Would any of you like to share your feelings with other CD's here???? We learn from each other. Your feelings on the below subjects.

1/ What are your inner feelings when the pink fog starts you to thinking about wanting to cross dress (take off your male clothes and dress in girl clothes) ?

2/ How do you feel when/while getting dressed in girl clothes (shaving legs, pubic area/ picking out panties and slipping them on, same with a bra and breast forms, hose, tight jeans or skirt, and the rest.

3/ What does the full length mirror do for you ?

4/ How does it feel to walk out the front door, drive and walk through the mall and girl shop ?

5/ To come home, undress and evaluate the last four or five hours ?

6/ Have you accepted, are you at peace being a crossdresser or ashamed and want to quit but can't?

Let's see if any want to share, I'm sure many are interested; if several share I will too, and in detail.

Deebra, just came home full dressed.