Hello peeps;

Although I've been a member here for ages, I haven't been here in years. I came out as trans and started HRT in 2015. Little did I know the can of worms my transition would open for me. I learned a lot about myself in the process, including all my parents took to their graves.
I've lived most of my life as a male but always had this nagging feeling I should be a woman. Growing up I endured 23 yrs of seizures until age 31 when neurosurgeons did brain surgery to stop them. I was always told those seizures were a result of having spinal meningitis as a toddler - that was only part of the reason. The other part was I learned as a preschooler I was a psych patient for insisting I was a girl. I was subject to a lobotomy and that was what caused my meningitis. I even obtained MRI proof showing the thin bone of my right eye socket has been punctured.
And if that wasn't shocking enough to learn; I've been trans now for 5 years and I learned the reason I insisted I was a girl early on. I was born intersex - I have male and female organs. My female organs never matured since testosterone is the dominant hormone. Now that I've blocked T for years, I started a menstrual cycle. Additionally, I learned as a woman, I am fertile. I would be a bio-dad to my first child and a bio-mom should I have a second child. Wrap your minds around that one.
I post this both to educate, and let the friends I made here know what happened to me.