Today I was at an event and there were lots of moms and dads there with kids. All quite engrossed in working on their project with their child. At some point, I noticed this woman that was pretty tall. She was not out of place at all and I almost missed that she was quite tall. Of course I wondered just how tall she was. I found it difficult to estimate, although she was taller that many of the nearby men. So at one point as she stood against a display, I noted exactly where she came up to a certain mark on it. Later I made my way to this spot and put myself against this mark. This woman was about 6' 1" tall. Taller than me. I had checked her shoes too, and it was just a std sole.

I do this because I like to see that tall women do exist, and they blend right in. I guess it gives me hope that if I got to the point of getting out there, I might not be out of place either. Of course it didn't hurt that she had all the proportions of a 30 year old woman, and was pretty good looking, but hey, I am forever hopeful of my blending some day.
