I have thought long and hard about this one. Aftet losing my father last month i have been reflecting on it even more. For as long as i can remember i have been drawn to girls clothes, shoes, makeup, jewlery, etc., etc. I grew up jealous of my older sister. I wanted my ears pierced, my nails done, makeup and pretty dresses. The special feeling of getting flowers. When middle and high school came i was jealous of the pretty girls. I wanted to be a girl so i could have boobs and wear pretty bras. I was attracted to girls physically on a sexual level, yet still drawn to their clothes and accessories. My favorite color has always secretly been pink. Fast forward to today, those feelings still have never left. My wife loves me enough to accept this about me and allows and encourages me to explore it. Its hard to explain in words but i kind of liken it to being the opposite of a tomboy. I have no desire to transition or become a woman but if it were to become a completely and socially acceptable thing, i would probably become the girliest man you would ever meet. Its not something i can say i was born with but not something i can just turn off either. It is just what i like and who i am. I find some things pretty and feel that as a human being i have the right to feel pretty too.