So I have been with my girlfriend for a little over a year and she happens to be trans. I have mentioned in the past that I like girly things, but not all the time and after a lot of soul searching in my teens and early 20's, I know that I do not want to transition. She has been wonderfully accepting and took me makeup shopping one time and we did makeup together.
Well, yesterday I finally broke down and told her that there were times when I still wanted to fully dress up, and times when I just want to wear a cute pair of heels and panties. Knowing that she was a very accepting person didn't make telling her any easier. But she was awesome about it and said that she would love for me to express that side when I wanted to. What was difficult for me in telling her was that I've spent my whole life thinking that my enjoyment of girly things, while not defining me, was this freakish, disgusting thing (one of my exes had caught my crossdressing and stated that if we were going to continue dating I needed to go see a therapist to "fix" that - we broke up at two years dating as a result).
Anyways, does anyone else have a story where they went in to tell a partner and feared for the worst, and wound up with something unexpected?