I contend that cross dressing is entirely normal and that most, if not all men have the capacity to be excited by it. Note that I say normal and not usual. Clearly not all men end up doing it. But I myself, for instance, feel entirely normal and I sense that the vast majority of the ladies here are just normal men. I feel it in the way most of you write. Now granted, I consider myself imaginative and unconstrained intellectually by received mores. But I nevertheless get a huge sexual, and let's be honest, it's mostly sexual, kick out of seeing myself dressed as a woman and being seen that way. Woman seem to hate that, and I myself keep that side of its attraction out of the limelight, even though my partner is entirely accepting and helps me choose and buy clothes. Which means, if my contention is correct, that women don't want to believe in the true reality of what it is to be a man, so in general it is better they remain in ignorance. This applies, I guess, to many private thoughts and fantasies that we all have.

As for evidence to support my theory, I don't have much. However, for instance, I have heard that actors who have to don women's clothes for their job frequently find that they enjoy it. And we frequently see men prannying around on the telly as clowns in frocks, perhaps glad of the opportunity to indulge in the taboo without perceived threat to their masculinity. ConversIy, I can't however imagine my father ever indulging in cross dressing and he certainly disapproves therof. But I suspect that is mostly conservatistm. For I know too that he used to have a strong kinky side; my mother once told me a few things.

A further factor that might encourage some men more than others is physical appearance. Certainly some of us have less work to do than others to appear feminine. But that doesn't contradict my original assertion.

It would be interesting to put the theory to a survey. What do you ladies think would be the result?

And that leads me to my final question: is it the fact that we are indulging a sexual fantasy in public, something that will always make people uncomfortable, that is the real reason behind the CD taboo?

To conclude, my post is certainly framed as a bit of a challenge. I will be interested to see the responses. My apologies to those of you who consider yourself women. But from what I can fathom though, most of us don't.