This is an update to my " Please don't wear a skirt and high heels " thread.

As mentioned I'm now sorting the paperwork out for the divorce submission and my wife said she would drop the marriage certificate in at my home and have a quick coffee . I was busy in the kitchen when she arrived so had my back to her as she walked in the door , she took one look when I faced her , pulled a face and said , " It's horrible !" She then went off to talk to the dog who she hadn't seen for sometime while I made the drinks , she was OK with me so we continued to sort the paperwork out . At the end I asked if she wanted to stay and have a quick meal as I knew she had to work later that evening , she just raised her hands and shook her head , she said she needed to do some shopping and then call in on her sister . I'd bought her a small bunch of roses , she said I shouldn't have done but I told her I appreciated how hard it must have been to come and meet me for the first time and also go through divorce papers . She began to shed a tear and started to say I shouldn't have lost something like this after 40 years , at that she walked down my path , got into her car and drove off .

So how do I feel ? Mixed emotions but on the whole relieved it's happened , no more hiding that part from her . What will happen in the future it's hard to say ? At lest I can now say I won't do male mode just to please her .

As for her reaction and comment , it did hurt for a few minutes but then what else could I expect , to be honest it will hurt if she repeats the comment to other people but I wonder will she ? Or will she actually defend me ? Which is worse for her ? Telling people I look horrible or telling them I don't look too bad .