I visited Kenya for six days this last week, visiting an undeveloped, traditional area. I'd been warned that there might be the occasional hostile reaction, but there was nothing of the sort. For one thing, there are many tall women there, so I did not look out of place in terms of height. Among a gathering of about 50 international and local people, I have to say that I was accepted as a woman, as one of the women.

The trans subject only even came up twice; once because I mentioned "my wife", and a chinese lady then asked if I was therefore gay - she had not even clocked my transness. and the other time, a local woman was applauding and supporting me expressing myself as myself.

Literally the only time something slightly untoward happened was the last night at an american hotel by the airport, when I was "sir'd" once, despite me being in my full regalia.

"the times, they be a-changing"
