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Thread: Coming Out Step 1 : My Online Blog :)

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Coming Out Step 1 : My Online Blog :)

    Hello Everyone

    I've been a crossdresser on and off and at 32, I have decided to go full time and taking first step towards it. I am sharing my blog in this safe space I havent put my own pictures there yet, but i ll do it soon

  2. #2
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    Probably should proof read for grammatical errors before posting on your blog.
    I see you call yourself a sissy so that makes one think its more a fetish for you and not a trans reason for going full time.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Hey thank for checking it out.. Yeah, I ll proof read it. I am jubilant after expressing myself through that blog.. Yes, I mean I donno why people see 'Sissy' as a bad word. I love it and I feel thats what defines me. I am not trans, I am not just a crossdresser.. But that whole package, dressing up including makes me who I am

    Thanks again everyone for checking my post

  4. #4
    Banned Read only
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    Coming out as .........? A full time sissy ? It's surprising but you are different to the majority of boys/men but not unique . If you come out as a sissy is it to remain in the closet or be out in the RW ?

  5. #5
    Gold Member
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    Coming out as a Sissy is not a way to come out slowly. I just can not think what it would look like
    if you where wearing a Sissy Dress and stroll down Main ST.
    Maybe you might think a bit more conservative when you dress and go outside.

  6. #6
    Silver Member LilSissyStevie's Avatar
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    In the total animal soup of time
    Good luck! Being a sissy ain't for sissies.

  7. #7
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    I don't get the sissy thing but you can call yourself whatever you want its a big old world out there.

  8. #8
    Platinum Blonde member Ressie's Avatar
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    It seems 'Sissy' is becoming a phenomenon. Submissive crossdressers (some transitioning) that let "straight" men have their way with them; or wanting to be a slave to a mistress.

    Young men that grew up watching Trny porn learn about being a sissy, rather than discovering the meaning of words like transexual and transvestite. Some want to be humiliated in public and/or treated like dirt. This is what I'm seeing anyway. YMMV

    Whatever floats your trigger
    "You're the only one to see the changes you take yourself through", Stevie Wonder

  9. #9
    Silver Member Micki_Finn's Avatar
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    Not a “sissy” fan. If you’re using it in a fetish context, that’s one thing. But you’re probably too young to understand why it’s considered “bad”. That word was used as a weapon against not just trans and CD people, but the gay community as well. It’s kinda like an African American person walking around calling themselves an “N-word”. Not to start a whole discussion on THAT topic, but basically it’s problematic and highly offensive to some people.

  10. #10
    Platinum Member Crissy 107's Avatar
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    Enjoy your time as a proud sissy! I wish you success!

  11. #11
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leonal123 View Post
    Hey thank for checking it out.. Yeah, I ll proof read it. I am jubilant after expressing myself through that blog.. Yes, I mean I donno why people see 'Sissy' as a bad word. I love it and I feel thats what defines me. I am not trans, I am not just a crossdresser.. But that whole package, dressing up including makes me who I am
    Thanks again everyone for checking my post
    I see u hinting and nibbling around the edges Leonal. But, I DON'T see someone "expressing " themselves in your post.

    If you're so "jubilant" maybe u can explain why? U could start by defining what being a "sissy" means to u? And, what u love about it and what u think people mean when they say it's "bad"?

    As for myself? I've met 100's of dressers in person. But, not one that referred to themselves as a sissy!

    So, I really don't know what u mean by that?
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  12. #12
    Platinum Member
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    I've said many times, including this morning in another thread, I dislike one word descriptions of a complex subject. If you define yourself as a "sissy" that is fine with me as long as you or anybody else elaborates. Certainly using "sissy" will get people's attention....great lightning rod. For what it's worth I do not like the term "sissy." I was born about forty years before you. That translates to growing up in the 1950's and 1960's with that word being exclusively used in a derogatory manner. It was a taunt. An attack on a male's masculinity or perceived lack thereof. Unfortunately wife teacher-wife reports it is still used in that manner in the elementary schools.

  13. #13
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    From what I understand of the sissy fetish. Its more of a hetro male fetish thing. Nothing wrong with fetishes, but this one dose more harm then good. Especially to the ladies here. As the general public picks up on this fetish, and assume all men get off on dressing as a "woman". When in reality its just hetro men that get off wearing panties, and being submissive. Then dream of being owned, but have zero interest in presenting as woman in public. To me that makes no sense.

    I don't call me self or anyone here a sissy. We all fall under different titles, but sissy is not one. I think some people have a clothing fetish here, but a lot are hetro crossdressers. Who just want to dress. I on the other hand is non binary. I'm straight and married to a cis woman. I try to appear as a normal woman as I can. Even in male mode. I spend countless hours a month maintaining body hair, and a lot of money at salons, makeup counters, and clothing stores. Sissys would not do that.

  14. #14
    Gold Member Helen_Highwater's Avatar
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    The term sissy to me conjures up a pucture of a man in a pink frilly dress, white ankle socks, black patent mary jane shoes and hair in a frilly bow. An adult dressed in a five year old's party frock.

    For those who choose to dress in such well that's their choice. However I can't see someone opting to go full time dressed that way.

    It's fair to say you've come under a bit of an attack over your choice of words. That's because words carry not only such emotion but as others have said, sissy is universally associated as a derogatory term.

    I would suggest that as part of the learning that we all do along our CD'ing journey you take on board the comments here. Reevaluate your own self perception. To go full time you will need to have strong self belief. Thinking of yourself described by such a derogatory term will in the long run undermine that self belief.

  15. #15
    Banned Read only
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    I was looking forward to checking out the blog but it seems to be down right now. Good for you for doing what you want. The word S*say is a powerful trigger for many people and, therefore, it's probably best to stay away. I try not to judge anyone because my own way of looking at who I am tends to shift constantly. Good luck!

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    It seems to me that the word Sissy in the context of crossdressing is used to describe an entirely male fetish where a crossdresser is a highly sexualized, humiliated and submissive participant in an encounter with a man (or several men). It's not hard to see how some (or many) people would find that offensive while others would find it appealing. Like most fantasies, it can be very appealing in your imagination and quickly become very ugly in real life practice. Especially in the context of the very real violence that transwomen and crossdresser can be subjected to. One of the challenges that I have found as a crossdresser is that many men fetishize me to the point where they don't see me as a person but, rather, as a living, breathing sexual toy. They assume, wrongly, that the only thing on my mind 24/7 is sex. Such assumptions can be quite dangerous in the wrong hands.

  16. #16
    Junior Member Kelly-o's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by leonal123 View Post
    Hello Everyone

    I've been a crossdresser on and off and at 32, I have decided to go full time and taking first step towards it. I am sharing my blog in this safe space I havent put my own pictures there yet, but i ll do it soon
    Congratulations on finding your happiness. I hope you post your blog again looks like it is down. I would love to read it.

    I am also okay with the term Sissy if that is what you choose for yourself then wear it with pride. Many of the old words people used as weapons are now worn with pride. I kind of hoped this forum would be a little less harsh on those that are on the fringe of a group that is on the fringe.

  17. #17
    Junior Member StephanieIndy's Avatar
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    Looks like we scared poor leonal away with the negative responses as the blog has been taken down.

    The "sissy" term is one that does not really fit in with our lifestyles as it is more typically taken to be a fetish rather than a lifestyle like most of us, but I think some of the responses were a little harsh.

  18. #18
    Gold Member Helen_Highwater's Avatar
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    You may wellbe right about some comments being a little harsh but there's also being cruel to be kind.

    The forum has a huge amount of experience behind it and when the vast majority say something isn't a good idea that's a good indicator it isn't and for good reasons.

    Describing yourself as a sissy while aligning your lifestyle choice to a broader community that baulks at being labelled in that manner can leave an individual being isolated. Also coming out to the muggls by describing yourself as a sissy isn't gojng to have a good outcome as most outside our community only know the traditional derogatory definition.

    I hope Leonal isn't put off by what's been said and appreciates that it's all written with good intentions and no malice. We all make mistakes along our journey. Folks here are simply trying to save Leonal from making a poor choice so early on.

  19. #19
    Silver Member Aunt Kelly's Avatar
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    The fetish dressers are legion here, Stephanie. Leonal is clearly one of them. It is neither harsh nor negative to point out what is plain fact. Her departure would seem to indicate that she had not yet quite realized which group she belongs to; hardly surprising, for someone who so recently found herself on the TG spectrum.
    She is almost certainly better off for the feedback she received here. No one told her to go away, which would have been less than supportive. All they did was hold up a mirror for her.

  20. #20
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    Since the OP removed what the post was about I am closing this thread.
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