Ten days ago, I fell and totally messed up my knee. The next morning my wife and I went to our primary care doctor. As the doctor started to examine my knee my wife states that I have good looking legs. He just continues and makes no comment about an old man with shaved legs.

Next to xray … no comment.

Next trip was for a MRI. Two techs are setting me up and they comment how they would not make change from my shorts, into their pants. Then they start to comment on my tan … on my legs.

As I went to the surgeon, the xray tech is silent.

The nurse comments that I did not need to shave yet. She then talks about leg shaving with my wife and I. She says it is a pain.

The doctor comes in and my wife again comments that I have good looking legs and to not mess them up. He remarks about how that any scars typically disappear after a few months.

As we get home, a neighbor wants to talk and to find out what the doctors have said. My wife just says that I have better legs than her as the neighbor is touching my leg.

As my daughter is at our house to check up on me, she helps with the brace .

I have shaved my legs for approx. Five years... Year round. I can guarantee that several people have now been close enough to ensure that it is noticed.

Physical therapy starts tomorrow with a good friend of my wife.

I have to admit that I have feared some of these encounters....but it has been nice for the wife to step in to make sure that this ok wiith her.