I was in the bedroom last night getting pretty when I took off my pants to put on a dress. I was wearing pantyhose already from underdressing from the day. My wife asked me why am I not wearing the pantyhose that I have hidden, what am I saving those for. She said I wear the cheap ones all the time and mean while I have all the expensive and my favourite ones hidden and what am I saving them for, Im not getting younger and getting into my late 50s why not enjoy my better stuff. She told me I have enough for two life times and if I was saving them for when I evolve and maybe go out dressed or if something happens between us at least I'm well stocked. I told her most of my dressing is underdressing and pantyhose get ruined much faster under pants. I couldn't really answer her why I don't wear the other stuff and she was right I feel like I'm saving it for something, but not really sure what.
At times I feel like when I was younger I could never have imagined finding a women who would except this and maybe I don't want to take it for granted. I could have never have dreamed of owning all this fem stuff. My wife just told me that maybe I should start using my nicer stuff and not to put me down or anything but because we are getting older and in the end it would be a shame to not have enjoyed them and have to throw them out.
Maybe she's right and I should wear more of my favourite things, and she's leaving me thinking that me saving this stuff is like a disorder like hourding or something like that. Am I alone here or does anyone else feel like there saving some fem stuff, for who knows what reason maybe a day when we will break free and we want our best stuff to wear and why waist it now wearing it underdressing.
She's got me thinking now.