Absolutely, and really quite naturally. I've been involved in public speaking since elementary school, so vocal modulation comes easily. Whenever I'm dressed I just start speaking as Vivian would, without thinking about it.

Quote Originally Posted by Just Dana View Post
And my mom has a wicked southern accent. The first time the thought of trying to change my voice popped into my head, southern belle popped out of my mouth. It is slower and more sing-songy. It's also bordering on cultural appropriation and would definitely stand out in Chicago, so I'm trying to not do it. It feels very natural, though.
The daughter of a colleague grew up in Georgia with a thick southern accent. She was accepted to college in the state of Washington. She tried hard to eliminate the accent for fear of being taken as a hick. One week after school starts my colleague talks to her daughter on the phone, and the southern accent is back with a vengeance. It seems the daughter discovered that the northern boys all love the southern accent!