, go for it, now you're with in your rights and no one is going to fault you. If you are acting based on just your gut feeling then you are acting on impulse, the same thing you are worrying that teens will do, why are you allowed when you aren't giving those "out of control" teens the same right??? I think people need to realize that if some one is acting in a legal manner they should be left alone regardless of your own personal feelings.

  15. #65
    Silver Member Becky Blue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hosekid View Post
    havent had a lot of time, but will try to answer questions as I get a few minutes here and there. sorry, work sucks.

    Ok here goes. My daughter should not be alone with ANY male who is not a relative. Be it her school principal in his office, the next door neighbor, or a man in the bathroom. These places all have privacy that accommodates people looking to do harm to children. But all of these grown ups have matured and understand right from wrong and consequences. However, a teenager, especially teenage males, have not fully developed mentally. They act on impulses. They do things without thinking about right and wrong or about consequences. Now add to that someone who is gender dysphoric. Now that person really has pressure on them, but they are not fully mentally developed. Now they have access to a private space, unguarded, with females. (so little johnny, who 2 months ago decides he wants to be a girl is now free to roam the girls bathroom, when suddenly he gets an "urge" to touch a genetic girl.) So you tell me, is the person I am describing more likely to act on impulse than a grown up in that situation? I think where people go wrong with what I said is they are focusing on the word trans when I am focusing on the word TEEN. BTW, who pays higher car insurance? Grown ups or teens? And what teens pay higher insurance, boys or girls? I don't know if I do a good job explaining...
    Hosekid, I am not going to comment on how you bring up your children that is none of my business. What is clear however is that you obviously have zero understanding of what it is like to be transgender. For anyone never mind a teenager to turn their world upside down and transition is a massive massive event, such people are not going suddenly get uncontrollable urges to touch a young girl, even your choice of the pronoun he shows lack of understanding and clear bias.

    So in your world of thinking you are perfectly happy with your daughter using the same bathrooms as a young FTM person, born female but presenting as a male? Or would you be bursting in to the room and make that person feel threatened?

    BTW the reason young people pay higher premiums on car insurance is they lack driving experience and yes males pay higher rates, but that is not because they lack impulse control but because they tend to drive faster and yes some are risk takers. You seem to think that all young boys are walking around pumped up on testosterone assaulting young girls on their way to race their muscle cars..
    A.K.A Rebecca & Bec

  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paula DAngelo View Post
    I think there is something here that everyone is forgetting. Hosekid has the right to protect their child and I can't see anyone arguing that point alone. However what Hosekid seems to be forgetting is that their rights extend up to the point that they infringe on someone else's rights. Just because you think someone looks "shady" or that you have a bad feeling about someone does not give you the right to infringe on their rights. Sure you may not like them going into the same area that your child is in but that does not give you the right to stop them from doing something that they can legally do. If they are doing something that isn't legal, go for it, now you're with in your rights and no one is going to fault you. If you are acting based on just your gut feeling then you are acting on impulse, the same thing you are worrying that teens will do, why are you allowed when you aren't giving those "out of control" teens the same right??? I think people need to realize that if some one is acting in a legal manner they should be left alone regardless of your own personal feelings.
    exactly paula. just to clarify though, I didn't say that I rush in EVERY time I seen someone I didn't like. But there have been more than one occasion were someone went into the bathroom she was in and they were either acting so strange or were visibly emotionally disturbed that it warranted me going in to get my kid. However, I never told anyone they could not go in there, more like I said sorry my kid is taking forever let me get her and we will get out of your way. People act like I am the nazi SS at the door saying "show me your papers" LOL. But think of how many times a woman has watched as her little boy was in the bathroom. I cant count the times I have seen a woman go in the mens bathroom to get her kids.

  17. #67
    Silver Member Aunt Kelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hosekid View Post
    the 15 year old tg need protecting too, NEVER NEVER said she didn't. But protecting from what? hurt feelings because some girls are gonna call her names.
    Yes. You a damned right she needs our protection from that, and your baseless fears, demonizing her for being a teenager or trans, are adding to that suffering. Yes, they are. You are part of the problem.
    WTF part of "transsexual" do you actually understand? Any of it? Because you damned sure don't understand much if you are referring to her as a male, as in "pee with the males". Really? And you think "fair" is forcing her to use the men's room. That is a staggeringly ignorant statement.

    I don't have the words to adequately express my disappointment at hearing such ignorant statements as those you have made here, so I'll stop before I stoop to expressing the other emotions I am having right now.

  18. #68
    Girl about Town Jodie_Lynn's Avatar
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    Two things I want to express and then I am done with this disturbing trainwreck of a thread.

    1 - Hosekid, here is some food for thought: What if the "shady character" is already IN the bathroom when your daughter goes in? Shouldn't you scope out the bathroom first, before she goes in? I mean really, if you are going to protect her, you really should. And what about the bathrooms at school? Aren't you worried some shady characters might be in there? You better check that out as well.

    2 - According to your logic then, the majority of forumites on this site would fall into your "shady" classification. Because many of us are genetic males; many of us crossdress, and many of identify as a gender other than what is on our birth certificates. So if you saw one of us go into the restroom after your daughter did, you would, presumably, rush in to "save" her. And based on your earlier statements, somehow I doubt you would be as tactful as you claim in your later statements.

    My burning question is: If you hold such a low opinion ( and apparent ignorance of the TG condition ) of the CD/TG community, the WTF are you even doing here?

    I am just thankful that the chances of running into you or your little angel are slim to damn near improbable.

    Done & done.
    Before you can love another, you must first like yourself

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  19. #69
    Super Moderator Jeri Ann's Avatar
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    It seems to me that you look for reasons to camp out at, and enter the women’s restroom and possibly use your daughter, if you have a daughter, as bait. What a perv. I don’t know where you are but If you were to come into the women’s restroom when I am in there you WILL be reported.

  20. #70
    The avvy pic isn't me
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    After reading and re-reading this "trainwreck of a thread", I just can't get past this nagging thought that you're trolling.
    May not have been your intention, but you surely got there.

    I went so far as to take a peak at your history (and don't let your paranoia get the best of you yet again, I was just wondering how some one who dates back to the very early days here, has/had only 23 posts), and you went from a casual pantyhose enthusiast to someone going out.

    But that time frame does represent a valid journey from the casual to the not so casual. Perhaps you were the quiet type for all those years?
    Your OP started out ok I guess, but then you went all transphobic at post #23 and it got dumb and dumber from there on out.

    Idk, maybe once you started getting the errors of your ways pointed out to you, you got defensive?
    Something in your 'men who shouldn't be alone with your daughter' rant stands out to me: a school principal? Wow!

    13 years here and you've learned nothing at all about the trans experience; you never took the time to read about the trials and tribulations of trans-folk, the pain and heartache, or conversely the joy and happiness of getting past the fear (and you got that by the 55 gallon drum) to acceptance?

    Frankly you have earned every bit of the vitriol and anger you've been handed to you.

    To answer you original question about which bathroom to use "or none at all?"....yes, you should prolly not use any public facility!
    For you and your families safety, and for everyone else's as well, just don't.


  21. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeri Ann View Post

    It seems to me that you look for reasons to camp out at, and enter the women’s restroom and possibly use your daughter, if you have a daughter, as bait. What a perv. I don’t know where you are but If you were to come into the women’s restroom when I am in there you WILL be reported.
    Thats rich! I mean, a crossdresser reporting a man in the women's bathroom. What a damn joke. I guess I could just show whoever you reported me to my panties and tell them that I too am a crossdresser so I have just as much right as you do to be in there. I mean, who says crossdressers have to be frilly all the time. A lot of women dress exactly as I do every day, and wear no makeup, so why would I be any different?

  22. #72
    Reality Check
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    Quote Originally Posted by hosekid View Post
    ......................... A lot of women dress exactly as I do every day, and wear no makeup, so why would I be any different?
    Because you are a man and look like a man. It's the women's restroom. The men's restroom is down the hall.

    If you continue to walk into the women's restrooms dressed as a man, you are going to end up in trouble. Either with the police or some other girl's father or a woman's husband. And it won't be pretty.

    As for your parenting, yes you have the right to raise your children to fear strangers but you have a responsibility to them and the public not to. At the rate you're going you're going to raise some messed up kids who will have trouble relating to others. If you're afraid of perverts, maybe you should reconsider where you take your children in the first place.

  23. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra Lynn View Post
    After reading and re-reading this "trainwreck of a thread", I just can't get past this nagging thought that you're trolling.
    May not have been your intention, but you surely got there.

    I went so far as to take a peak at your history (and don't let your paranoia get the best of you yet again, I was just wondering how some one who dates back to the very early days here, has/had only 23 posts), and you went from a casual pantyhose enthusiast to someone going out.

    But that time frame does represent a valid journey from the casual to the not so casual. Perhaps you were the quiet type for all those years?
    Your OP started out ok I guess, but then you went all transphobic at post #23 and it got dumb and dumber from there on out.

    Idk, maybe once you started getting the errors of your ways pointed out to you, you got defensive?
    Something in your 'men who shouldn't be alone with your daughter' rant stands out to me: a school principal? Wow!

    13 years here and you've learned nothing at all about the trans experience; you never took the time to read about the trials and tribulations of trans-folk, the pain and heartache, or conversely the joy and happiness of getting past the fear (and you got that by the 55 gallon drum) to acceptance?

    Frankly you have earned every bit of the vitriol and anger you've been handed to you.

    To answer you original question about which bathroom to use "or none at all?"....yes, you should prolly not use any public facility!
    For you and your families safety, and for everyone else's as well, just don't.

    its not that I dont have sympathy or empathy for trans/cd people, but that I have RESPECT for ALL people. It seems that a majority of people here are so caught up in demanding their rights and demanding that they be accepted that they have ignored how other people feel. I hear a lot of comments about cd/trans using the womens restroom, and not caring about how other people feel, yet get mad if a man tries to protect his family. It's a double standard. And by the attitudes displayed here, I am starting to agree that all bathrooms should be limited to birth gender. For a group of people that demands tolorance, there sure isnt any tolorance here!

    And I still have not yet heard how any of the other fathers here handle protecting their kids in bathrooms. Do ya'll just let your kids wonder freely without paying attention?

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    Quote Originally Posted by Krisi View Post
    Because you are a man and look like a man. It's the women's restroom. The men's restroom is down the hall.

    If you continue to walk into the women's restrooms dressed as a man, you are going to end up in trouble. Either with the police or some other girl's father or a woman's husband. And it won't be pretty.

    As for your parenting, yes you have the right to raise your children to fear strangers but you have a responsibility to them and the public not to. At the rate you're going you're going to raise some messed up kids who will have trouble relating to others. If you're afraid of perverts, maybe you should reconsider where you take your children in the first place.
    and Krisi, You too are a man and look like a man. You may have makeup and a dress on, and I may not, but the clothes do not make the girl. So you are basically telling me that I am not pretty enough to use to women's bathroom? And as for the other girls father or womans husband, I bet if he seen me go in there, he already knows my reason why and will probably be coming in to back my play rather than question as to why I went in. And there isnt a police officer alive (at least within 500 miles of here) that will do anything to a dad getting his kid out of a bathroom. I think you are living too deep in a fantasy world.

  24. #74
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    southeast texas
    Hosekid, from what I have read that you have written, you think ever one is out to get your child in restroom that is a CD. Please do a little research and find one time this has happened in real life and let use know where it was. Marshalynn

  25. #75
    Transgender Person Pat's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Boston Area
    This thread is not moving forward but is becoming a finger-pointing match. Time to close it.
    I am not a woman; I don't want to be a woman; I don't want to be mistaken for a woman.
    I am not a man; I don't want to be a man; I don't want to be mistaken for a man.
    I am a transgender person. And I'm still figuring out what that means.

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