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Thread: All I have (had) to do is dream, dream, dream

  1. #1
    Silver Member
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    All I have (had) to do is dream, dream, dream

    I dream every night, usually short vignette types that flip plots while dreaming. I rarely dream of anything trans, but last night I did, and it was a doozy. I've never had strong feelings about transitioning, but that was the plot! I was dressed as a male, walking on a sidewalk, and every person I met or passed asked me, "when are you going to transition"? TRUE!! It was really weird! Too much I guess. lol. Have others had this similerley happen?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Tracy Irving's Avatar
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    I wish I could remember my dreams. Some of them might even be interesting.

  3. #3
    Lisa Allisa's Avatar
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    The only problem is I'm dreamin' my life away..., those Everly brothers are so dreamy. Not exactly the same way, my dreams do have me dressed en-femme and then suddenly I'm in drab' than back to femme but no matter how I'm dressed it has no bearing on the outcome, something I have yet to figure out since the plot changes so rapidly.
    "you are a strange species and there are many out there;shall I tell you what I find beautiful about you ,you are at your best when things are at their worst" ...[ Starman]
    It may of course be a bit disturbing to sense that one is really not so firmly anchored to the gender one was born into.

  4. #4
    -1.#QNaN Lydianne's Avatar
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    Jenny, at least yours is plausible.

    I once dreamed I was at work, and my bag was stuffed full of bras 🤔. I was to finish early while the others did overtime. Just before I left, an announcement came that a load of women had reported bras going missing from their locker room 🤨. The bras in my bag were legitimately mine, but I knew the situation wasn't good . I made for the exits quicker, but I couldn't close the bag. The contents were visible and threatening to spill out 😰. I made it to the door without that happening, but I thought the final guy at the gate could have caught a glimpse. I suspected it but wasn't sure.

    On my walk home, I encountered my route blocked by a televised radio-controlled car race . ( The cars were huge; a toddler could have fit into them ). I tried to quickstep my way through, but every time I did, another car approached flying around the corner. I lost too much time before I diverted to a side alley where some women from work caught up with me . My bag was searched, I was cleared, and nothing more was said.

    The next thing I knew, everyone was preparing to go out... in a tent outside a stadium . There were rows of tables of makeup products and mirrors with lights around them, and the guys were waiting outside around a corner. I saw this and walked home .

    I didn't even attempt an interpretation of that one .

    - L.

  5. #5
    Yes, that avatar IS me! Bailey_in_Mansfield's Avatar
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    Strangely enough, other than occasional dreams of a previous lifetime (in which I was a GG), I actually don't dream anything trans/cd-related. I think I have dreamed about bra shopping one time, but that's about it and it was still me as a male. Aside from past-life things, the only time I've dreamed about being female was a time that I dreamed I was Samus Aran from the Metroid video game series.

  6. #6
    Member susanmichelle's Avatar
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    Wow I?ve had some strange dreams concerning crossdressing but yours is king

  7. #7
    Senior Member DianeT's Avatar
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    Jenny, could this question be related to a concern of your late wife? Something that you didn't know how to answer back then? Otherwise it seems like a question you want to ask to yourself (I doubt you got it from a third party ).

  8. #8
    Aspiring Shopaholic BTWimRobin's Avatar
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    I don't usually remember my dreams. The last CD related dream I remember involved me at work,having lunch with a GG coworker and she complimented on my earrings. My eyes flew open.
    - Robin

    Because life is too short not to.

    It's ironic ... I finally found a group of guys I fit in with. Funny how they all enjoy being one of the girls.

    Wife: Why do you fold your panties? Me: I don't like my panties in a wad!

  9. #9
    Senior Member SaraLin's Avatar
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    I've got two I can share...

    1. This is a recurring dream. I'm somewhere, fully dressed when I find myself in a group of people I know. They either don't notice or don't care about it, but I find myself thinking that I should change - because I think it might bother someone. Usually though, I don't manage to get free to do it. I never have any bad reactions from anyone in the dream.

    2. I'm in a library (or maybe a bookstore). It's an odd one. The books are on shelves around the outer walls and extend upwards for several levels, with only a narrow ledge to stand on. The only way to get to them is to climb up a ladder. I'm on an upper level when I realize that anyone down below could look up and see up my skirt. I'm in a quandary. How do I get my book and get back down without flashing the world?
    The dream fades out here.
    Last edited by SaraLin; 06-02-2020 at 06:48 AM. Reason: spotted a typo

  10. #10
    Senior Member GretchenM's Avatar
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    Hi Jenny,

    Back when I was in major gender dysphoria almost 24/7 but also a bit after that as well, I had girl dreams all the time and it sure wasn't boy dreams about girls. Or man dreams about women. Because I was the girl or woman and sexually mature as well. I would wake up and stare at the floor wondering how I could possibly have those dreams because I was a male and had no real experiences as a female. Yet, the dreams happened and were vivid.

    I still have dreams on very rare occasions where I am female, but nothing like the woman back then about 6 years ago (thank goodness). She was a bit of a, umm, well it rhymes with oar. Our brains do strange things sometimes in resolving conflicts that may not even be very aware of and when we are sleeping the sorting out of information happens. But to sort out the information the brain and the memory have to play back scenarios that sometimes reveal some inner workings that we are not even aware that they existed. It is thought those "video clips" form the trigger basis for dreams and the brain creates visual scenarios to try out various thinking patterns to see if they fit or not. Most, apparently, you are never even aware of because they don't reach the conscious brain but rather stay in the background. But the ones that reach the consciousness can be really wild and strange. Nothing really wrong as it is just the way the brain sorts things out and determines what that is stored makes sense and what is really not useful in your life. The latter ones, it is thought, are erased to make room for more useful memories and patterns of behavior.

    At your age, as we discussed the other evening, transitioning is not really possible in the full sense. Not even possible safely at my age and I am 10 years younger than you. So, my advice, don't take those dreams too seriously, enjoy them and get a good chuckle about them, and move on with the reality of our lives. Dreams rarely make a lot of sense in the context of real life and it is thought that for the most part we do not remember most of the dream. We only remember the parts that congeal into something that is at least a little bit plausible. If the bits and pieces that are put together in the dream process don't create some kind of story line your consciousness doesn't even accept them and that information vanishes to make room for things that are more useful. But I have to admit as alarming as the dreams I had were they seemed to have been instructive in convincing me that a different road was more appropriate for me. In retrospect that is what seems to have happened, but I don't claim that I took that road because of the dreams. On the other hand maybe ... Dreams are really not well understood for humans or most other animals that have brains. But it must be something important in the functioning of the brain. That doesn't mean you should take it literally because you are probably only aware of the parts that make a bit of sense. Sort of like reading a book by reading the third sentence on every page and ignoring the rest. Not likely your book report will be much good.

  11. #11
    Reality Check
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    I often have vivid dreams, especially after eating seafood. Sometimes I remember them, sometimes not. I have learned to wake myself up and roll over on the other side if I'm having a bad dream.

    Mostly, I dream about the things I used to do when I was working but every once in a great while it's about crossdressing, being a woman, etc.

    Lately, I've been having this dream that I wake up one morning with breasts, vagina, long hair, etc. and I'm trying to figure out how best to explain this to my wife.

  12. #12
    Silver Member NancySue's Avatar
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    Yes, I have had dreams that involved dressing...good and scary. My theory is it?s the result of the Pink Fog blowing in when you?re asleep. I think it was Freud who, oversimplified, indicated dreams were desires, fears or a little of each. Then there are those dreams you know you had, but can?t remember. I don?t think there?s much we can do about it.

  13. #13
    Senior Member April Rose's Avatar
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    I've had several elaborate dreams about being crossdressed in public, and everyone being aware of it. The most recent was in the past year or so. Overall they are a small percentage of the dreams I have remembered.

    The two most vivid, colorful and memorable dreams I have had, both occurred after I had eaten supermarket packaged chocolate covered donuts. I don't know what they put in those things, but the dreams were downright psychedelic! Not CD related, though.
    I am a vessel of the goddess. Let me express my calling to a feminine life through nurturing love and relatedness.

  14. #14
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    I remember dreams of fishing, hiking where rattlesnakes were, and they went on and on. Once, I was sitting naked on an ottoman in a woman's clothing store just watching the ladies try on various dresses and lingerie. I just watched. Dream ended. But the two dreams I remember most was that I could FLY and I did with sort of a dolphin swim mode. Both were happy ones but My mind could never recreate them. Nuts!

  15. #15
    Senior Member GretchenM's Avatar
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    I have had many dreams of flying. Sometimes under my own power and other times in a car that somehow flies, without wings I might add. They are exciting and memorable dreams and always pleasant - nobody trying to shoot me down. Just cruising over a landscape or through a forest and always with very good landings. I link it to times when I want to get away and go take a trip some place where I can camp, hike and just enjoy living. And having a deep love for birds and amazement over their ability to fly and do marvelous things in the air must have something to do with it. They are among my most pleasant dreams. Most dreams are just a mish mash of scenes and clips with nonsensical story lines, but flying dreams seem to be the most coherent of all the dreams I remember. They tell stories.

  16. #16
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    I had a CD dream recently. I was examining a new dress that just arrived. It was a white dress with a big skirt. My wife was with me and I was anxious to try it on. I told my wife that I would need a slip with this dress and I look for her approval. She held up a skirt and told me to try this on as well. I had a sensation of acceptance.

    Usually in my CD dreams I find myself at work or in public and wearing a dress or nightgown. I am usually anxious and trying to hide the fact that I'm dressed in women's clothing, but nobody seems to notice or pay attention to me. So far in my CD dreams none of the characters in the dream pay attention to my dressing.

    I have found that if I brush my hair in my dreams it magically grows and appears very feminine. If I touch my breasts they magically become feminine. The sensations are all present in my dreams as well. In my dreams I can also fly, walk through walls, vanquish boogie-men, summon people into the dream, and discover ultimate truths. Yes, I enjoy my dreams.

  17. #17
    Banned Read only
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    Nope, but dreams don't mean anything anyway...

    I know, I know, people have been trying to give meaning to dreams for as long as people have been dreaming.

    But there has not been one single reputable study that proves they mean anything.

  18. #18
    Aspiring Member ShelbyDawn's Avatar
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    I occasionally have the same CD dream where I am at work and am suddenly in a dress or skirt. I scurry around trying to hide while nobody pays me any attention.
    I am Me and Me is OK!


  19. #19
    Junior Member bobbi1957's Avatar
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    lately ive had lots of dressing dreams some where im dressed with friends or wife others where im shopping and get caught by someone i know..... since lockdown wife has been home alot so few chances to be dressed so that could be why

  20. #20
    Banned Read only
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    Hi Jenny,

    I have lots of dreams too, though nothing about crossdressing that I can recall. (Which doesn't mean there weren't any.) Up to a point I can agree with Roberta, that reading too much "symbolic meaning" into dreams is a mistaken waste of time. As Bob Dylan once sang: "I wouldn't worry about it none though; them old dreams are only in your head." On analyzing my own dreams, what I almost invariably find is that they're a crazy mishmash of things I happened to have been experiencing, or thinking about, during the previous day or so, as my brain "picks them over" during sleep, sorting them out into a surrealist kaleidoscope puzzle of pieces that make no sense when put together in such random ways. (Did Salvador Dali have such dreams?)

    But I wouldn't go so far with Roberta as to claim that dreams have no real meaning in our lives. They can reveal subconscious fears or wishes that shouldn't be discounted. As Bob Dylan went on to sing: "Hold it, Doc, a World War passed through my brain!" Oddly enough, one theme that's cropped up now and again in my dreams is the embarrassment of finding myself somehow naked in a public place, or (worse!) "going to the toilet" (for want of a phrase) in the living room of somebody's home I'm visiting; using, say, an ashtray or a planter as a convenient receptacle--or even on the carpet! (How gross! I hope this isn't "TMI" to relate on this forum!) Freud would have made a heyday of this, obsessed as he was with "orifices" of all kinds.

    Needless to say, these are things we'd never dream of doing in reality, and would be utterly mortified if we were caught doing them. On the surface this has nothing to do with crossdressing, and I'm not an overly anxious person or prone to neurotic fears and imaginings. But to me these dreams may well symbolize a fear of being seen doing something that ought to be kept secret or private, where discovery could mean instant embarrassment or condemnation. These could well include crossdressing, the only thing I've felt a real need to "hide" in my life.

    The dream you've related was quite different, but I wouldn't say it was without significance. Is some inner need urging you to transition, as represented by those bystanders asking you "Why haven't you done it yet?" Did you suppress a need to transition for good and practical reasons, but has the time come to consider it now, especially if your wife has passed, as DianeT mentioned. If this is true, I'm sorry about the loss of your wife. I lost my own wife of forty years back in 2014, so I know what that's about. And I know I'm not "trans" myself. But for you, has the time come to consider transition, or just being more boldly open and public about your gender needs and expression? Is that what the dream means? It shouldn't take a leap of faith, or a belief in mystical "symbolism," to guess that.

    Incidentally I enjoyed your allusion to that Everly Brothers classic, a song I loved (being an incurable romantic from an early age) since I first heard it.

  21. #21
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    L guess I should clarify .. The dream was just that, a dream. I didn't try to analyze it, ladies. I just reported it for your amusement. I'm 85 y/o, a little too old to even think about transitioning. But, I used to, years ago, wondering what it would be like to be a female.

  22. #22
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    Dreaming here too........

    Quote Originally Posted by Jenny22 View Post
    I dream every night, usually short vignette types that flip plots while dreaming. I rarely dream of anything trans, but last night I did, and it was a doozy. I've never had strong feelings about transitioning, but that was the plot! I was dressed as a male, walking on a sidewalk, and every person I met or passed asked me, "when are you going to transition"? TRUE!! It was really weird! Too much I guess. lol. Have others had this similerley happen?
    I usually dream when in my panties, sometimes hard, thinking of being a bottom for a cute gay hunk.

  23. #23
    Silver Member Sandi Beech's Avatar
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    I can only think of one dream in the last couple of years where I was doing some type of crossdressing, and it was one of the vague kind - not much to remember of it.

    You would think I would dream about it often though since I think about crossdressing a lot in the daytime.

    What is stranger is that I have nightmares at least every other night or so and it drives my wife nuts. She has to wake me up because I look like I am having a seizure or so she says. They are wild. A few months ago I dreamt that my wife was keeping a baby 7 ft T-Rex chained up in the basement and somehow I knew the thing wanted to eat me. I said either the t-Rex goes or I go. She said she had to think about it. That is when I woke up very upset and mad as all get out about it. One dream scared me so bad I fell out of the bed. It was one hard landing and I was sore for a week. I wish I did not have them so often. They usually hit about 1 to 2 hours into my deepest rem sleep. I would welcome just having a dressing dream.


  24. #24
    Aspiring Member Star01's Avatar
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    I don't remember most of my dreams, probably due to the sleep aid I take. When I do remember them I'm usually on the aircraft carrier flight deck launching aircraft and I'm struggling to remember the launch procedures so I don't get yelled at by the shooter.

  25. #25
    Junior Member bobbi1957's Avatar
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    so i blame all of you (kidding) last night had another dream ..i was at a mall with lots of friends and family... dressed in a skirt and nice top , dont know why . everyone kept asking why i was weaaring a skirt . i answered all with i just am and moved on trying to find a store that sold mens cloths so i could change but no stores. dont remember much else

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