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Thread: Crossdressing: Choice or Necessity? or "Could You Quit It And Not Miss It?"

  1. #176
    Junior Member NitaCD's Avatar
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    For me there is no choice. It is just the nice part of my life that has always been there for me and hopefully always will be. I guess I would considered my dressing to be a necessity if I want to continue to enjoy life and be happy. I can't say that I have ever really "quit" but I have stop dressing for a while and found that missed it too much to ever give it up completely.

  2. #177
    🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺 Patience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BTWimRobin View Post
    Patience, The more I think about it ... I certainly feel that both my female and male sides coexist much better. My wife has noticed that I have been a much happier person since I've been dressing. I have also been less stressed and I feel like a whole person.
    I too have been happier since I’ve accepted and acted on my dressing.

    The funny thing is now I’ve gone out a bunch of times and come out to a lot of my friends, I don’t really feel the need to do it as much. Maybe it would get old (for me, anyway) if I did it all the time.
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  3. #178
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    I would rather i never had this inclination and strong compulsion, but i have tried to sstop so many times, and it does not go away completely, and seems to get stronger. and i never had any chance for marriage. Rather than end my life, i have come to accept it is a part of me, but i must master it and keep it under control, and not let if take over everything and ruin my life.

  4. #179
    Dani Dani0948's Avatar
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    Since nearly everyone on the forum has reponded to this post, I didn't want to feel left out. To answer the question - I stopped dressing for nearly 20 years, but the desire never went away. Now I dress as often as I can.

  5. #180
    Silver Member Bobbi46's Avatar
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    Who wants to stop? is this not what our whole lives rotate around? the pleasure and the contentment of living a long yearned (for some) for lifestyle, to live in peace and harmony with our selves and oiur suroundings.
    I started life a lost man now I am a found woman

  6. #181
    Member VS Fan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dani0948 View Post
    Since nearly everyone on the forum has reponded to this post, I didn't want to feel left out.
    Haha thought the same thing Dani

    For me this started as an adolescent and later as an adult (with about ten years between) as a means to acquire that which I lacked: the feelings of closeness to a woman.

    That said, if I found a woman I was attracted to, who dressed sexy (at least some of the time) and met all my physical and emotional needs on a (very) regular basis (not just sex, but cuddling etc), I would likely feel less inclination to dress. However would that stop me entirely? Not sure, since over the years I have become “addicted” to it, and its hard to say if the original needs being met would override the new “habit” of it.

    I would try if the situation arose, but the situation arising is as likely as winning the lotto when you don’t play...

  7. #182
    Aspiring Member Traci H's Avatar
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    As Dani said, it seems everyone has responded to this long running thread so I felt the need to jump in too. I have just finished reading virtually all the responses and felt a kinship with the responders. I have struggle with crossdressing for much of my life. Certainly if it was not there, life might be easier. However at this point I cannot imagine what that would be like. I have quit for about ten years going back about three years ago. I felt it was causing me too much anxiety and stressing out my wife. Eventually however I came to accept myself and for the most part the anxiety has departed. This forum has helped greatly in that regard.

    I contemplate quitting from time to time as my wife expresses her dissatisfaction with the behavior. Part of it is the amount of items I have accumulated. So I pack some of that away to keep the in your face part low key. I would like to think I can quit. The reality is I could not. Abstain for a bit yes, but it always comes back.
    I just want to be pretty once in a while

  8. #183
    Senior Member April Rose's Avatar
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    Did quit it, for several years, some years ago. I decided that life was better with it, and haven't changed my mind since.
    I am a vessel of the goddess. Let me express my calling to a feminine life through nurturing love and relatedness.

  9. #184
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    i would love to stop dressing and be "normal" but i guess normal is me dressing as it is a compulsion that has complete control over me

  10. #185
    Gold Member Sometimes Steffi's Avatar
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    So, what does it really mean to quit crossdressing?

    Just stop dressing?

    Or stop thinking about dressing?

    Could I go a week without:

    Seeing a GG wearing some article of clothing or jewelry, without wanting it for myself?
    Walking through a retail store, say Macy's, without looking at the latest women's styles?
    Reading some posts this forum?

    To the last three, no, no and no. They are on autopilot now and part of my daily life.

    If I admit to that, could I continue doing those three things and not try on any clothes.

    Very doubtful.

    Unlike some, I never really had a pause in my crossdressing, except maybe in my mid to late teens when I first discovered girls. I know; I was a late bloomer. At that point I might have be more interested getting into their panties than getting into panties.
    Hi, I'm Steffi and I'm a crossdresser... And I accept and celebrate both sides of me. Or, maybe I'm gender fluid.

  11. #186
    Member michelleg's Avatar
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    To answer the question, no I wouldn't want to quit. I have been dressing since I was a teen and I still love everything about it. I am very happy to be a crossdresser. Thanks for posting such a good question it was nice to think about how much I like it.

  12. #187
    Oh to be an English Rose Jane G's Avatar
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    To me personally, cross dressing is like sports. I am what many would term a keep fit junky. I was a Keen cyclist for many years. Have not lifted my bike off the wall for 20 now. I regularly played golf, from early teens, untill I was in my 40s. Not lifted a club out my bag since. I would surft every swell I could make, from aged 35 to 54. Not surfed one wave since. Right now my sports are walking he high hills and rock climbing.

    The point of this ramble. I may have stopped cycling, golf and surfing. All of which I enjoyed for many years. But I have never been able to give up playing sports. It's there in my DNA, no getting away from it. Simple realy.

  13. #188
    🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺 Patience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sometimes Steffi View Post
    So, what does it really mean to quit crossdressing?

    Just stop dressing?

    Or stop thinking about dressing?

    Could I go a week without:

    Seeing a GG wearing some article of clothing or jewelry, without wanting it for myself?
    Walking through a retail store, say Macy's, without looking at the latest women's styles?
    Reading some posts this forum?

    To the last three, no, no and no. They are on autopilot now and part of my daily life.
    Mine too, except that between my work schedule and my home life, things have come to a grinding halt. Yes, I still think about it and want to do it, but I think doing three makeovers in a period of six months somehow scratched that itch for a while. I’m planning my fourth makeover this month and plan to go to work fully dressed on Halloween.

    A friend who knows of my dressing asked me about it and I told her that my fem persona had gone on a trip to find herself. It’s kind of true. I feel she’ll come back with a vengeance, though, and I’m looking forward to it.
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  14. #189
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    Being a newbie on this site I like the question. Since I can remember I've wanted to wear women's clothes. Most of my early life I would dress when ever I could get a hold of women's clothes, meaning not very often. But when I could I really enjoyed the feeling. In my 30s the need got really bad. I started dressing a lot. It was wonderful. I bought my first dresses, bras, panties, forms and for the first time saw Angela in a mirror. I thought this is it there is no stopping. But it did stop for a very long time. I would see a woman in some nice heels and dress and think I could look good in that. But the guilt would overwhelm me and I turned away. Since it had been so long I thought,huh, maybe I'm "cured". I dont want to dress anymore. The need came back with a vengeance recently. I finally came to the conclusion that this is me. I'm still working through all these feelings but I do know I want to dress and look like a woman. It makes me feel good and I'm happy. There are a lot of challenges for me but it is a need for me to do this. This is the first time ever talking to anyone about this. I read comments that I'm not the only one and I feel better about myself.

  15. #190
    Senior Member Maid_Marion's Avatar
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    I'm one of those cross dominant types that can use either hand. I use my left hand for extreme fine motion and my right hand for strength. Though I can swap if I want to.

    I function better socially in mostly appropriate women's clothes. But I'm living in a place that has gender equality laws for the work place.

    It may help that women's clothes fit me really well so I make a good impression at first glance.

    Last edited by Maid_Marion; 09-03-2019 at 04:13 PM.

  16. #191
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    VSFan, I am in almost the same situation. Never had a wife. It is kind of a substitute/ No chance to have a mate in this life, so far, and little or no hope of it.

  17. #192
    Junior Member Kelly-o's Avatar
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    I am happy with the balance in life that I have. Could I quit yes? Would I be as happy, the answer is no.

  18. #193
    Member SHINY-J's Avatar
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    The very first moved out of my parents house and got a place of my own, I had packages arriving in the mail from fredericks of Hollywood within a week. My wardrobe grew quickly for the next several years...then, I met a girl, didn’t tell her my secret, and the day before we moved in together, I threw my entire femme wardrobe in a dumpster. I was okay for a year or so, but the urges returned. Eventually, I shared my secret with her and it was not well received. We didn’t really discuss it very often as it made us so uncomfortable... we stayed together though. but eventually, we grew apart. While the dressing wasn’t the sole reason for splitting, I’m sure it played a role in our divorce. I moved out and the very first night in alone my new place, I’ll spent the entire evening in front of my laptop ordering my new femme wardrobe. I literally charged up almost 10,000 dollars that first night on heels, boots, panties, wigs, hose, bras, breast forms, makeup, garter belts, corsets, teddies, etc... in fact, my femme wardrobe ended up initially going into the main closet and I ended up slowly picking my guy clothes out of moving boxes for a couple of months... its now grown to the point that it easily tripled my male wardrobe.

    So, I’d definitely say that I can’t quit. I may go days at a time... sometimes even weeks at a time, hardly dressing at all or buying anything. Other times it seems the urge is overwhelming and I spend and dress constantly... it’s seems almost manic.

    I honestly don’t have any of the typical vices you hear about in society... I’m not addicted to anything like alcohol, hard drugs, gambling, smoking, etc... and I won’t pretend that my dressing habit is on par with drug or alcohol addiction... but with my dressing, it’s as close as I can possibly imagine to knowing what true addiction is because it’s the one thing that I truly don’t really understand or have any control over in my life. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever have it under control.

  19. #194
    Gold Member Alice Torn's Avatar
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    In extremely difficult circumstances such as the horrendous hurricane disaster in Bahamas, or earthquake, or civil strife, war, or epidemic or famine, we all have to adapt, and survival is the big issue, and dressing not urgent then. We humans are capable of adapting when survival is the only issue. Or becoming homeless. i am sure there were CDs in the Bahamas, and they were not concerned about the clothes. I would miss it, but would be occupied with push coming to shove. And another thing would be being in jail or prison.. I would think a lot about it, and miss it, but not be doing any cding there.
    Last edited by Alice Torn; 09-10-2019 at 08:42 PM.

  20. #195
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    Exclamation Don't suppress it - embrace it!

    I'm a mature man attracted to a man who cross-dresses as a woman to attract and enhance an interaction with a man. A cross-dresser, I believe, has a need to be on the submissive side of a dominant/assertive - submissive/passive sexual encounter with a man. It allows a male to explore through role-playing as a female that aspect of traditionally femininity normally reserved for genetic females. As a former cross-dresser who is now attracted to those that cross-dress, I have been on both sides of this equation and am speaking from experience.

    I stopped fighting 'it' and embraced it as an aspect of my personality that makes me different from others on a planet of over 7 billion people. Not doing 'it' would only suppress the urge, but never extinguish it leading to other mental and physical stress-related issues.

  21. #196
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    Like Stephanie, I'm a senior CD. I,too, had a difficult time dealing with my desire to crossdress. After living with it for more than 70 years, I have come to accept that my desire to dress as a woman will never end.

  22. #197
    🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺 Patience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giselle(Oshawa) View Post
    i would love to stop dressing and be "normal" but i guess normal is me dressing as it is a compulsion that has complete control over me
    Would you say your dressing is having a negative impact in your life? And what exactly is “normal”?
    When haters hate, I celebrate!

  23. #198
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    I could stop. But then I don't do much other than panties all the time, occasional camis, pantyhose, heels, bra. I dont go all out fem.

  24. #199
    YOULOVEMYTOES Palaina Nocturnus's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if I already commented on this so please forgive me if I did.

    I can not and will not ever stop crossdressing. Even when I can't live how I want to, like where I'm currently living, I will still get ready grab my stuff and have myself a girly night out.

    It's a must, there are no 2 ways about it and arguing the point against it is moot. I'll respect someone and keep it under my clothes and go completely boy mode but you better understand the moment I get a chance to I'm going en femme immediately lol I'll be boy mode wearing my glitter flip flops until I park the car and get out.

    I drive barefoot, I always have. I feel out of control with shoes on lol so I'm referring to when I get in and out before my destination

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    Oh and it's a safer bet that I'm wearing girl clothes under boy clothes every time lol
    Live, laugh, love!

  25. #200
    Junior Member Gaz's Avatar
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    I expect the answer to the OP question varies. I will say this as someone who doesn't in any way consider themselves girly or feminine, just a bloke who enjoys the clothing, and I've tried to quit.


    I expect many on here have purged at least once on the path to finally accepting themselves for who they are, and I'm no exclusion to the rule. Its only fairly recently that I finally told myself "You're a crossdresser - always have been, always will be, deal with it and move on because the game starts in a few minutes, and it ain't that big a deal." It would probably make my wife somewhat happier if I was to quit and not miss it, but at this point... not happening.

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