Today I was at a stop light and observed what was a nice sight for me. I saw what I assumed was a mother and a daughter walking in the crosswalk, until they turned to where I could see them. The man was wearing a skirt and was out with who I assume was his daughter--she appeared to be about 4 years old.

He was a bigger bearded guy, wearing a full length skirt paired with a t-shirt top. I guess it's worth mentioning that he wasn't wearing a bra that I could see, so probably not. I actually liked the skirt. Kind of like tie dye, multi color and pleated.

Anyhoo, that warmed my heart. I was kind of hyper-sensitive watching everyone around and looking for that point-and-laugh reaction, or worse. Thankfully, none.

We have MIAD posts here, so I thought a MIAS sighting in the wild was worth mentioning.