Hey Nikki - it's definitely a fine line. I think as others have pointed out that it would be a good idea to see your physician and also understand what a good level is for your BMI. On the other hand losing weight can definitely be a good thing for a host of reasons. It comes down to figuring out what is healthy and at what point it becomes unhealthy.

I definitely know how you feel. I was 206.5 pounds at the end of December 2017 and I was definitely overweight. I weighed myself this morning and am at 182 so I have lost 24.5 pounds in a little over 10 months. It is amazing how good it feels and how much better my body looks. I keep a good regimen of exercise, yoga and I am also making much better choices when it comes to my diet. I have found what works for me. I plan to continue to lose more as my calculated BMI as of now is 27.7 and the normal range is 18.5-24.9 so I could go much further but my hope is to get to 170 as that was where I was at through most of my adult life.

Also not sure if it is an option but through work I get a full blood workup on an annual basis. I am definitely looking forward to seeing my the levels for cholesterol, blood glucose and levels pertaining to my heart, kidney, liver and thyroid among others. I hope to post some results later this year.

I would also highly recommend the Mayo clinics BMI calculator so you can get a sense as to what your normal range is.