So i made a medium step in my crossdressing. Most people who know about me being a crossdresser are people online. Which I came out to a few months ago. But they arent people I know in real life. So last night I took a step to tell 2 friends. I was nervous. One of them was a girl that I was seeing for a few years. I told her first as for the longest time when we were together I didn't. She was great about it. She told me to be me and be happy. The next person I told was a friend who I was close with when I worked over nights and we were on the same shifts, but different states. She was amazing about it. Telling me that if I wanted she could help me with some looks and asking me what I have done with everything. I told her that I stick to a casual look of yoga pants and a shirt. Nothing to excited. She told me that she supports and would help me with other things too. Well I guess its time to go on a trip to see her. Lmao. Thanks for reading. I hope you all are well.