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Thread: Halloween costume!!!

  1. #1
    YOULOVEMYTOES Palaina Nocturnus's Avatar
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    Halloween costume!!!

    Hello everyone! I hope you've been having a fantabulous day!!!

    Every year for my birthday I've never gone dressed up as Darth Vader, my mom raised me with Star Wars and superheroes, so Vader has always remained a favorite of mine. I decided this year I would do it, I'm not tall enough nor stocky enough, but damnit I set out to figure it out.

    Now, in the past, I've never gone out fully dressed as a female for Halloween until I worked at an Einsteins that let me crossdress every shift. Last year I wore a skin tight Batman suit (I'm 5 ft 9 in 130 lbs so I'm sure you can tell it was for a joke lol) but I wore my padded sports bra under it with my favorite blue thong. OMG that was so much fun!

    So there I am yesterday shopping with my girlfriend and our kids for our costumes. I asked for this year to be themed Star Wars especially with the finale opening in December. I just couldn't find a decent priced costume of Vader. 3 stores later, and with a few accessories, I figured it out. I went one year as Batman At Home by wearing a cheap mask a tshirt with the bat symbol and pajama bottoms. It was a hit everywhere I went lol but now I crossdress so naturally I thought this will be perfect.

    I'm going as Darth Vader inviting Siths and partygoers to join me in the Dark Side of the Pajama Party LOL!!!!!!! I bought a tight womens Vader shirt with a CUTE little Cape attached to it. If I wear my sports bra I can get away with it again. I put a neon yellow thong on to match the Star Wars pajamas my girlfriend got me earlier, slapped on my silver sparkly flip flops and Vader mask with a lightsaber that stays extended lol BLAM!!!!!! I got it!

    OMG I'm going to run with this one!!!! I can't wait for all the laughs and the weird looks as I saunter over, hit them with my Vader voice then sashay away leaving them bewildered and intrigued lol

    I'd LOVE to hear what you're going as this year as well as any fun stories of costumes from the past and the reactions!
    Live, laugh, love!

  2. #2
    Aspiring Member
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    Go as ur daughter princess lea

  3. #3
    YOULOVEMYTOES Palaina Nocturnus's Avatar
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    Omg next year we don't have the kids and that would be awesome! I'd LOVE to go as Jabba slave Leia lol

    My girlfriend is going as Chewbacca, our 2 year old is Han Solo and my 20 year old is going as a Praetorian Guard (the red guards in the Last Jedi). Her 11 year old is too cool and wants to go as a broken doll covered in blood lol I'm like you do you do you lol
    Live, laugh, love!

  4. #4
    Resident Polymath MarinaTwelve200's Avatar
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    Our adult Sunday school class always has a Halloween party. We are expected to dress up and win a prize-----Now I am deeply closeted, so I never go out dressed, but a few years ago the dressing was about to fall off, even I was lacking creativity using only a Rubber skull mask. So I figured I would HAVE to "SHAKE THING UP" next year-----Dress as something DREASTIC---But as WHAT?. Well I couldn't go naked, but I did think a FEMALE costume might do the job. Hey, every guy has dressed as a woman at least once for Halloween. But simply dressing as "A woman" was NOT for me----too simple, lacking imagination, I had to think of something in that vein, but more "Creative" or "imaginative". A month after the party, I was driving along and THEN the idea hit me!. A GYPSY FORTUNE TELLER! GREAT! It was definitely a Halloween theme and also a chance to don elaborate and over the top clothing and MAKEUP! ----I gathered odds and ends for the next 8 months, even a CRYSTAL BALL.

    It was a success! I was the life of the party. I had set up a table with tarot cards and the ball. I sat down to hide my height. I Must say Cross Dressing is a GREAT way (if not extreme) to meet the girls. I was the center of attention. ALL the ladies wanted me to read their cards. We ALL had great laughs.---Of course, I won the Costume contest hands down.
    NEXT YEAR after that I could see my plan to revive things worked. I dressed as MARK TWAIN (Can't dress as a female twice in a row, lest people get suspicious) The costumes were many and GREAT---My Mark Twain got beat out for first by an 80 year old "Pregnant Nun"---so I only got second prize that year.----My photos below
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    Last edited by MarinaTwelve200; 10-07-2019 at 06:15 PM.

  5. #5
    Seasoned Member Rhonda Darling's Avatar
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    What a hoot. I applaud your creativity. Now, what’s in line for next year to get yout title back?
    Be all the woman that you can be!
    . . . and now, On With The Show!

  6. #6
    Banned Read only
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    Ever since I got seriously into crossdressing, I've always gone as a female character. I've gone as:

    A Hooters waitress
    A Belly Dancer
    Wonder Woman
    A Mermaid

    Since I go out on Halloween with my CD social group, I can crossdress year after year. We do have our Halloween outing at a restaurant/bar at a local hotel, and there are often vanillas there. Manu of the GGs are curious and I have no trouble talking with them.

  7. #7
    Resident Polymath MarinaTwelve200's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhonda Darling View Post
    What a hoot. I applaud your creativity. Now, what?s in line for next year to get yout title back?
    I went the NEXT year as Colonel SANDERS----and WON I still am trying to figure out THIS year Perhaps the "Mr. Hyde again"
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  8. #8
    YOULOVEMYTOES Palaina Nocturnus's Avatar
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    Marina, I love your photos! I think you did a spectacular job both years but that fortune teller look is cute on you!

    Steffi, I envy you on not just the constant ability to go as a female each year. I tried my hardest to find a wonder woman costume last year since we didn't have the kids but they were just out of my budget. Even the DYI got beyond my wallets range lol I told my girl 2020 is def gonna be my year to go as a full female and she's cool with it.

    Leia as Jabba slave or Wonder Woman? Damn maybe Supergirl. I did try on my girlfriends Batgirl costume from the year I was Slender Batman lol

    Oh the choices lol
    Live, laugh, love!

  9. #9
    Resident Polymath MarinaTwelve200's Avatar
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    I have a HUGE thrift shop near where I live. Not only do they take donations, but also shop overstocks, seconds, etc. I can buy a suit Jacket for 4 to 6 dollars, pants for six, etc. (guy clothes anyway) but they have nearly everything. The white suit worked for Sanders and Mark Twain. I got a brand new lab-coat for only 7 dollars (still had the tags) For when I did "Dr. Brown" at an 80's party once (I lost to Hulk Hogan). I even buy my regular (guy) work clothes there. I can look "informal Business", but can also go outdoors in the field in them too and not worry about messing them up as I might have less than 10 bucks invested in my entire outfit.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Read only Allison Chaynes's Avatar
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    Not to turn political here, but I got a pantsuit and a mask of a certain female politician a couple years back, and answered the door threatening to redistribute candy to kids who were too lazy to trick or treat. Got mixed reactions, as you can imagine.
    Life is too short to be boring.

  11. #11
    YOULOVEMYTOES Palaina Nocturnus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allison Chaynes View Post
    Not to turn political here, but I got a pantsuit and a mask of a certain female politician a couple years back, and answered the door threatening to redistribute candy to kids who were too lazy to trick or treat. Got mixed reactions, as you can imagine.
    I love those kinds of costumes!
    Live, laugh, love!

  12. #12
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    U must post pics of your Darth Vader, Palaina! I did a Mrs. Vader some years ago. And, won a cheesy costume contest with her!
    Also, did, Leia and Wonder Woman!
    IMG_4905 (555x640).jpg IMG_4903 (631x640).jpg

    IMG_5196 (4) (487x640).jpg

    P1300925 (640x596).jpg
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  13. #13
    YOULOVEMYTOES Palaina Nocturnus's Avatar
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    Omg I love your costumes! That was the look I was hoping for. When I get the chance I'll try to do a precostume pic
    Live, laugh, love!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palaina Nocturnus View Post
    Steffi, I envy you on not just the constant ability to go as a female each year. I tried my hardest to find a wonder woman costume last year since we didn't have the kids but they were just out of my budget. Even the DYI got beyond my wallets range lol I told my girl 2020 is def gonna be my year to go as a full female and she's cool with it.

    I have two main sources for my Halloween costumes.

    The first is Spirit Halloween. They have a mail order site, but they also have pop up stores, typically located in empty storefronts. There are 11 pop-ups in the Phoenix area.

    I also get an idea, like belly dancer, and search ebay for costumes, or piece of costumes that I put together. When I got my Hooters costume, I bought pieces from maybe 4 different vendors: top, shorts, tights and name tag and I doubled up on forms to look the part..

    A couple of years ago, I got a Wonder Woman costume at the local Spirit. The largest size that they had left was a large, and I thought I would need at least an XL. They had a makeshift changing room, so I tried it on there. However, I couldn't reach the zipper. There was a mom in the changing area with like an 8 y.o. girl trying on a costume. I just decided to be brave and asked her to help me zip it up. She actually thought it was kind of cute for a guy to wear, and was glad to help me. She loved it on me. It was very tight, but also very stretchy and wearable. I knew that I could make it work. I had to ask for her help again to get it unzipped and get out pf it.

    I met the mom again just outside the dressing room, and the mom told me that it looked great and I just had to get it. The mom even told me that her daughter loved it on me. I was trying to be sneaky and not involve the young girl, but somehow she saw me in it anyhow.

    It was so tight that I had to put my bra on first, then the dress, and then stuff my forms into the bra. But, it was comfortable all night.

  15. #15
    YOULOVEMYTOES Palaina Nocturnus's Avatar
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    I love Spirit shops and Party City lol I always hit the thrift stores first, then savers then party city. I wish I could shop at Spirit but they're always out of my budget lol
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  16. #16
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    Doc if you ever want to sell that helmet let me know. I missed my chance on one. It would go great with my sound f/x light saber.

  17. #17
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    It's actually 2 pieces, Jenn. Of very thin plastic. One of my thrift store finds for a few bucks! I'll keep u in mind.

    But, with Star Wars movies coming back, I mite need it again.
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palaina Nocturnus View Post
    I love Spirit shops and Party City lol I always hit the thrift stores first, then savers then party city. I wish I could shop at Spirit but they're always out of my budget lol

    I understand the cost issue. I'm kind of unemployed right now and I just got my last unemployment check. I used to be able to save some of my weekly allowance for a special treat every once in a while, like a new dress or a pedi. Now I'm just taking out enough money for fixed expenses and job hunting.

    But, I'll give you a hint for next year. The Spirit Halloween pop up stores close up right after Halloween. But before they close, they mark just about everything down to 50%. You timing has to be perfect. One day the costumes are priced at 50%; the next day they're gone. I wouldn't be surprised if they sell the remaining costumes at 75% off during the last hour or two.

  19. #19
    New Member Jackaltr0nic's Avatar
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    going to a ren faire, as a wench. does that count? also doing my first public outing today to get boots for said faire. wish me luck!
    new wig, new shirt, new stretchy jeans. i'm feeling confident.

    edit: success!

  20. #20
    Senior Member Asew's Avatar
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    2 years ago I wore a dorothy from wizard of oz for mall trick or treating. This was with my family before they knew about my CDing and it was so awesome.

    Last year I was out to my family but since we were trick or treating with friends of the family my wife didn't feel comfortable with me wearing a feminine costume so I ended up wearing my doctor costume I have worn every year for over 10 years. After Halloween I did buy a poodle skirt on clearance

    This year we were going to do a family theme of toy story costumes since our youngest loves toy story. He was going to be buzz lightyear, my wife was going to be an alien, and I was going to be bo peep. The middle kid was ok with it but couldn't decide which character and the oldest did not want to do it. My wife and I bought our costumes, and when she took the youngest costume shopping he came back as the IT clown instead. My found a cheaper costume for herself ($20 so she could return the $80 alien costume). I am still going as bo peep.

  21. #21
    Senior Member 5150 Girl's Avatar
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    You could go as Rey.

  22. #22
    YOULOVEMYTOES Palaina Nocturnus's Avatar
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    Asew I love your definitive decision to go as Bo Peep lol I'm there with you, can't wait for pics

    Steffi, I'm def hitting the after holiday sales this year lol

    5150, I'd love to go as Rey one year, shes a cute character

    Jackaltr0nic, I'm happy to hear you had success, I can't wait to see pics too
    Live, laugh, love!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by docrobbysherry View Post
    It's actually 2 pieces, Jenn. Of very thin plastic. One of my thrift store finds for a few bucks! I'll keep u in mind.

    But, with Star Wars movies coming back, I mite need it again.
    It originally sold at Target a few years back for Halloween. They had several and i was short on funds so i didnt buy one. A week later all were gone.

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