So, I got this add in my usual junk mail folder from a company called Soma the other day offering a special buy 6 get an additional 50% off sale on panties. Not sure why "I" would get such an ad(wink wink)
So I clicked the link, I know that can be dangerous...

Anyway, I found some absolutely beautiful lacy, girly panties in just my size and since I could save so much more if I bough six pair, well, I bought 12. I mean who doesn't like to save money, right. Then I get the deadly "Others who bought this also viewed...' screen and saw another style that I liked just as much as the first and, well, ladies, I bought 24 pair of panties the other day. They arrived in the mail yesterday and they are wonderful...

But think of all the money I saved, right...

Like I said, we may have a problem here... LOL

I think I may have found my one true weakness.

I know you're all there with me. Maybe we could form a panty addict support group or something.

Just had to laugh at myself a bit...

Have a great day.