Hello everyone! I hope you've been having a fantabulous day!!!
Every year for my birthday I've never gone dressed up as Darth Vader, my mom raised me with Star Wars and superheroes, so Vader has always remained a favorite of mine. I decided this year I would do it, I'm not tall enough nor stocky enough, but damnit I set out to figure it out.
Now, in the past, I've never gone out fully dressed as a female for Halloween until I worked at an Einsteins that let me crossdress every shift. Last year I wore a skin tight Batman suit (I'm 5 ft 9 in 130 lbs so I'm sure you can tell it was for a joke lol) but I wore my padded sports bra under it with my favorite blue thong. OMG that was so much fun!
So there I am yesterday shopping with my girlfriend and our kids for our costumes. I asked for this year to be themed Star Wars especially with the finale opening in December. I just couldn't find a decent priced costume of Vader. 3 stores later, and with a few accessories, I figured it out. I went one year as Batman At Home by wearing a cheap mask a tshirt with the bat symbol and pajama bottoms. It was a hit everywhere I went lol but now I crossdress so naturally I thought this will be perfect.
I'm going as Darth Vader inviting Siths and partygoers to join me in the Dark Side of the Pajama Party LOL!!!!!!! I bought a tight womens Vader shirt with a CUTE little Cape attached to it. If I wear my sports bra I can get away with it again. I put a neon yellow thong on to match the Star Wars pajamas my girlfriend got me earlier, slapped on my silver sparkly flip flops and Vader mask with a lightsaber that stays extended lol BLAM!!!!!! I got it!
OMG I'm going to run with this one!!!! I can't wait for all the laughs and the weird looks as I saunter over, hit them with my Vader voice then sashay away leaving them bewildered and intrigued lol
I'd LOVE to hear what you're going as this year as well as any fun stories of costumes from the past and the reactions!