I know, I know, now that TG is out and about and everyone makes a big deal of it (except those of us who live it full time).

Anyways, last time i went to the doc maybe two weeks ago, there was some sheet to fill out asking about gender. Of course transgender was on there.
So I put that yet STILL had to explain to the doctor that pap tests and menstrual cycles do not apply to me. Yeah a little awkward but she asked something MORE akward during the visit. More on that in a moment.

So my room mate's mom went to the doctor recently and they asked her if she was transgender. Oh FFS. My room mate's mom happens to be a GG and nothing about her screams "man".

Honestly though, the world is acting like this planet is being over run with TG. No, there are still very few of us out there. No need to turn the world upside down just yet.

So about the MORE akward question -
OK so I am not embarrassed about my gender status. Ask away, I do not mind. BUT - recently i got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My doctor asked about my sugar intake. I flat out told her, "It is quite a bit, I am embarrassed to even say". She don;t need to know that most every day i drink about 4 to 8 cans of pepsi, one quart of kool aid, large glass of chocolate milk, eat 1/2 a pound of chocolate, perhaps some ice cream after dinner... I know there is other high-fructose junk but anyways.

On a good note, I have no cavities Bring on the Little Debbies!

So back to the point, do they just anyone and everyone now?