I am always an optimist -- when people say they support me or they like me or they like the job I'm doing, I believe them. I just never feel in a position to condemn others, so when they are telling me it's fine then sharpening their knives, I am the last person to figure it out. Of course I lost not my whole job, but the fun part of it and the part that makes it pay more than shit, last week, no warning, from the very boss who had said all the gooey platitudes about how much he admired my courage in working up to a full transition that I expected to implement this fall.

Now I can't afford it, can't afford to keep my son in his fancy college, wife hates it and wants this to be proof that obviously I just have to stop transitioning .... my happy place at work is now somewhere I don't want to set foot but my home is not a welcoming place either.

I'm effectively homeless, spiritually though not yet physically.

Trusting people will just **** you over. You have no one but yourself. Everyone else thinks you are an idiot and a fool to try to change from male to female. They hate you and they will lie about it until they get you to the point where you are so vulnerable you can't cope with what they are doing to you.

Today, only a week after being humiliatingly fired in public on the first day of classes for no reason, I am threatened by the boss of further pay cuts if I don't act all enthusiastic and positive about my new role.

I want to make these people pay. Does anyone sue and win or is it just a way to prolong your own suffering?

asking not for a friend but for myself.


p.s. I have an army of therapists and the MD just doubled the estradiol dose so Im covered on that front.