I now spend almost all my time in dresses, tights and heels (only 8 hours or so in trousers in last 8 weeks). I do not identify as a woman and genuinely prefer these clothes. I wear women's briefs all the time except when visiting friends but do not think of this as underdressing - I genuinely find them more comfortable.

When I first started al this crossdressing stuff I would go for underwear that was as different as it could be - satin and lace in strong colours or patterns. Nowadays I prefer elasticated cotton with no trim of any kind. This is thinner material than male underwear, and the elastic waist is a lot narrower without being so tight it applies pressure on a smaller area. The same with tights - they are thinner than socks so my feet don't feel so suffocated. Even the shoes are thinner material. I wear heels in the house and find them more comfortable than male shoes because the material is thinner and my feet do not feel so imprisoned. It would be difficult to argue that heels are more comfortable than male shoes when walking on hard surfaces out of doors but I have worn women's flat shoes on pavements and they were more comfortable. If you want comfortable shoes they really have to be leather but the leather for women's shoes seems to be thinner. A man's vest is very thick cotton while a woman's vest or camisole is finer.

So I think that thinner material is more comfortable generally for clothing and shoes. My go-to garment is a dress and unless it has a tight bodice it is always more comfortable than trousers whether the material is fine or coarse, simply because it has no crotch. Some days I have only worn panties, 40d tights, a broad-shouldered slip and a dress with long sleeves that goes on over my head. No bra or forms. I think this is the most comfortable outfit you can wear.

I am not claiming that I only cross-dress for comfort but it adds to the pleasure. I think that I also look better in a dress or skirt than trousers (it has to be a style that suits me) and many women have told me I look better in these clothes than men's clothes. I get a lot of compliments when I go shopping as a man in a skirt with opaque tights and ballet pumps. So if it feels better and I look better I do not feel I need an excuse to wear these clothes.