For the last month, virtually every day I have gone to our local mall, put on wireless headphones or ear buds, and done a mall-walking routine that has me doing 5 or more miles a day. It is working! Lost 12 pounds in the last month!

Well, I have become kind of a fixture there. One of 12-24 daily mall walkers there. Many of the shop attendants, food court workers and mall staff now know me as a daily visitor. And one guy on the mall staff has been watching me all month. So far, he had only spoken to me four times or so. Just light, friendly banter, like, “What songs do you listen to?”

But today... he approached me and asked, “Did you attend Churchill high school?” That is one of the Eugene schools.

I told him, “No, I went so high school in Portland.”

He replied, “Oh... you know, I keep looking at you and thinking I know you from somewhere. There was a girl I knew in high school. Her name was Karen. I thought you might be her?”

I smiled and said, “No, my name’s not Karen. I’m Ceera.”

He gave me his name, and chatted me up for a while longer, before getting back to his duties.

So... he 100% believed I could have been a girl he knew in high school! Can?t get a much clearer indication that even with watching me for a month, and talking to me several times, he was convinced I had been recognized female from birth!