Something happened to a distance family member and some drama ensued between my wife and one of this person's sister. And this sister went off on my wife bringing up tons of crap about her and our family. She called a mutual friend and was spewing more crap including saying that my wife was married to a "closeted gay" (the irony being the mutual friend is a closeted gay and I am gay or closeted). It bothered my wife all day, since she didn't start the drama and was just concerned about the family member's well being. Then my mother in law called her and talked calming that the things she said was not ok and the sister told my mother in law she should kill herself. Well that actually made my wife fee better since she truly knew the sister was off her rocker completely. More family drama ensued but it has mostly calmed down.

I was worried when my wife initially told me about it that I put her in that position to have it used against us. I feel bad that my wife had to deal with this being thrown in her face. Especially since I came out on Facebook a few weeks ago my wife was kind of afraid of things like this. At least it seems like it was a non-issue compared to everything else that went down.