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Thread: Crossdressing?

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Jun 2018


    On my last post i got told i was to out there wearing my formal dress outside. I understand a bit silly to go out at night in the middle of no where!
    But i may say this what is the definition of a crossdresser?
    A male/female who likes to wear the clothes and accessories of the opposite gender.
    I belive i am a crossdresser, i enjoy wearing female clothes i am a male who looks like a male and would have no chance of looking female! I dont do make up i have no desire to be a female, i enjoy going out because it feels amazing with the satin and stockings and fresh cool air not to mention the feeling of walking in heels unfortunately i like the formal gowns and satin's. So i am unable to go out in public and blend in as i have no desire to wear female normal clothes.
    In my opinion i belive the guys/girls who want to dress and look like a male/female and go out to blend in, in public are more then just crossdresser's and this forum is for male to female crossdresser.
    Please remember this is my opinion i am not out there to offend but in return please remember some of us are not wanting to look female, but enjoy being out sometimes when we can! And it seems when we post things we get the negative comments! I understand the saftey comments and thank you.


  2. #2
    Platinum Member Angie G's Avatar
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    You go girl, If it makes you happy then that's for you. When I lived outside the city I would drive home from work And spend some time outside At 11:300 pm. Made me feel good. What someone thinks doesn't matter to me.

  3. #3
    Lisa Allisa's Avatar
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    If wearing only gowns and stockings and satin clothing is making you feel good than more power to you. You have to remember this site is large and the people here are very varied and some speak their minds so take everything with a grain of salt.
    "you are a strange species and there are many out there;shall I tell you what I find beautiful about you ,you are at your best when things are at their worst" ...[ Starman]
    It may of course be a bit disturbing to sense that one is really not so firmly anchored to the gender one was born into.

  4. #4
    Aspiring Member
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    Crossdressing encompasses a wide spectrum. Some prefer to blend in. Some prefer to crossdress in the safety and privacy of their homes. Some consider themselves MAID (man in a dress). Some go all out, or not at all. Some limit themselves to specific feminine articles. A saying goes, if you know one crossdresser, then you know one crossdresser.

    About the only thing that binds us together is that crossdressing makes us happy.

    Welcome to this forum.

  5. #5
    Silver Member Micki_Finn's Avatar
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    Most girls come here looking for help with their presentations so that they can blend in and be more comfortable going out in public. I don’t believe anyone in the other thread was telling you that you were dressing WRONG, just that you were dressing in a way that is not normal for GGs. If you don’t mind sticking out, then you do you. Many of us prefer to dress like women rather than just dress in women’s clothes.

    “In my opinion i belive the guys/girls who want to dress and look like a male/female and go out to blend in, in public are more then just crossdresser's and this forum is for male to female crossdresser. “

    Make you a deal, you don’t judge us, and we won’t judge you either.

  6. #6
    Aspiring Member
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    By definition this site is for all who like to change popular perception and be different from the norm.

    However this particular platform lends itself to those who have that want but prefer it, in the main, to be promoted in a non promiscuous way.

    We all have reasons for being here. Mine I'm sure not a lot different to anyone who engages on here from one degree or another however.....

    Be prepared to accept that this balanced sanctuary is not like most. It allows freedom of expression and speech but intends to keep it informative and helpful.

    There is nothing wrong in expression and soul searching for the answers were looking for, there are thousands of threads to help you understand who you are on here if you choose to search through the library this is.

    But as is with library's, there are rules and etiquette that need to be followed.

    We are a community, but a community without rules, etiquette and boundaries is a road to every other forum out there.

    Never be afraid to ask your question, just be prepared that it may not be a popular subject and therefore receive less than the fanfare hoped for.


  7. #7
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.

    Read between the lines, no one TOLD you anything, the posts were of good advice by others as to the dangers of presenting as you wish.

    Being made aware of the dangers or otherwise, you are free to do as you wish within the law of the land.

    To avoid ridicule it was suggested you present tastefully and this is something you will learn about after being here a while and reading others comments.

    Do enjoy your stay here and benefit from others suggestions.
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Maid_Marion's Avatar
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    At the end of a brutally hot and humid summer day I saw someone elegantly dressed up in a white dress taking a stroll down the sidewalk. They were several blocks away, so I have no idea on whether it was a GG or crossdresser, but it certainly seemed inappropriate for the weather.

  9. #9
    Aspiring Artist Kelly DeWinter's Avatar
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    You may NOT ! just kidding, whatever makes your boat float. I'm more offended by someone who wears a tie-dyed t-shirt without ever em ah participating in a …. well you get my drift.
    Kelly DeWinter
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  10. #10
    TrueNorth Strong & Fierce Princess Chantal's Avatar
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    Don’t worry Simone,
    My preferred crossdressing presentations screams “Crossdresser” the majority of the time and am very proud that it does. It isn’t every day thing that a woman would put on a gown and step up onto a pedestal at the most popular intersection in Canada. However, she may do it for a special occasion.
    I tend to see many of my crossdressing ventures as a special occasion, seeing that it isn’t every day that I get prettied up.

    Enjoy your crossdressing your way, just keep safety in mind especially going out in the evening
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  11. #11
    Sallee Sallee's Avatar
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    First I have to say you go girl what makes you feel good just do it. I certainly enjoy getting dressed to the nines and even the tens. But if I am going out to "normal" places the mall the movies I will dress down to blend because I like to see if I can pass as a woman. That for me means jeans nice top flats fashionable jewelry and reasonable make up. That is what I enjoy a day at the mall maybe stopping for something to eat and just enjoying myself as a woman. Different strokes for different folks
    Have fun and enjoy No one really cares

  12. #12
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    Dress however you wish just be ready to take the heat if it comes your way.

  13. #13
    Senior Member Jean 103's Avatar
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    What it shows is that you have a very lot to learn.

    You started out ok then got a bit derailed.

    A man wearing women's clothes is a crossdresser. It doesn't matter how much you know or how often you do it.

    It's really that simple.

  14. #14
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    Around here where I live a lot of the women already dress like me, that is, a T shirt and jeans. So blending in would be, wearing a T shirt and jeans. I'm exaggerating a bit, please excuse the sarcasm. Comfort and practicality I suppose.

    For me I would rather dress up in nicer womens clothes, a skirt with something satiny. More exciting to wear something sexy. However, thats not something anyone is normally wearing in public and not going to blend in at all.

  15. #15
    Nylons lover GeorgeA's Avatar
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    Since you say that you "have no chance of looking female" then you fit a definition of MIAD: a man in a dress who does not attempt to look like a woman. There are several threads around referring to MIADs. Search for that word both here and in the picture gallery.
    formerly Salerba

    "a miad" Man-in-a-Dress

  16. #16
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Simone, I'll never pass out in public up close. And, like u? I despise dressing to blend! What's the point? I'd rather go out in drab!

    On the other hand? Like Chantal there r places and times when I get to dress Sherry the way I like out in public!

    P1170426 (640x572).jpg
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  17. #17
    🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺 Patience's Avatar
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    I am part of everything.
    You can say something is "just your opinion" until the cows go home, but that doesn't insulate you from opposition or disagreement. Opinions can be wrong too, you know.

    Case in point:

    Quote Originally Posted by Simoneshamon View Post
    In my opinion i belive the guys/girls who want to dress and look like a male/female and go out to blend in, in public are more then just crossdresser's and this forum is for male to female crossdresser.
    So your definition of crossdressing is basically restricted to what you do? How convenient.

    I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way, but having someone who's been around as short a time as you have and who's participated in the forum as little as you have tell everybody else what "this forum is for" is coming off a little bit strong, opinion or not, don't you think?

    Without wanting to be overly critical, whether you want to or not, you're coming across as someone who thinks they already know everything and aren't willing to learn anything. Such a person doesn't really need a forum like this, in my opinion. (see how that works?) No wonder the girls came down so hard on you on your last thread.

    If you take the time to familiarize yourself with this community, you will realize that different people crossdress with various degrees of interest, various motivations and with various levels of interest and ability; some are very basic, others elevate it to an art form and they're all legitimate.

    Speaking for myself as someone who fits your definition of "more then (sic) just a crossdresser", I want to blend because I believe it's safer for me to do so when I'm out dressed; and I go out dressed because it's a free country and no one is gonna tell me how to live, dammit. As the saying goes, it's better to die on your feet (wearing a dress) than to live on your knees (wearing pants), but I'm straying from the point.

    The point is that this is a resource for people with various interests, various motivations and various goals and each individual member has a right to pursue that goal within their limitations and without feeling inhibited by others. Do I think there are folks on this forum whose activities have little or nothing to do with crossdressing? Sure I do, but that's their business, not mine. We're here to build up, not to take down.

    So my advice to you is to read as many threads as you can (including the archives) with an open mind. Who knows, you might become better at this. That's all we're here to do, in my opinion.
    When haters hate, I celebrate!

  18. #18
    Senior Member Asew's Avatar
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    Some of those replies on your last post were a bit harsh. The best advice I ever got was "you do you".

  19. #19
    Banned Read only
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    Technically we are all crossdressers if we're not TS , it's more where we are on the TG spectrum that's likely to dictate exactly what we choose to wear . If like me you're out everyday then I will dress to integrate , if you only get a limited time then you're more likely to wear something that feels good to you but not necessarily appropriate dress . The point is there are no rules it all depends what sort of reaction you get or are prepared to accept from the people that see you . I know some members say it's none of their business and I don't really care but if you have to go to the same supermarkets or make apponitments with the same people on a regular basis then to me it does matter what they think , I'm Teresa to them not a crossdresser , I've never ever been called that and I must admit it doesn'ytfeel like that now .

    I've checked you age and when I look back my dressing then was so differnt to how it is now , I never dreamed I would be going out as Teresa , the thought never crossed my mind . I didn't wear full makeup until I was in my forties but when I did that and put a wig on for the first time everything changed , I guess that's when Teresa really came into being .

    I love wearing the glitzy stuff as well but that's for our special nights out , I can't wait for our Summer Ball .

    Cut Simone some slack , she's only 28 with a long way to go , she's asked a reasonable enough question .
    Last edited by Teresa; 02-21-2019 at 11:02 AM.

  20. #20
    🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺 Patience's Avatar
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    I am part of everything.
    I thought I did, Teresa.
    When haters hate, I celebrate!

  21. #21
    Platinum Member Shelly Preston's Avatar
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    Hi Simone

    We all try to support each other.

    Sometimes that can mean what seem like harsh words.

    There are normally good intentions behind this, It's far better to get words of advice here than to find your world crumbling around you due to harsh words by the public.

    When you get to ten posts you will see the is a lot more to this forum than just a few sections

    Super Moderator....How to tell your partner......Abbreviations

  22. #22
    New Member
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    10 posts! Haha i read this forum alot more then you realise not always logged in. That there is insulting sorry!

  23. #23
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Simone, there r rules here. For instance, it shows that u joined the site last June. U may have visited here "a lot" but we can't know that unless u post, comment, or take part in a forum here.
    No one is trying to insult u!

    However, much like your thread here, if u feel like a CD u r one! If u feel insulted, u were! Even tho that wasn't Shelly's intention!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  24. #24
    Super Moderator char GG's Avatar
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    I believe the thread you are referring to was about you going out dressed on a footpath late at night. I think the concern was not that you were crossdressed but where you were. The members on this forum are typically concerned for the safety of others. The same advice would have probably been given to a man dressed as a man. As a GG, I would never venture out alone on a footpath late at night. So please don’t take offense at anything that was said. We all want you to be safe.

  25. #25
    Aspiring Artist Kelly DeWinter's Avatar
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    A formal dress, a night, on a foot path, in the middle of nowhere ............ sounds like the start of a gothic hollywood movie.
    Kelly DeWinter
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