Today whilst out getting some lunch a woman behind me called out Becky to her friend... don't worry i didn't turn around and say yes? But it did get me thinking, I would love to hear your answers to these questions..

1. Have you been called by your Fem name?
2. If you hear your Fem name being called by someone not addressing you how does it feel?
3. If your answer to Q1 was yes - How does it feel?
4. How did it feel the first time?
5. How do you react when you meet someone with the same name as you?

My answers are:
1. Yes many times, I have been lucky to go out with friends and also have had a number of makeovers
2. I get a warm feeling
3. I love being called Becky or Bec it feels very normal
4. The first time it definitely felt strange I felt like I was testing & feeling trying out this new concept... but it grew on me very quickly
5. I feel a sort of secret bond with the other Becky. Given we usually choose our own names its pretty likely we like them, so I also naturally like all the Beckys I meet. I almost always say nice name.