This little story just had to happen one day . My move to my new home town meant a very good friend and fellow photogrpher would be only a few minutes drive away . He photographed my wedding 44 years ago and we became good friends as we shared so many interests . He has known about my TG issues for a while and printed some pictures off when my printer wouldn't work . I've only seen him once or twice in the last year , my wife told me he preferred to see me in male mode and not as Teresa . I had some time to spare and happened to drive by his studio noticing his car was parked outside , so spur of the moment I parked up and knocked on his door . I knew he hadn't recognised me because I could see him thinking what did this woman want ? So I smiled and asked if there was any coffee going ? He let out a loud WOW , it is you !

It took him a few minutes to get over it and then we dropped into our old conversations about photography and building alterations we both intended doing . I spent about an hour with him, at the end I said I had to go as I had some makeup to pick up, he did confess seriously I looked very good . I really think the penny had finally dropped with him what being TG meant to me , it wasn't a passing phase, I was living it and enjoying it . It is good to know I haven't lost some old friends .