I work in the Crafts/Sewing Department at Walmart some days. On this particular day I was putting the cards in with the patterns, in the drawer when this older guy I would say was between 65 and 70 walks up to me and the other associate in the department and starts to ask where the "Command Hooks" are when he stops dead in his tracks when I look up and says,"What are you doing working over here. Oh, well I suppose you wouldn't look bad in a dress". I look at him and said "I work over here because of experience. My mom was a seamstress for our town". He says,"So you modeled the dresses after they were made for people?". I said,"No, I was taught a lot by my mom when I was growing up." He says,"So you were forced to wear dresses when you were a boy". I said,"No the company hires and puts people in positions they are most qualified for". (which was a lie) He kinda looked at me funny and then asked,"Where are the Command Hooks". The comment to the lady I was working with said was ,"I think you got him a little befuttled and confused, good for you"!
This whole episode with this guy got me thinking that I wish all that he said were true, even though they are not. Strange how it gets you thinking like that. In Maine they cannot fire you based on race, religion or gender. On that note it wouldn't be a employment issue if I some day walked in dressed. I probably won't because on that same note they can let you go for no reason at all. (Kind of a double standard)