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Thread: Inspired by

  1. #1
    Member Read only MiniRock's Avatar
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    Wien (Vienna)

    Inspired by

    First arriving here, I proclaimed myself interested only in the clothes, not in passing as a woman. But this forum has somehow accelerated my progression. Not only have I now been out multiple times on the streets. But I am becoming increasingly bold. My latest outing (pictures below) featured not only a new and very slinky dress, but required my first tuck to get an appropriate look. Google maps tells me I reached 1.3km from home, where the streets become wide and there are always a few people and cars around. I even walked with the handbag at arm's length, which somehow feels super girly - right past a taxi rank. I feel that next time I would like to get into central Vienna, perhaps even going out earlier and using the Straßenbahn (trams). But I can't do that without at least making a pretence at passing - although what chance I have with my features and my six foot stature I don't know. Nevertheless, to that end, I've just ordered a cheap wig on Amazon ( plus some bits of jewellery and makeup. Seems now I can't stop! Leastways, not until I've seen it though. Did inspire you too?


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    Last edited by MiniRock; 05-25-2018 at 12:00 AM. Reason: word change

  2. #2
    Member Shayla's Avatar
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    Although I would not say it inspired me, it has been helpful to know that there are so many of us. Support and validation abound here!

  3. #3
    Member Read only MiniRock's Avatar
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    Yes, you're right Shelley. It's certainly nice to be able to share one's feelings openly in a non-judgemental setting. Personally, I don't feel any guilt or shame about my wanting to cross dress. Even though I paid a high price for it in respect of my family. But I do somehow want to be seen as looking good in a frock. And I can't really say to my colleagues, "hey, what do you think of this?" Well perhaps I could, but so far I haven't. I guess that would count as a need for validation. It would suit me to dress up more if it were more socially conventional. Although of course, part of the excitement is that it is not.

    Well done on your makeover by the way.
    Last edited by MiniRock; 05-24-2018 at 11:54 PM.

  4. #4
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    Remember a cheap wig looks like a cheap wig so don't expect a whole lot.
    Try going out in the daytime its much safer.

  5. #5
    Member Read only MiniRock's Avatar
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    Yes Tracii, thanks for the advice. I guess as in all things in life, you get what you pay for. I'll see what it looks like on. If it works, maybe I'll get something better. But I don't hold out too much hope, whatever the quality. I have a couple of other wigs and they look quite frankly terrible on me. So if there is any kind of style that actually makes me look other than a pug ugly woman, I'll be pleasantly surprised.

    As for going out in the day? Maybe, but I would need to do it in a way that doesn't attract too many stares. And I think a man with a moustache wearing a dress would do that! At night, anything goes. And early morning is just quiet. I have no real worry about violence in Wien. As I've said before, it's the most unthreatening city I've ever know. In my heels, I'm about six foot five and several little men have scuttled by me looking - at least to me - a little too intimidated even to stare. So I guess, I'm not giving out the aura of a vulnerable woman.

  6. #6
    Silver Member Becky Blue's Avatar
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    Firstly well done on going out Mini...I'll echo Tracii on the cheap wig.. nothing is more likely to make someone look like a caveman than a cheap wig...second why dont you consider low 1" heels that would drop your height certainly look the part in that dress... so low heels and a decent wig you may be amazed just how well you can blend in even at 6 foot.
    A.K.A Rebecca & Bec

  7. #7
    Member Read only MiniRock's Avatar
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    Wien (Vienna)
    Thanks Becky. I like to think that, even at fifty five, I'm still flexible and open minded. So, although I, in fact, hadn't considered wearing anything but stilettos - I so love them - maybe you're right. It might work to tone down the heels and try and get a realistic wig. That dress would only do at night though; it's very slinky. It didn't cost much either.

  8. #8
    Silver Member Becky Blue's Avatar
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    I have beautiful heels that are only 1.5 to 2" tops
    A.K.A Rebecca & Bec

  9. #9
    Just do it already! DaisyLawrence's Avatar
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    Personally I don't need inspiration from others, my abundant self-motivation in life has sometimes been a burden rather than a blessing, but there are countless stories here of members who have been inspired by the forum so I guess you are just the latest. It's great for people to be inspired to be themselves, regardless of where the inspiration comes. I think your recent activities will be seen by others as the source of their inspiration so in a matter of weeks you have gone from being inspired to being the inspiring one. Well done you

  10. #10
    Member Read only MiniRock's Avatar
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    Wow, nobody's ever called me inspiring before, especially for wanting to put on a frock. What a compliment; thank you Daisy.

  11. #11
    Just do it already! DaisyLawrence's Avatar
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    You are welcome but it's true. Now you can proudly say to the hesitant ones that classic quote "If I can do it, so can you".

  12. #12
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Go out and enjoy the daytime activities, it is much safer, and you will enjoy it more.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  13. #13
    Gold Member Helen_Highwater's Avatar
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    Firstly, can I say well done. Taking those early steps is always a scary time.

    Next, do you mind if I refer to you as Minni? I always like to be able to address someone by name as I believe we're all persons in our own right and hence should have a "real" name.

    I understand the draw of heels, that pleasure we get from feeling that bit sexy. That said I would say not to underestimate the pleasure, nay real satisfaction to be found in dressing down and just mingling in with the crowd.

    At one time I'd never contemplated going out in daylight wearing flats. That however is what GG's do. Even at 6' it's not that difficult to blend into a busy street. True the moustache is going to make it more difficult but why not loose it and give daylight outings a go. The moustache can always be grown back.

    Dressing down brings other advantages. People tend to engage with you normally, person to person. You've read I'm sure the many many posts on wonderful interactions with SA's. Going out is great. Going out and mingling with the muggles, well that's a whole new level of great.
    Last edited by Helen_Highwater; 05-25-2018 at 11:43 AM.

  14. #14
    Senior Member Tracy Irving's Avatar
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    Early on, shoe shopping was all about the heel height. That didn't last long as they are all in storage now. You might get lucky and find a cheap wig online, especially for night time walks. But, you get what you pay for. In the long run, quality will be a better choice.

    I am glad the members here are helping you with your progress. They are well intentioned with a wealth of information and advice.

  15. #15
    Transgender Person Pat's Avatar
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    Mini -- Consider allowing yourself two looks: a daytime look that is more conventional and your sexy look. With the daytime look you can go out and get things done and find another level of enjoyment. You can even buy things for your sexy look. The mustache is going to be a problem for looking conventional but maybe you can look up the MIAD folks and see if they resonate with you -- maybe that's a look you can enjoy.

    Remember that people who see you for the first time have no real sense of how you "ought" to look. You just look the way you do. You may be unusual but the next time they see you, you will be familiar. After that, they'd be more surprised to see you NOT looking as you do.
    I am not a woman; I don't want to be a woman; I don't want to be mistaken for a woman.
    I am not a man; I don't want to be a man; I don't want to be mistaken for a man.
    I am a transgender person. And I'm still figuring out what that means.

  16. #16
    Member Read only MiniRock's Avatar
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    Wien (Vienna)
    26 May 2018

    Hallo Helen, Tracy and Pat,

    Thank you very much for your kind remarks. I very much appreciate your interest. And I certainly consider your advice.

    Several of you have suggested going out in the daytime so yesterday evening, after a beer with a colleague, I decided go out until daylight. Here's where I was:

    Attachment 292202

    As you can see I reached the main tourist part of Wien and, on a busy Friday morning, I had to pass lots of people to get there. But if I'm honest, I started to feel pretty conspicuous as it got properly light. Although I guess any woman with long legs and heels would attract attention, so perhaps I shouldn't have been so surprised. Nevertheless, the time might have arrived to dispense with the moustache and go fully femme. Or, as you suggest Pat, get a daytime costume.

    Schau ma mal (we'll see)


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    Last edited by MiniRock; 05-28-2018 at 03:39 PM. Reason: word change

  17. #17
    Member Valentina_Rossi's Avatar
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    Somewhere in Switzerland
    Hi Mini!!!

    I though, if I may, share some practical advice with respect to the wig. To me, that is the *one* element where you should get at least a decent, mid-price one. It makes a huge difference!

    My recommendation is that you get a synthetic one, and you should look that it has three weaves in the section where the hair parts. This makes it look very realistic, and not just like a rug that you put in your head! Also, do not do the rookie mistake I did: do not put the parting in the middle of your head, but rather skewed to one side. This is a more natural look, since having a middle parting looks unflattering in most men (it might enhance that one might be balding) and also in most women. You can find descriptions of wig quality by doing a quick Google search.

    Now, for my experience of buying wigs here in Switzerland,

    + I went to the TG store and had wonderful help from Sharon, the owner who is herself a trans woman. This was great to have an idea of what cut would be most flattering to my face shape and eyes. There are stores like this in Germany - I am not sure if in Austria - but you could take the train or drive. It might be worth it for your first wig.

    + The Jewish Orthodox community requires high-quality wigs. They tend to want wigs that are very realistic and look like their own hair, so that they look like themselves but do not break the rule that they can not show their hair out of modesty. These are great, but very pricey wigs.

    + For me, a good compromise quality-price has to go to hair shops of the Portuguese-speaking (Brazil, Angola), Spanish speaking (Latin América) and African communities. They are reasonable quality, low price since they tend to sector of the community that are working class, and people are really friendly, much more than your Teutonic cousins

    Avoid at all costs Fasnacht or Halloween wigs. They look extremely fake, even in pictures! And they are also not cheap at all.

    Once I am able to post pictures, if you are interested, I could show you two looks, one blonde and one brunette with both cheap terrible wigs and decent ones.

    I hope this is useful to you,

    Love love

  18. #18
    Member Read only MiniRock's Avatar
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    Thank you very much Val for your trenchant and valuable advice. And yes, I would love to see the pictures you describe.

  19. #19
    Silver Member
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    Mini, unless the moustache is so dear to your male side, or perhaps your SO just loves it to death, that you can't remove it, you can get the best wig in the world, but in daylight, you'll still be recognized as a man. If you want others to see you looking good in a frock, as you say, something's gotta give. I wonder what that might be, hmmm? Also a suggestion .. carry a smaller purse. Have fun!

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    I meant to add that this site has inspired me to do more CD related things then I could have ever imagined!

  20. #20
    Member Read only MiniRock's Avatar
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    Yes Jenny, thank you, I realise that. And I'm considering getting rid of it. I've had it for eight years and it's sort of become my trademark. Although my SO isn't particularly fond of it actually.

    The bag is just something old and worn out that I found. But coincidentally, my SO gave me two of hers the other day, which I think would be more to your liking.

    The problem I have right now is that I'm now in Stockholm with no apartment organised yet. So my walks are necessarily very much on the back burner.

    Last edited by MiniRock; 06-06-2018 at 11:59 PM. Reason: formatting

  21. #21
    Member Valentina_Rossi's Avatar
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    Hi Mini!!

    First, I wanted to apologize! Sorry, I thought you were Austrian, until I read your biography. Sorry!

    Here is the wig comparison I mentioned... first, this horrible Fasnacht one:


    Note how bad the hair partition looks. It is just a seam, and it is extremely clear even in a small picture, imagine on the street! Then the partition is in the middle... this is a "Morticia Addams"-style, and it makes my head look bulbous, like an alien from Mars Attacks . Texture and color are also even, which makes it look very fake.

    Now, this is a good quality one that I got at the TG store, advised by the owner:


    Note how natural the hair partition looks. This is because of the three layer weave in that zone, which is a measure of a good quality wig. Now, the partition is on the side, which looks more natural. Color is uneven, like in real hair, and the wig can be styled and does not require much maintenance.

    Love love,

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    Hi Mini!

    Now, this is for the blonde wig. First, the carnival one:


    Again, the seam is very noticiable. It was also hard to get even one decent angle to take a picture, since it looked spotty in places, with missing hair. It looks terrible from the side, for example. Color is even, and looks plastic and fake.

    Now, an extremely good wig I got in an Orthodox Jew hair shop:


    Now, this wig is *extremely* expensive.... you do not want to know now much. It is extremely good, and it is meant to even be used by chemotherapy patients. In a way, it might be over-kill, since the red-brown I showed earlier is already very good. In any case, Note again how natural the hair partition looks, and how the synthetic hair is layered. Color is very uneven, the way natural hair tends to look like.

    None of these wigs would work with a mustache, however

    I hope this information is useful to you,

    Love love

  22. #22
    Member Read only MiniRock's Avatar
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    Hello Valentina,
    Ok, first, please accept my apologies for the tardy reply. I've been on full gas all week after moving to Stockholm (new job, new colleagues, finding accommodation, all of that stuff - plus a nice schrimp boat trip out into the archipelago so it wasn't all boring). However, thank you very much for your post. Actually, to me, only the last wig looks natural so yes, I guess you do get what you pay for. I've no idea where to find a Jewish shop. However, the message I think I've taken on board is that it would pay to go to a proper wig shop and get something "fitted" to my ugly mug!
    Hopefully, I will have a picture of something to post in due course.
    Last edited by MiniRock; 06-10-2018 at 09:53 AM. Reason: Typo

  23. #23
    Senior Member phili's Avatar
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    I think you look great in your outfit- and I think it is because you stand tall and don't try to disguise your strength. I'm of course comfortable with the MIAD look, and this is not to say don't try to pass- just that as a MIAD you look good, comfortable, and approachable for anyone who wants to befriend you.
    We are all beautiful...!

  24. #24
    Aspiring Member
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    Regarding receiving inspiration from this forum, I agree with you. The sharing of the similarly-minded members here gives one pause to say - I can do that too. Perhaps subliminal ideas are planted in out minds and over time we make them happen.

    Best wishes on your relocation and your transgender (as in umbrella) journey!

  25. #25
    Member Valentina_Rossi's Avatar
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    Hi Mini!!

    Congratulations on your move! Stockholm is a lovely city. I look forward to see your pictures, either if you decided to get a wig or go for the MIAD look in the end.

    Love love

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