As some of you may have noticed that are frequent visitors I have become much more active on this site recently. I went through a 6 month or more period of time that I stepped away - for no particular reason other than I didn't feel like I needed the support anymore.

Well I still need support from friends, family, my therapist and some reading and soul searching. But I don't need the I'm scared / how do I do this - kind of support I needed when I first came here over 2 years ago.

Recently I was thinking back on those early days of my transition and thinking about the people that really helped me and I met some of them here. Some was just good advice and eye opening opinions online and others I got to know in real life.

Now that I have become more active again I am wondering to myself when writing these posts or replies.... AM I DOING ANYTHING WORTHWHILE?

I really don't have any interest in watching myself type or trying to prove how smart I am. There are others here smarter than I.
I am just trying to add opinion / food for thought because that is what I got when I came here in 2016.

In short, am I adding to the conversation or just listening to myself talk?